Ginagee71 Member


  • You're on the right track if thats how you feel, I stopped smoking because i was scared of the things you have been thru happening to me. now i need to lose the weight. Good luck and add me as friend.
  • W2/d3 tonight, struggling with lactic acid in my calves last night so gave in finish it tonight, i didn't really stretch as usual first and think thats why i got the lactic acid? Could there be another reason for it?
  • When you start eating correctly again you will gain back the weight you lose, try find a blog or topic on starvation mode.
  • Jaffa cakes are great for when you fancy something sweet and low cals too.
  • I've downloaded all the podcasts, weeks 1 -9 they all have good music and you are told when to run/walk!
  • I started it a few weeks ago and loved it but my trainers were unsuitable, they were causing pain in my shins, so i'll join you and start next week, new trainers should arrive tuesday tho? i've also download the podcasts for each week, they have up beat music and you are told when to run and when to walk. Please feel free…
  • I would think of it this way... Will you being doing any more damage running than if you stayed overweight??
    in Running Comment by Ginagee71 May 2011
  • Hi, I stopped smoking and gained 30lb, but now i have realised i was alredy over weight so need to lose almost 40lb. I find it realy hard at weekends to regulate anything lol even taking in water is a struggle at the weekend. Good luck with you healthy lifestyle. Gina :happy:
  • Hey, I'm from S****horpe, feel free to add me too :smile: Because my home town has a swear word in it, it won't spell it properly lol, North Lincolnshire is where i'm at
  • I would go online and find out how much per hour Cross fit burns, then enter it into your own exercise datbase. :wink:
    in CrossFit Comment by Ginagee71 April 2011
  • You look amazing, this has encouraged me no end now to try harder. :happy:
  • That is brilliant, can't wait to see your photo's. These bugg things? are they good and are they expensive? Thanks for sharing your success. :happy:
  • Hi Bro, we've been planning nite before, only prob last night when we went to the gym was lactic acid lol so couldn't do as much as planned, i went to body pump the nite before working with weights. any ideas? x
    in Hi Comment by Ginagee71 April 2011
  • in Hi Comment by Ginagee71 April 2011