
Hello there, I am Gina,

My fiancé and I stopped smoking 5 months ago (cold turkey) and we are very proud of our achievement, but it has had it's consequences ..... 30lbs gain for me.

My Brother told me to come on here and I love it, it has made me focus on what I actually eat and I was amazed at how much i can put away lol. Our biggest challenge will be weekends and this is our first, so fingers crossed I can drum up the same will power I did for the nicotine. fingers crossed,

Thanks for reading.


  • dean0721
    dean0721 Posts: 143
    welcome Gina,

    Good luck with the challenges you set yourself, feel free to add me if your looking for encouragement....

    all the best...
  • vodkaswigger
    Hi Gina, i too gave up smoking cold turkey and gained the same amount of weight haha! I have been on this site 2 weeks,its fab for support and advice and great for helping you in lots of ways, good luck in your weight loss,congrats on the giving up smoking also, as i know cold turkey is the hardest way to go,im sure we can both crack our newly found food demons, you can do it xxx
  • kps1104
    kps1104 Posts: 58

    great job on your accomplishment! that is an awesome goal! Good luck on your weight loss journey, I have 30 lbs to lose as well...feel free to add me and we can keep each other motivated :)
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Weekends can go either way for me, I can either eat myself silly or i can get to 5pm Saturday and realise i havent had a drink or eaten.

    i think the best way to conquer a weekend is to plan. work out what your going to eat so you can be prepared! this also enables you to fit it around any plans that you have made.

    good luck with your first weekend, shout if you need help and feel free to add me!

    Ceri x
  • Mutsie
    Mutsie Posts: 15
    Welcome and congratulations on your achievement so far! Well done! I gave up smoking cold turkey 18 months ago. I also gained 15 kilos (about 30 lbs) after that.... ;)

    Good luck this new journey and if you are looking for support, feel free to add me as a friend!
  • catodd
    catodd Posts: 37 Member
    Hi sis,
    It may sound sad but when i wake up in the morning i already know what im gonna eat that day and tailor my training around that ! It works for me.
    See ya soon
  • ChrisR0128
    I also quite smoking about 4 months ago, I joined here because after quiting I started packing on the pounds (not that I was anywhere close to thin to begin with). Been at it for almost 6 weeks now and have lost close to 30 pounds. Good luck to you and your fiancee!
  • Ginagee71
    Ginagee71 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi sis,
    It may sound sad but when i wake up in the morning i already know what im gonna eat that day and tailor my training around that ! It works for me.
    See ya soon
  • Ginagee71
    Ginagee71 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Bro, we've been planning nite before, only prob last night when we went to the gym was lactic acid lol so couldn't do as much as planned, i went to body pump the nite before working with weights. any ideas? x
  • RuePaul
    RuePaul Posts: 12
    Chris we owe you for getting us on here, its a great webby,