weight loss

well i join this site a wile ago and never kept it going... wish i had of , was doing well when i was on it... but since then iv been in hospital for 10 days with clots in the lung/pe and dvt in the leg, this is the second time in my life that this to happen to me... at the age of 35. i,m starting to feel like i,m already coming to an end... which it not something that i won,t... i be very honested to say my will power is not very good.. and my head is melted.. but i now feel that time is running out.... and that i need to get my head right.. plus me and my wife would love to have a family too... and i would like us very much to have that... so i would like as many friends on this as possable who are loosing there weight.. as i need help... and lots of it... i,m am now on warfarin for life... i won,t that life to be alot longer... so with user help i may get there.... well that,s the hope anyway.....


  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Sounds like you have had a "wake up" call. USe it to your benefit and choose to eat healthy and start walking. Doing just a little bit at a time can really make a difference over time. THis is a lifestyle change, not a 2 week diet plan. You gotta stick with this. Good luck to you!
  • Ginagee71
    Ginagee71 Posts: 15 Member
    You're on the right track if thats how you feel, I stopped smoking because i was scared of the things you have been thru happening to me. now i need to lose the weight. Good luck and add me as friend.
  • gimpy_flipipino
    Hello all I am new to this program I'm accually starting today I am 25yo I am disabled and I need to lose weight because it is effecting my everyday life i am a very sedentary person and i want to change that i am unable to run/jog but i can walk at a slow pace on a tredmill for about 10 min at a time most of my muscle/strength is in my upper body because i am partially pareplegic, also I am currently a smoker and i am going to remedy that very soon probably tomorrow... Anyways I'm glad to be here and I'm always willing to listen to anyones advise and feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like.:smile:
  • fiabka
    fiabka Posts: 294 Member
    Hey, You are doin the right thing & well done for that
    It aint gonna be easy but it can be done
    The support on MFP is 2nd to none, & not a week goes by when I am not moved by someones kindness or another ones achievements
    the best support & help is here for you
    So what you waiting for enjoy the journey & good luck
    Feel free to add
  • mazza2marilyn
    i,ve just looked at your diary, it is not at all healthy, to much bread, to much chocolate.
    you should go to your doctor and get a diet sheet. good luck to you on your journey.