

  • They are NOT expensive at all! They are $9.98 for a bottle of 90 pills. They also have chromium picolinate which is natural and suppresses the appetite. Caffeine in them give you energy and make you feel more alert. Also lots of antioxidents. I would rather take these than anything else over the counter or prescribed by a…
  • It also has chromium picolinate which is a natural appetite suppressant. I take them too and love them.
  • I am currently taking Green Tea Fat Burner... It makes me alert,gives me energy,and curbs my appetite. I have sleep apnea so I wake up still exausted. I usually don't feel like I'm really awake and ready to take on the day until the evening. I started taking these pills and I feel more alert and energetic. I"ve only been…
  • For an evening snack,have some prunes. You will have a bowel movement first thing in the morning.
  • I also suffered from eating disorders. Compulsive Overeating and Night Eating. I still struggle at times,but am winning the war. I AM SOO PROUD OF YOU FOR YOUR ACCOMPLISHMENTS!!! One thing I did that really helped was,after talking to my doctor, I checked out the new government food guidelines at It asked…
  • Found this on the internet... Why some workouts cause your hands to swell -- and what to do about it. By Betsy Stephens Question: "After walking on a treadmill for about 45 minutes, my fingers and hands swell. What's the deal?" Answer: It's common for hands to balloon, especially during longer workouts, but it's nothing to…
  • MEOW... LOL
  • Splenda is my favorite too! Truvia is ok... Not nearly as sweet as Splenda and if you had to much,it tastes bitter. I'm cutting back on how much Splenda I put in my tea and trying to use Truvia more often. The Doctors I've worked with at the hospital think artifical sweetner is terrible for your body and your mind. It has…
  • I am taking in 1800 calories a day...Are you doing the HCG diet?