IslanderLily Member


  • Carrie! Congratulations on getting started, I really think this the hardest step. Thank you for sharing your story and know you aren't alone! This is my second go at this after a few years of hiding behind a wall of anxiety and depression and eating my feelings. It's time to rejoin the land of the living. One day at a…
  • I hate to miss a workout but when I get sick, I rest!!! If you are getting sick on the tail end of another illness, you bod is telling you to slow down! Your immune system is weakened and it needs that energy to heal...extra rest is best, stay hydrated and if you have access to a juicer, drink as much as you can of leafy…
  • I've had the same concerns...bump
  • It really is a hard time of month and I totally understand what you are going through! I've found that as my choices in food become healthier, the less cravings I have! But sometimes no matter what you do, you just can't help yourself, you just have to have that's okay have to exercise for it! Thats the…
  • I've been wondering the same thing! I read everyone's posts and I think I will use them,. Though I don't want to eat all of them, but if I'm hungry, I'm definitely going to eat what I need. I've averaged eating at least half of them over the last 8 days and have still managed to lose 5 pounds, so something is working…
  • The more the merrier! We all need as much support as we can get!
  • I use Dance Central for the Kinect and I like it a lot, I can really work up a sweat with that one and I love to dance..I also have Just Dance 2 for the Wii which got me started using dance games, the Kinect seemed like a great progression from that. Both do get me sweating and they have "sweat' counters, I have no idea…
  • My goal is to lose about about 70 pounds too! My kids are all teens now and I have no more excuses! We moms have such a crazy busy schedule and it's hard to eat healthy when everyone around us eats whatever whenever so it always seems like the the world is against us but this site has really gotten me on track, I hope it…
  • I am a decorative artist and professional faux finisher..most people have no clue what that means and if they think they do, they are usually wrong. I do custom finishes on walls, ceilings, name it., using glazes, paint, plasters etc to achieve whatever finish someone points at and say "make it look like…