Working out when sick

I woke up this morning with a painful, burning cough (which feels suspiciously like it felt when I had H1N1 in 2009 :() and am not feeling particularly motivated to work out. The problem is, I literally JUST got over a cold a week ago, and during that week my fitness suffered pretty greatly, and I DON'T want that to happen again. I worked too hard to get to where I am.

I know that I should probably lay off the cardio a bit, since I'm finding it difficult to breathe laying down, but does anyone have any suggestions/what do you guys do to work out when you're sick?


  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I SUCK IT UP & get my workouts done...! It helps to release the Endorphins back into my system that my body craves daily....

    Go for a walk - get some fresh air :wink:
  • jen31889
    jen31889 Posts: 121
    I don't workout when I'm sick because my body needs that energy to heal. I tend to take A LOT longer to heal when I don't take it easy for a few days.
  • IslanderLily
    IslanderLily Posts: 11 Member
    I hate to miss a workout but when I get sick, I rest!!! If you are getting sick on the tail end of another illness, you bod is telling you to slow down! Your immune system is weakened and it needs that energy to heal...extra rest is best, stay hydrated and if you have access to a juicer, drink as much as you can of leafy greens, the concentrated nutrients will boost your system AND your body won't have to waste precious energy on extracting those nutrients from the foods you eat! Show your body some love, it's the only one you've got!! Get better soon!!!!!
  • JenHollandsworth
    JenHollandsworth Posts: 25 Member
    I do take it easy when I don't feel good, but I think the people on here are right... get some fresh air with an easy outdoor walk. Or, I do yoga when I'm sick... feels good on the sore body, too. Hope you feel better soon! Drink lots of water with lemon! :)
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    Unless I'm deathly ill, I at least try to take a walk and keep my body in the "spirit of moving". I noticed that healthy people rarely miss exercising so I try to do the same.

    Hope you feel better! :)

  • mustangurl
    mustangurl Posts: 104 Member
    i have done some research on this and what i have learned is...if it's above your neck, i.e. a head cold, then you are fine to workout but if it is below in your chest you shouldn't. i know this isn't what you want to hear..i am in the same boat, i haven't been able to workout since wednesday..but it's better to take a few days off than to hinder your progress for longer
  • andyj1984
    andyj1984 Posts: 76
    Definitely rest, at the most some very light exercise such as a 30 minute casual walk. Flu and cold's take several days to get over, and your body needs rest in order to fight the virus. Also drink plenty of water, probably more than you would usually do.
  • superstarcola
    thanks so much for the advice guys, I do appreciate it.
    I think that because it's in my chest (and solely in my chest) I'm going to suck it up, take a rest day and see what the doctor says tomorrow.