delineationfiguration Member


  • I think I am one of the few who have been surprised at "normal serving portions" - in the opposite direction. Then again, I have never been a good eater of 'proper' food, but rather have my downfall with chocolate and cakes and muffins and and and ;) Finally, most of my calories are from the more vitamin-filled,…
  • Alright, thank you so much for your input. I shall take that to heart and simply push the session forward a day or two.
  • That is not the healthy you talking. Spend some energy on resolving that frustration and anger instead. If you have some techniques used in therapy, I would look to those. You should not feel this way due to the situation you just described.
  • Very likely, since I am the mother of two, autistic and one of my children is autistic too. Would you postpone the gym on those days or just follow the plan?
  • Funny you should say that! I just had my period and pushed through on those days. In fact, exercise really helps me with the cramps and I felt energized afterwards. Which makes me scratching my head about these other days, where it seems to take whatever little energy I had to begin with and supply me with none.
  • Alright, thank you for your response. The doctor has no ideas, so I am just wondering if I should push through or not.
  • Thank you for the suggestion :) Though I have fatty fish three times a week and the doctor did not find any deficiencies.
  • Sorry, I should have said that I have had blood work and most things are fine (except dropping blood sugar levels, after high spikes), though I am on a magnesium supplement. My blood sugar is well managed at the moment.
  • Remember that words have power. If you tell yourself you are lazy - you will be more likely to lay around doing little. If you tell yourself you lack the ability to control yourself, you already have a ready excuse for when you fail to do so. Instead of recruiting a stranger to control your life, you need to find ways to…
  • 28.5. Can't wait! It has been years...
  • I have a go-to recipe for a lovely, thick soup; warming, satisfying and plenty of protein. It takes about 40 minutes to make, but you can do a big batch. This is for four people and gives approximately 300-350 calories per serving. Ingredients* 400 g chicken breast * 50-100 g butternut squash * 400 g chopped tomatoes (tin)…
  • Strawberries and cream? One of my favourites and you can really get some calories in there from the cream, if you do not try to avoid it ;) You could also bake some stuff yourself, lowering the sugar and replacing it with better options. Low-carb pancakes and low-carb waffles are nice - both containing a good amount of…
  • In my experience, you are setting yourself up for failure. Your body will get fairly desperate for food soon. So what, you had a day you ate more than usual? What matters is the rest of the time. As the saying goes; you don't get overweight because of what you eat between Christmas and New Years, but due to what you eat…
  • We cook most dinners from scratch. We spend £400 per month for two adults and two children, aged 6 and 10 (this is actually a little above the average spend for a four-person family). My tips:* Cook double, triple or however many portions and freeze all but one for the following week(s). * Snacks for children on weekdays…
  • I rejoined MyFitnessPal and restarted my weight-loss today. May not be a small thing, but at the same time it is: No drastic changes, just logging and not having 100 grams of chocolate tonight ;)
  • Nobody should hate their own body. It is unhealthy in its own right. Nobody should feel or be treated as if they are of less value than other people; whether because of disability, weight, skin colour or sexual orientation. Illness should not be glorified, though.
  • Self-soothe. Admit that you are feeling stressed and upset, and give yourself permission to do so. Think of what you would say to a friend in your life situation and give yourself that same speech. I also believe that people with binge-eating disorders should limit their supply of calorie-dense snacks. Make sure you have…
  • The thought that weight or other shallow classifications of people cause them to either be "in the basement" or "the penthouse" is foreign to me. I love my partner for who he is. For how he cares for me, for the times he makes me laugh, for his very way of being and his lightening intelligence. His weight does not come in…
  • As many others said, I would tackle the "addiction" by having some, a small serving, now and again. Or part the bag in to three large portions and have one third every Saturday / whatever day you want to indulge yourself in front of a movie with your partner or similar. If you do not deal with your emotional issues…
  • I have just started and I am heavy, so my calorie goal is 1780. So far I eat a little less, at least if including exercise calories, but I love my food and I am enjoying it every day. I also enjoy cooking and baking when possible! My partner is an exercise beast and needs a lot of protein, so tend to be a lot of chicken in…
  • Vegetables can be added in a lot of ways. If you do a home-made bolognese, you can finely chop peppers, onion and carrots and add to the sauce. These, on top of tomatoes will provide you with a lot of nutrition. If you prefer un-cooked, but want it as part of a hot meal, stir-frys may be for you. Baby corn and water…
  • I have just started, four days in. Feel free to add :)