How can I stop binge eating when stressed?

I've been struggling with continual weight gain since my mum got ill and died 3 years ago. Since February this year I have started eating healthy and exercising, and I'm finally losing some weight.
Ds1 came home from uni for the Easter holidays and he came down with a nasty skin infection (he has severe eczema) and he has been admitted to hospital. He will be fine and they said he will just be in for a few days, but as soon as I got home from hospital when he was admitted I went straight to the cupboard. I have been eating chocolate, cakes, crisps, puddings; stopped exercising and now just sit on my butt. I know he isn't even too ill or in any danger but I just lose all will power.
How can I learn not to give up and give in the minute I hit a bump in the road?


  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    acknowledge your stress, and find a healthy alternative.
  • delineationfiguration
    Self-soothe. Admit that you are feeling stressed and upset, and give yourself permission to do so. Think of what you would say to a friend in your life situation and give yourself that same speech.

    I also believe that people with binge-eating disorders should limit their supply of calorie-dense snacks. Make sure you have ready-cut fruit and vegetables ready for that "stuffing something in to my mouth" feeling, without ending up piling on the pounds.
  • cholepapi
    cholepapi Posts: 79
    Find a distracter. Call a friend, go walking, listen to motivational music, ring a bell, get on FP,........
  • poodlenoodlemuffin
    poodlenoodlemuffin Posts: 23 Member
    Go for a walk when you start to feel overwhelmed. It gets you away from the food, and the combination of the rhythm of movement and fresh air should help you calm down and think through things. It works for me, anyway!