

  • Agree, you need to go into a shop and have them take a look at how you run i.e. are you an over pronator? Neutral? Under? wide is your foot, etc. Lots to consider. Personally, I need a wide shoe due to a little toe deformity and so I usually wear New Balance which seem to offer more 4Es than anyone else. And I…
  • I recommend it. It makes going to the gym something to enjoy than dread. Get a good tablet, I have the galaxy tab Pro 8.4 which has a micro card slot so I have unlimited space. Ive downloaded hundreds of movies and TV shows. I even have the old Taxi series with Alex, Nardo, Louie, Latka........movies, TV shows, .........I…
  • I belong to both 24 hour fitness and LA Fitness. The 24 hour fitness is closer so I usually go there but I prefer LA Fitness, especially now that I have a tablet to watch movies and don't need the screens. I like the layout at LA Fitness, the 2 floors , the cardio separated from the weights on a different floor, the…
  • I do take breaks. Usually around half dozen and usually about a minute to 2 minutes. I'm just not what I used to be I guess.....It's ok to take breaks. It's good for the mind and the body. Usually to grab some water and sit for 30 to 60 seconds. This routine usually takes about 2 hours. From start to finish. Then shower…
  • Never saw Captain America. I"ll have to check it out.......thanks!
  • Thanks......good day and Scarface was great. It always is......:)
  • Thanks, it was a good one today. The run was exhilarating, a full 7 miles, good pace, (for me) 10 minutes a mile, weights and final 10 minutes on elliptical were strong, good closing. And Tony Montana never screwed anybody over that didn't have it coming to him. Omar had it coming to him. Tony never liked him, never…
  • My experience is that running outside is easier psychologically because of the simple fact that you are outside with changing scenery, etc. But probably harder physically because face it......running on the treadmill propels you, like running down hill effect. But running on the treadmill is harder psychologically because…
  • Netflix is a data hog for me since I have limited data of only 3 GB per month and our gym doesn't have wifi. That's another reason I got the tablet. I wish the gym had wifi, I'd probably watch Netflix more. Anyways......good luck. Thanks!
  • LOL....yeah, it's pretty simple isn't it? thanks......:)
  • That's the principle...something, anything to keep from looking at the clock and realize just how much I love to hate what I am doing. I usually have periods where I am on certain subjects, like World War 2 documentaries, Hitler, The Russians, all those old black and white documentaries on Youtube. And North Korea, what a…
  • You know, the bluetooth might be a good idea. Sometimes if the headphone wire is swinging in front of me, My arm will catch it and all hell breaks loose. The tablet gets almost knocked off the little ledge/rack and I have to catch before it ends up on the treadmill and somewhere 10 feet behind me. Thanks! And I don't hold…
  • golly, you could be right.
  • Because I really like to eat.
  • Get a tablet with a micro card slot and start downloading your favorite movie and TV shows. Turn the gym into your own theater. Today I watched "And the Band Played On" which is an award winning movie about the AIDS crisis in the early 80s. It was compelling, it was riveting and I forgot I was running 6.5 miles and on the…
  • Well, I have a routine that I rarely deviate from. So it means my time in the gym is almost always the same ........about 2 hours. And I notice a lot of the same people who are in there when I am and many for about the same time. You know, you see the same people in there while you are there. I'm at the gym 6 days a week.…
  • LOL....yeah, I just can't do that. Next week I'm gonna watch a whole bunch of Columbo's from the early 70s. Just finished downloading about 20 episodes to my micro card. Can't wait to watch em......which means can't wait to get to the gym.
  • As Baretta said.....different strokes. By the way, this isn't a novel idea. The 24 hour ultra sport and I"m sure other gyms have screens now on the treadmills and cardio machines. Anyways, 6.5 mile run today, good run.....10/minute per mile average. Then 40 minutes with weights and finished with 1.5 mile on the machine. I…
  • Today I ran 6.5 miles, did weights for 40 minutes, then finished with another 1.5 miles (15 minutes) on the elliptical. If that isn't an actual work out to Solazza told Tom Hagen in "The GodFather" compliments.
  • I'm in the gym at a time, mid morning , and both gyms I go to are big.......there's never a wait for the treadmills or cardio machines. In fact, most are not being used. I have never seen it when there was a wait, even on Sunday. I guess it's because the gyms I go to are pretty big. 24 hour utlra sport and a good sized LA…
  • Yes, my cardio is pretty long. I run or do the elliptical between 7 and 8 miles a day. I have a routine. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday is mostly run. Monday and Thursday is all elliptical. Today I ran 6.5 miles, did weights, then did 1.5 miles on the elliptical. Long time in the gym today.......but I don't work out…
  • I have an Ipod classic with a 2 inch screen. I clip it to the belt around my waiste so I can watch it between sets. And of course the sound is always on. I watched Pumping Iron AGAIN today. I never get tired of it because it's from the 70s, my era, it's Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, (Im from Southern CA)'s funny, it's…
  • Don't be embarrassed. I sweat a lot at the gym and I'm not embarrassed at all. It shows you are actually working out, getting the heart rate up, pushing it and doing something. Not like the walkers and slackers. Ive had people tell me they see me and are inspired. Sweating is good. Wear it as a badge of honor. Good luck.
  • keep watching Pumping Iron on my Ipod for the zillioneth time but never getting tired of it. I liked the 70s I guess........