The secret to finding the gym.

If you don't have a tablet, get one and turn the gym into your own personal daily movie theater. Get a tablet that has a microcard and download the movies you want to screen today. I do cardio including running and elliptical for an average of 1.5 hours a day. There is no way I could do this without having a movie to watch. I have downloaded at least a hundred over the last couple of years. All types.....from "The GodFather" to Honeymoon in Vegas........from documentaries about World War 2 and Hitler to Car Wash.

I have a Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4 which is perfect for the gym and has a micro card slot.

Today, in just about an hour, we will heading to 24 hour fitness here in North Dallas and today we are screening "And the Band Played On'.....a movie about the AIDS crisis, when it started, how it started, the circumstances, the politics, ...........etc.

I"m interested in this movie I had never seen before because I remember so well in the early 80s when this dreadful thing hit. I'm not gay but I remember the fear, even among heterosexuals. I remember that we didn't know anything about it, what was causing it........but it was out there. So I'm really looking forward to this award winning movie which was made back in the 90s....(I think).

And that is why I am looking forward to going to the gym today. I get to watch a great movie and work off about 900 calories. And during my weights?......The Tablet is too big to carry around, so I resort to my Ipod, clip it on my waiste and usually watch "pumping iron" from 1975. I never get tired of watching it.

Well, it works for me.........good luck.


  • jasminecoco
    jasminecoco Posts: 50 Member
    Exercising, education AND having fun at the same time??
    It sounds awesome!
    I don't know how it will work for me as I like to think about nothing while running
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    how do you lift and watch a movie?

    I watch netflix all the time if I have to do cardio- but I couldn't imagine watching it while lifting.

    That being said- glad you found something that works for you- that's really an important step to getting fitness into your life and making it work for you.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I guess there is sort of a connection between And the Band Played On and finding happiness at the gym. The gay (men's) community reacted to the AIDS crisis initially needing to "look" healthy. Hence, there was an increased focus put on having a good-looking body; it meant you looked clean. It was an unfortunate, if understandable, response. All that meant more gym time--let me hear your body talk.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Why do you do cardio for 1.5 hours a day?????

    I wonder if your putting your full attention into your workouts.. I can barely change songs when working out let alone watch a movie.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    but what about those of us that are actually working out? will a tablet based movie still bring us happiness and joy?
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    but what about those of us that are actually working out? will a tablet based movie still bring us happiness and joy?

    I wonder if watching movies will bring happiness to other aspects of my life.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Ah, you're the one that takes up cardio equipment while others wait for an hour and a half.

    Pumping Iron is a great documentary, but to look like any of those guys takes more than just watching the movie while doing a casual workout. Oh and some AAS too.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    but what about those of us that are actually working out? will a tablet based movie still bring us happiness and joy?

    I wonder if watching movies will bring happiness to other aspects of my life.

    pretty sure it does. this is why i always watch movies while having relations. i just wish my wife was more into anime
  • gerla_k
    gerla_k Posts: 495 Member
    Personally i wouldn't bring tablet to any gym- then leave it in my locker while shower ? no way.
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    but what about those of us that are actually working out? will a tablet based movie still bring us happiness and joy?

    I wonder if watching movies will bring happiness to other aspects of my life.

    pretty sure it does. this is why i always watch movies while having relations. i just wish my wife was more into anime

    Time for a new wife.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    but what about those of us that are actually working out? will a tablet based movie still bring us happiness and joy?

    I wonder if watching movies will bring happiness to other aspects of my life.

    pretty sure it does. this is why i always watch movies while having relations. i just wish my wife was more into anime

    Get her her own tablet and she can watch ...... I don't know..... Mama Mia or whatever chicks like.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    but what about those of us that are actually working out? will a tablet based movie still bring us happiness and joy?

    I wonder if watching movies will bring happiness to other aspects of my life.

    it does to mine ;) wink wink nudge nudge- I have a long distance relationship and we work odd hours so our schedules don't overlap. gotta get that happiness in some how!!!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Unless I'm on a treadmill set to a constant pace, I cannot watch tv while exercising... I move slower and everything takes me three times as long. I don't put as much effort into my workout as I do when I've got the tunes cranked.

    Especially if is a plot I'm interested in..

    I'm really glad you found what works for you, and kudos to your ability to find time to work out for that much time.

    I can't manage more than an hour without feeling like I am falling behind on other stuff. I need to be able to do a short run, lift weights, work abs, do a couple rounds of boxing - and try to squeeze that into an hour of concentrated, balls to the wall effort. :)
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    I can run and watch tv ON a tv. It doesn't effect my pace in the least however I highly doubt I would be able to balance a tablet on the console of the treadmill and run and watch a movie at the same time. That's kind of like trying to use the elliptical and read. Ain't going to happen.

    And the only time I have ever run for an hour plus on a TM was during my half marathon training when I missed my long run outside the day before and was forced to do it in the gym.
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    I have an Ipod classic with a 2 inch screen. I clip it to the belt around my waiste so I can watch it between sets. And of course the sound is always on. I watched Pumping Iron AGAIN today. I never get tired of it because it's from the 70s, my era, it's Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, (Im from Southern CA)'s funny, it's inspiring, and motivates.

    Ipod Classic with like 160 gb of memory. That's a lot of music and a lot of movies. But on the treadmill or elliptical, of course it's the Galaxy Tab with micro card. Apple Tablets have no micro card........boooo! :)

    Here's Pumping Iron on youtube:
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    Yes, my cardio is pretty long. I run or do the elliptical between 7 and 8 miles a day. I have a routine. Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday is mostly run. Monday and Thursday is all elliptical.

    Today I ran 6.5 miles, did weights, then did 1.5 miles on the elliptical. Long time in the gym today.......but I don't work out on Saturday.....I"m a Seventh day Adventist and that's the Sabbath and my only day I dont' work out. Sunday will be another big day.......7 mile run, weights, then 1 mile on elliptical. I like to sweat .....:)

    Ive been doing this for over 10 fact......close to 15. Ive gone from Sony walkmans to portable DVDs, , to Ipods, to tablets....I wonder what's next?
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    my secret to finding happiness in the gym... is to lift very heavy... drink water.... lift again. no time for watching anything but the clock to make sure i get a damn good workout in!!!!!
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    I'm in the gym at a time, mid morning , and both gyms I go to are big.......there's never a wait for the treadmills or cardio machines. In fact, most are not being used.

    I have never seen it when there was a wait, even on Sunday. I guess it's because the gyms I go to are pretty big. 24 hour utlra sport and a good sized LA Fitness.
  • truebrew
    truebrew Posts: 33
    but what about those of us that are actually working out? will a tablet based movie still bring us happiness and joy?

    Today I ran 6.5 miles, did weights for 40 minutes, then finished with another 1.5 miles (15 minutes) on the elliptical. If that isn't an actual work out to Solazza told Tom Hagen in "The GodFather" compliments.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I do cardio for 1.5 hours per day and I gotta say, I prefer not thinking about anything during that time. I just let my brain turn to mush and I like it :)