mrsyac2 Member


  • 3 weeks on Keto and struggling with all of weight loss. Carbs are less than 50 some days less than 20 protein is where it needs to be and yet scale isn't moving getting frustrated because I haven't touched bread, pasta ect in 3 weeks and I want some results. My energy level isn't all that it was rough the first 2 Weeks I…
  • yup I drink a shakeology shake or I'll have shakeology and a bowl of steel cut oats.. Right now I'm combining my shakeology and a cup of coffee.. Breakfast and a cup of joe combined.
  • You can do cardio and weight lifting together it is a great combo. as far as workouts the options are endless bicep curls (so many different variations, tricep extensions, skull crushers bench press- you can use the bench do step ups with or without weight, you can also lunge using the bench with your back foot on it. Ask…
  • I don't wear my HRM to do anything but workout and cut the grass (yes pushing a lawn mower in my yard is a workout and it's done once a week) I don't count my normal day to day activities like cleaning or grocery shopping.. (that stuff didn't count before so it isn't going to count now.. Today I burned 1089 calories total…
  • squats, squats, squats EVERYBODY!!!!!!
  • I need almost 2 hours to burn 1000. I have burned 1000-1100 before but that was about 2 hours of going hard.... I burn 570-600 in an hour. If you want to burn more calories do different workouts.. you have to get your heart rate bumping to burn the calories... the stair climber is a great calorie burner. When I workout I…
  • Lifting will most definitely help.. I love lifting weights. Form is so important.. Don't be afraid to lift more than 10lbs. you can get workout plans for lifting online, fitness magazines, pinterest... ect.. the options are endless.
  • you can't compare yourself to someone else. especially if like you said she is larger.. She is going to burn more calories working out and even drop weight faster (at first) worry about you and keep working out. the weight will come off. I don't have quotes for motivation.. You have to find what motivates you . go dig in…
  • I never like working out during then I still do and push myself. it's one week a month.. us women get the short end of the stick I swear
  • Agree the machine is wrong.. If you are losing inches then you are getting results.. go your bf tested you can get pinched or submerge in water.. there are companies that do that.. that is the only accurate way to get tested..
  • I think you are fine. If you are putting in the work then you are burning calories. Im doing T25 and another workout 5 days a week as well on top of eating clean and I dropped 6lbs last week. I'm thankful because I know it will slow down. So don't be worried embrace it because the closer you get to your goal it will slow…
  • Muscles are good!!! You won't get bulky swim to your hearts content.. Also toss some iron around it is good for you and you will benefit when you get older...
  • I think it is possible. I've seen people running super fast and reading... I think it's away to not feel like a hamster on a wheel
  • Thongs!! All day everyday unless I'm sleeping that's when I am commando.. For those that think thongs are uncomfortable they aren't a giant wedgie all day you don't feel it. As long as the actual thong isn't too wide you don't even know. My fav's are the lace ones from VS! I haven't wore real underwear in over 15 years.…
  • No judgment - both my girls do 5k's and go to the gym. My youngest does the classes but my oldest actually hits the weights too.. With childhood obesity so bad it is great that she wants to be active. You should encourage it.
  • It's to get low. many people don't squat deep enough.. Sitting on a seat is just like doing a squat. You aren't supposed to sit but it's nice to know you are dropping your squat low enough..
  • You just have to fit in the uniform which only comes in XS and S...
  • Taco stew, actually made this yesterday with ground turkey yumm. We used a crockpot everyday for 2 months straight and it was awesome to come home and everything was ready. Lasagna, ziti, meatloaf, meatballs, pork chops you name it i tried it. Basically googled recipes
  • Salsa chicken. Salsa and chicken in the crockpot frozen or thawed cook on low 8 hours. For an added kick you can throw in a can of black beans and corn. Serve with rice or roll up in tortillas. Everyone in my house loves this as well as my coworkers
  • I am not big on classes but i must admit zumba is fun. I take it at the gym never did a dvd or game though. As a matter of fact i am going to a zumba class after work before my class.
    in Zumba Comment by mrsyac2 February 2012
  • I love spin classes I used to go 4 days a week it was awesome. I don't think its bad to do it 6 days a week. It isn't too strenuous and cardio is okay to do everyday now lifting weights every day working the same muscle isn't a good idea. If your enjoying it then go for it.
  • didn't do shoulders and arms just HIIT 20 and sculpt 30- still feel horrible. HIIT 20 was enough cardio considering I couldn't breath but I still did it.
  • I took my rest day yesterday because I felt horrible. Woke up this morning still not feeling well my sinuses are winning. But I plan on tearing it up today HIIT 20, Sculpt 30, and P90x Shoulders and Arms are on my agenda. Plan on burning a bunch of calories today which is good because my breakfast was quite a bit of…
  • I use fat free half and half and splenda ( I know people knock it but I don't care) I don't like coffee in sugar because it doesn't sweeten it and in order for it to taste good I have to use too much.
  • coffee is fine it's what you put in it that can make it bad. There has been plenty of research showing benefits of coffee. Not to mention a cup of Joe before a workout can help you out.
  • Make sure you are drinking enough water. Exercising can help alleviate the headaches just during your workout but once it's over it will be back. I was getting a lot of headaches because I was dehydrated so I made it a point to drink Powerade Zero now for the past week I haven't suffered with one. Mind you mine never went…
  • 5/25- the scale decided to move this morning and in a positive direction. I'm not working out today taking a much needed rest day- My sinuses are kicking my butt today and I'm super sore from Chest and Back yesterday. Tomorrow will be HIIT 20 and Arms and Shoulders. I might go for a bike ride tonight though when it cools…
  • it's normal and will soon go away.I have good skin and rarely had pimples.When I first started Insanity I broke out nothing crazy like 1 or 2 (but thats a lot for me as I never did before) after a lot of water and continuing my workouts it stopped. Its flushing all the cocka nasty stuff out. Your skin will start to look…
  • I've dabbled in P90x, Insanity, but am Currently doing Turbo Fire (i'm 4 weeks in) I also recently decided to add some P90x into the mix because I like lifting. I just started working out at home recently and the Beach Body programs are by far my favorite because they don't play around. You just have to find what type of…