Motivation... Suggestiions

I need some motivational assistance. Maybe positive quotes, or personal stories, will help. I have been working out with a friend who is larger than I. We get on our machines and pretty much do the same speed..but because of the size difference when I burn 500 cals, she's burned 1200 cals. It is discouraging. We did our weigh ins and I lost 3 lbs when she lost 12 lbs. On top of all that I got sick and I am now just getting over it. In any case, I need motivation and I can't seem to find any to dig up within myself.



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i find that nothing helps keep me focused like signing up for a race. it makes working out have more of a purpose then just dropping weight, and more about performance.

    why not find yourself some kind of turkey trot on Thanksgiving morning?
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    Look at my photo! :wink:

    Set small goals and rewards for reaching them as well. Make a weekly or monthly list with daily habits (eating veggies, going to the gym, logging to MFP...) and make X every time you do it!

    Above all - you CAN DO IT! Really!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    This is what I would suggest based on what I do. It's only one option of a million, but it works for me and might be worth a try!

    Do a search on motivational quotes, copy at least 40 of them, should be easy. There are tons of these threads. Then pick out about 10 or so of the ones that really speak to you the most. Then tape them on the wall where you do your workout, on the fridge, and on the pantry. Change them up every few months or so that you don't get used to them. I still have chips and candy, but I'm more careful about it. I also workout more and repeat the quotes to myself if I don't want to workout. I used to have one taped to the couch too. My current ones are:
    Binge tomorrow, not today, read again tomorrow
    Junk food you've wanted for an hour vs the body you've wanted for years. Choose.
    Do not reward yourself with food. You are not a dog.
    Are you hungry or bored? Learn the difference before you open.
    If you eat what you have always eaten, you will weight what you have always weighed.

    You can feel SORE tomorrow, or SORRY tomorrow.
    Procrastination is opportunity's assassin.
    The first step is the hardest.
    When you feel like quitting, ask yourself why you started.
    Sweat more now, jiggle less later.

    I also have a few inspirational weight loss videos on youtube saved to my favorites. Like the Insanity informercial, or just a random person's journey. It doesn't have to be exactly what I'm doing to be inspirational. It helps me a lot.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Try not to compare yourself, she has more to lose of course it will come off quicker. 3 pounds is still a good loss so don't be disappointed. Go easy on yourself when you are sick but when you are better get back to exercising. It's a slow process and you need patience focus on making sustainable changes so that the weight stays off. I measure inches as well as weight so that I can celebrate that loss too!!! Also see how much faster / stronger you are getting with your exercise.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    Why not work out your weight loss as a percentage. If your friend is larger you might find the results are more similar. But, hey, any loss is a win as far as your diet goes :-) Also do not take too much notice of machine read out, they are not always accurate. try a Heart rate monitor. Also, if you are working out, some of your fat will be replaced by muscle, which weighs a little more, but looks a little nicer. I have lost nothing in a month, but am going to gym, doing weights, lost an inch off my waist ( I have a waist..who knew!)) and dropped my penultimate dress size :-)
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    First, as you said your friend is bigger; so you can't really compare yourself. I would ask her to do a contest with you. I did this with my wife. We would make a bet at the begining of each week. The winner got to pick the movie if that was the weekly prize, but could be anything. Then we would have the weight loss challenge. At any rate, she weighs less than me so we could not go by pounds lost; so we took our beginning weight then use the lbs to calculate a % of weight lost. Your 3 lbs could very well be = to her 12, or better. To me this just adds some interest and is really almost the same principle as the guy who said earlier to sign up for a race.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I need some motivational assistance. Maybe positive quotes, or personal stories, will help. I have been working out with a friend who is larger than I. We get on our machines and pretty much do the same speed..but because of the size difference when I burn 500 cals, she's burned 1200 cals. It is discouraging. We did our weigh ins and I lost 3 lbs when she lost 12 lbs. On top of all that I got sick and I am now just getting over it. In any case, I need motivation and I can't seem to find any to dig up within myself.

    you can't compare yourself to someone else. especially if like you said she is larger.. She is going to burn more calories working out and even drop weight faster (at first)
    worry about you and keep working out. the weight will come off. I don't have quotes for motivation.. You have to find what motivates you . go dig in your closet for the smallest pair of jeans and try them on every 2 weeks to see if you are getting closer to your goal..

    Correction: go on pinterest and look there. also look at peoples transformations you can see them on instagram #transformationtuesday #trnstuesday