Do you eat Breakfast?



  • ecbuckteef
    ecbuckteef Posts: 3 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast but after a lot of research I've started to do so. Studies show that eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism and helps your body burn more calories throughout the day. It's best to eat a high-protein breakfast (eggwhites, yogurt, nuts) to help you feel full longer. Studies have also shown that people who eat a high protein breakfast are more likely to eat better during the day.
  • marcy_76
    marcy_76 Posts: 48 Member
    The thought of food makes me nauseous in the mornings. I usually drink coffee for a couple of hours. If I know I have to do my exercising in the mornings, I'll gnaw down a few Cheerios. Otherwise, I'm more of a brunch time of person, after 10 am. It works for me.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member
    I never used to eat breakfast but after a lot of research I've started to do so. Studies show that eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism and helps your body burn more calories throughout the day. It's best to eat a high-protein breakfast (eggwhites, yogurt, nuts) to help you feel full longer. Studies have also shown that people who eat a high protein breakfast are more likely to eat better during the day.

    Eating breakfast does not jump start your metabolism.
  • I used to skip it, but now that I only average 4 hours of sleep per night, I don't anymore. My advice would be to sleep as much as you can. Helps you eat less :)
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    I used to skip it, but now that I only average 4 hours of sleep per night, I don't anymore. My advice would be to sleep as much as you can. Helps you eat less :)

    :laugh: This actually works.
  • I don't really like to eat breakfast, but when I don't it's really tempting around 9:30am (I wake up at 5am) to run to the coffee shop on my break and pick up something that's going to mess with my calories for the rest of the day. Eating breakfast is the only way I've been able to avoid that urge.
  • Goldenwoof
    Goldenwoof Posts: 535 Member
    Always. Breakfast fills me up, and I eat less over the course of the day. If I skip breakfast, I find myself eating a big dinner or being hungry later on at night.
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    I stopped eating breakfast when I was a small child. I just am not hungry and feel better if I don't.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    I eat breakfast, and will generally be a miserable, irritable *kitten* all morning if I don't.

    But I don't think everyone has to eat breakfast. Eat what you need to, when you need to, in order to meet your goals. If that means skipping breakfast, so be it.
  • I sure do, i dream about breakfast all day long, it is always my favourite meal of the day, but there is such thing as intermittent fasting where you skip breaky and don't eat till lunch time, i guess it is a preference thing? maybe it work fro some maybe not so good for others, If i didnt id chow the house down at lunch especially because i engage in fasted cardio 5 am every morning...
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • jkdhoo
    jkdhoo Posts: 3 Member
    When I first started changing my diet, I bought in to the belief that eating breakfast kicks-starts your metabolism and you burn more calories throughout the day. I was never a big breakfast eater, but I sure gave it a fighting chance. I tried oatmeal, eggs, a little toast, etc. I noticed that it made me hungrier throughout the day, I thought about eating more, which made the whole process more of a chore. I decided to stop eating because I felt I had to, and eat when I felt hungry. I'm simply not hungry in the morning, and forcing calories down my throat just seemed counter-intuitive to what I was trying to retrain my brain to want to do.

    Now I have my morning thermos of coffee with a half-cup of milk and I get my day started. I find myself feeling hungry usually around 11am (I wake up around 6:30 each day) when I'll have some type of vegetables with a protein (usually ~400calories). I'll then get a bit hungry at around 1-2pm and then again around 4-5pm where I'll have a snack, usually around ~150ish calories each. After that I'll eat dinner around 6, usually 5-600 calories. I'll have a "snack" after that, which usually totals around 300 calories.

    I'm usually eating around 1550 calories a day, and the above process really works for me. I don't spend the day thinking of food, or feel like I'm missing out on anything. I fill as much of my eating time with nutrient-dense foods, but don't fear adding a little treat now and then, as long as it doesn't throw off my daily goal.

    On the other hand, my wife and son both eat breakfast daily, and I know my wife couldn't skip breakfast if she wanted to without it throwing her completely off balance.

    I think it's just another case of to each his own.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Yes, I eat breakfast. I also have lunch, dinner and two snacks. I have lost 5 lbs so far in 3 weeks. I also cycle 40 minutes 6 nights a week after dinner. Low blood sugar is the reason. I feel better and have more energy. I went to a dietician who helped me with food combinations. Carbs/Protein/Fat/Sodium/Sugar. My diary is open if you would like to look. Before I started using this site I lost 5 lbs. So I am at 10 lbs lost in 4 weeks. This I owe to my exercise and dietician. Breakfast really is the most import meal of the day. Have something you like even a simple as a piece of fruit and yogurt or whole grain toast with 2 tsp. almond or peanut butter. Eating something every 3 to 3-1/2 hours really helps. Good luck to you.

    breakfast is the most unimportant meal of the day.....

    meal timing and metabolism are irrelevant...
  • karlahere
    karlahere Posts: 79 Member
    Tons of breakfast skippers here. Glad to know that skipping breakfast won't derail any effort to get fit.

    But me, I love breakfast. It's the easiest to prepare for me, and it seems that I could go for hours without eating anything else. So yeah, in terms of prepping effort vs. mileage, BREAKFAST IS BEAST. On a side note:

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    in...for the breakfast...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I like to follow most days the "eat like a queen for BF, like a princess for lunch, and a peasant for dinner" so after sleeping about 6-8hrs I an SUPER hungry so I NEED to eat as soon as I wake up.

    Studies have shown that from all those diets out there following that 1 (women) lose more body fat, and thats the weight we need to lose.

    what studies?

    Again, meal size and timing have nothing do with weight loss. you could eat like a queen for dinner and still lose...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hollie, here is what I have learned over the years. If dinner is the last thing you had at night, then your body is doing something with that food and calories. All night long it is still doing its job, does not know if it is a weekend, etc. the only thing it knows that it is looking for something to eat, because your body it still working all night long. First thing it looks for is protein and that is going to come from muscle and it storing the fat and turning the carbs into sugar for storage, because it needs to be fed. Ok now you wake up in the morning and you expect your engine to take off and be revved up, but you have not given it any fuel to burn, so it going to good storage and still storing fat, because you are starving it and it is holding on to everything you have given it. If you feed it protein in the morning, now it has fuel to burn and get the engines burning fat and not muscle. energy is up and your Porsche body now has Premium fuel to make it perform.

    Here is a little graphic that you can save for use in travels


    this is the biggest load of crap I have seen on MFP in a long time...

    you do realize you totally contradicted yourself, right? You say that your body works at night, but then you say that your body is going to store fat over night, but then somehow it is going to turn to muscle for energy at the same time??/

    You can't be in starvation mode from eating dinner and then not eating breakfast..and there is no way that your body is going to turn to muscle for energy with a 16 hour fast; you would have to eat nothing for 72 hours for your body to even start to go into starvation mode....

  • hillcontessa
    hillcontessa Posts: 11 Member
    Eat breakfast everyday...same time everyday...damn near the same exact thing everyday. Really the only meal I look forward to daily, especially if bacon peaks its beautiful self in there.
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    Hollie, here is what I have learned over the years. If dinner is the last thing you had at night, then your body is doing something with that food and calories. All night long it is still doing its job, does not know if it is a weekend, etc. the only thing it knows that it is looking for something to eat, because your body it still working all night long. First thing it looks for is protein and that is going to come from muscle and it storing the fat and turning the carbs into sugar for storage, because it needs to be fed. Ok now you wake up in the morning and you expect your engine to take off and be revved up, but you have not given it any fuel to burn, so it going to good storage and still storing fat, because you are starving it and it is holding on to everything you have given it. If you feed it protein in the morning, now it has fuel to burn and get the engines burning fat and not muscle. energy is up and your Porsche body now has Premium fuel to make it perform.

    Here is a little graphic that you can save for use in travels


    this is the biggest load of crap I have seen on MFP in a long time...

    you do realize you totally contradicted yourself, right? You say that your body works at night, but then you say that your body is going to store fat over night, but then somehow it is going to turn to muscle for energy at the same time??/

    You can't be in starvation mode from eating dinner and then not eating breakfast..and there is no way that your body is going to turn to muscle for energy with a 16 hour fast; you would have to eat nothing for 72 hours for your body to even start to go into starvation mode....


    no no no. you're wrong its only the carbs that turn directly to fat overnight.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    yup I drink a shakeology shake or I'll have shakeology and a bowl of steel cut oats..

    Right now I'm combining my shakeology and a cup of coffee.. Breakfast and a cup of joe combined.
  • I like to work out in the morning and I find that I have more energy to work out even harder if I have eaten something before hand.
  • I was always a huge breakfast eater. As a little eenie weenie kid, my family aside from my dad would leave the travel diner while he ordered a second French Toast order for me.

    Fast forward to the teen years and I cut it all out.

    Coffee could hold me off till 2 pm. A little salad, a little dinner, and I thought I was good to go on the low carnival calorie ride.

    Now, I love a thick sirloin steak. Or three or four eggs scrambled topped with an avocado and a side of bacon. Takes me to 2 pm or so with all kinds of energy.

    We're all different at all different times of our lives. I try not to live out of platitudes. They can kind of mess me up cause they're from the mind and not the body.
  • dazzer1975
    dazzer1975 Posts: 104 Member
    i would like to eat breakfast, but I don't feel like eating when i wake up. Plus, as others have observed, if I do eat a breakfast, i tend to overeat that day.
  • ttiiggzz
    ttiiggzz Posts: 154 Member
    Always. And lately I'm addicted to oatmeal. Refrigerator oatmeal mornings I work, hot oatmeal when I'm off.
  • Getawayfromthecake
    Getawayfromthecake Posts: 124 Member
    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day! When I've had my little porridge pot and a cup of tea I feel happy and satisfied, ready for my day. I guess everyone is different but I love breakfast!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I eat breakfast because I like to eat breakfast, no other reason..... ...

    I should also add that I usually exercise in the AM and will expend anywhere from 500 to 1000 cals so breakfast also helps me replenish glycogen stores....
  • stakoc94
    stakoc94 Posts: 70 Member
    I LOVE breakfast but I don't eat it until after fasted cardio. So by the time I'm done with cardio its almost like my treat for a great workout! I do eat the same things most all days so breakfast for me is black coffee, greek yogurt or a Quest bar and a protein shake.

    I do eat every 2.5-3 hours per day and this works for me. However I do know many people who skip breakfast and only 3-4 meals per day works.

    Everyone is different and science or not its your choice. Do what works for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Oh yea.....if you can't read my post above its because I don't eat breakfast and my metabolism shut down and I died so I'm actually a ghost.

    I thought that happened when you at protein, carbs, and fat at the same time..?
  • xcatsaxon
    xcatsaxon Posts: 43 Member
    I used to eat cereal...this week I did what my dietician instructed and started eating high protein 400 calorie breakfast and I've lost 2 lbs. So maybe there is some truth to it.
    I like the Jimmy Dean egg white breakfast with Canadian bacon and cheese and pair it with chocolate soy drink and some fruit. I'm not hungry again til late in the day!