insanity- no fat loss

At the beginning of the Insanity program, I electronically measured my BF% on the machine at the GNC store. I have no idea the accuracy of these machines, but it measured me at 14.9%. 4 Weeks into it, after going hard every day, eating a healthy diet, and even having noticeable results (lost inches on waist and other places, and started to notice better looking abs), i went back to the GNC store and used the machine and it told me that my BF% was 15%, a 0.1% increase. I just don't understand how this is possible after all the hard work I've put in over the past few Weeks. I'm hoping its just a technological inaccuracy, never understood how it could just measure by your grip Anyways. Opinions???


  • millerch88
    millerch88 Posts: 56 Member
    it sounds to me like the machine probably uses a small electrical pulse to measure how much muscle and how much fat you have. there is a similar machine at my gym. it depends a lot on your hydration levels. if you're not properly hydrated you'll get a false reading, since your muscles store water. if you're not storing water in your muscles they won't get picked up entirely by the machine and you'll get an inaccurate measurement.

    or at least that's my understanding of how it works. but a 0.1% difference really isn't something to get upset over, and 15% BF is nothing to be ashamed of. just drink more water maybe.
  • RAEQ127
    RAEQ127 Posts: 106 Member
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    Those machines are notoriously inaccurate. If you're losing inches, I'd assume you are losing body fat.
  • ShannonMK9
    ShannonMK9 Posts: 65 Member
    The machine may not be calibrated correctly - though I agree with you about not being sure that something that measures BF% from your grip being accurate.
    Do you have calipers? you could use those at home and just follow the instructions to get a fairly accurate measure of BF%. There are other methods some that are more accurate than others that you can use also.
  • jeremyw1977
    jeremyw1977 Posts: 505 Member
    You're placing too much weight in a machine outside of a GNC. That's like deciding to take blood pressure medication based upon what the blood pressure cuff at the Walgreens said.

    These machines may give you a good estimate, but use the more calibrated tools to get the more precise measurements.

    Like laserturkey said, "If you're losing inches, I'd assume you are losing body fat."
  • I'm about 100% sure that the machine is incorrect. I did Insanity and I lose a ton of body fat, as I'm sure you did too. Don't worry about it, keep training!
  • KristiRTT
    KristiRTT Posts: 346 Member
    Also remember, you could have lost pounds of body fat, but your overall percentage of body fat stayed the same!! We get so focused on the percentage, and forget that we need to multiply that percentage by our current weight to see pounds of body fat now vs before!! Example a 200 lb woman has 30% bf which is 60 pounds of fat, she can lose 30 pounds but still have 30% bf because now she has 48 pounds of body fat!! Remember for each pound of fat you lose, you are also losing the water that your body needed to store that fat!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You lost weight/inches and your abs are more defined and you're worried about what some free bf% estimator has to say?
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Also remember, you could have lost pounds of body fat, but your overall percentage of body fat stayed the same!! We get so focused on the percentage, and forget that we need to multiply that percentage by our current weight to see pounds of body fat now vs before!! Example a 200 lb woman has 30% bf which is 60 pounds of fat, she can lose 30 pounds but still have 30% bf because now she has 48 pounds of body fat!! Remember for each pound of fat you lose, you are also losing the water that your body needed to store that fat!

    This answer flies in the face of accepted lbm retention concepts
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Those machines are notoriously inaccurate. If you're losing inches, I'd assume you are losing body fat.
    Agree the machine is wrong.. If you are losing inches then you are getting results.. go your bf tested you can get pinched or submerge in water.. there are companies that do that.. that is the only accurate way to get tested..
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    You last weight and your abs are more defined and you're worried about what some free bf% estimator has to say?