sweetmanjd Member


  • I've read in a number of places (and experienced myself) that a week off can really benefit you - seems like you have already seen/felt that. While it's important to wait until working out is a solid habit for you, after 3 months of regular workouts you would be a-ok to take a week off without worry of losing momentum. It…
  • I buy psyllium husk powder and drink it in a glass of water. It's like drinking cardboard dust, but I just slam it. For other ways to get fiber: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/high-fiber-foods/NU00582
  • Awesome success!!! Keep up with the great habits - it's all about changing your lifestyle, then the results just come. You're doing GREAT!!!
  • Love these threads! here's my list of songs I'm about to make into new play lists - almost all guilty pleasures, but hell - they're only in my headphones:) Jump – Kris Kross Push It – Salt n Peppa Say I yi yi – Ying Yang Twins The Way You Move - Outkast Hate Myself for Loving You – Joan Jett “round and Round” – Tevin…
  • Maybe when you are feeling famished, after a meal and/or snack, try writing a little bit about what's going on in your day - a little journaling might shed some light on what's going on. I suspect it is more about boredom or stress than real hunger. Could be you are feeling the need to be in control of something, since you…
  • I don't know who said it originally, but one of the best quotes I've read recently is "You can't exercise your way out of an unhealthy diet". I'm proof positive: I exercise all the time and the only way I see any real change to body or the scale is when I focus on eating a clean diet. Keep up the awesome lifestyle change…
  • "Gold digger" - Kanye "Here It Goes Again" - Ok Go "Battle flag" - Low Fidelity Allstars “Let the Bodies hit the floor” – Drowning Pool “Work It” – Missy Elliot "Hate Myself for Loving You" – Joan Jett
  • Holy cow!!!! Forget my little leg lift:) That's awesome! Not sure anything in MFP database matches that workout!
  • I love doing stairs! It's a weird thing:) There are options under Cardio for "walking up stairs", "running/jogging up stairs", and "stairclimber" (like the gym equipment). I pick whichever one best matches the effort I put into my stairs that day. Try adding a rear leg lift/glute squeeze on some of your sets...just a nice…
  • WOW!! Very dramatic differences for just 15 lbs!! Obviously a lot of muscle changing happening...I bet your inches lost are more significant than the weight. You look fabulous!! Keep it up sister. And thanks for sharing...it takes guts and hopefully you are feeling the immense pride your peeps here feel for you!!
  • What an excellent goal! Are you doing a 12 week training plan? I did one 2 years ago and my best advice is train for the bike on real roads as much as possible. The swim is the shortest bit so just make sure you can do the distance at a slow, manageable pace. Is it in a lake or a pool? You'll be nervous as hell before, but…
  • Love these threads...always great for new ideas...I'm not proud, but whatever works, right?? Songs I plan to add soon: Jump – Kris Kross Push It – Salt n Peppa Say I yi yi – Ying Yang Twins The Way You Move - Outkast Hate Myself for Loving You – Joan Jett Pete Rock & CL Smooth “represent Queens she was raised outta…
  • I alternate my eggy breakfasts with smoothies. Generally my recipe is: 1 cup unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk 3/4 c frozen blueberries 1/4c frozen raspberries 1 c fresh spinach 1/2 c baby carrots You can't taste the spinach at all and it's really satisfying! (the carrots turn it an awful color so you can leave them out if…
  • Absolutely not. Sorry:/ Diet Coke is one of the worst things you can drink if you are trying to eat healthy or lose weight. Check out this article: http://www.webmd.com/diet/news/20050613/drink-more-diet-soda-gain-more-weight Or just google "diet coke and weight loss" My solution (because yes, I had to quit diet coke too)…
  • I can't run on roads/sidewalks at all due to 3 past knee surgeries...I can barely walk the next day after just a mile on concrete. But I can run 3+ miles on a trail and not even need to ice the knees after. I feel great after a trail run!! So while trail running can be much more challenging (hills, and uneven terrain that…
  • I bought a cheap-o and it didn't last...you might want to pay for the quality brands (Petzl is great). Also, you might try getting two and wearing one on you wrist to use as a flashlight so you can see more directly and immediately right in front of you without awkward neck movement ...I found that helpful while doing some…
  • You have to spend a little more, but it is totally worth it for the right support. Try Title Nine http://www.titlenine.com/category/sports-bras-and-undies/ They have a barbell rating system (one barbell would be like Victoria's Secret stuff...5 barbells is like you're bound in industrial steel:) that's helpful in figuring…
  • Love these threads. on the go so not posting my play list...but thanks for the ideas!!!
  • Whew! Been traveling and adjusting to not being on my own timeline (home in MI for sister's wedding...hoo boy!!). Skipped three whole days due to work stress and travel - but hit the gym here last night for weights and running, this morning for a kickboxing class. Biggest victory so far is that I've eaten very healthily…
  • CONGRATS on starting and rocking your day 1!! Doing your best is what it's all about. Stick with it in a way that works for you Welcome to the thread!
  • I hear you on all the collected anxieties around running:) I was a long-time hater and had a lot of good excuses not to do it (still do:). But here are some thoughts on some of them...'cause I can't help myself: Knees/pain: I've probably mentioned I love foam rolling the IT band...it can be painful, but a miracle cure; I…
  • hey there Ginmo & Julie (and all other interested folks), Post-shred Charice and I are talking about committing to 5 weeks of 3x/week strength training + cardio.....maybe the C25k?? Official start date 6/7. Would you two be interested in that? (and for the knees I super-duper suggest foam rolling your IT band...works…
  • I've only heard great things from the people I know who wear the Vibrams. The only negatives/injuries I hear about are from people who go too far too fast right out of the gate with them. But with a history of achilles trouble, you probably should talk to a sports medicine doc or physical therapist for guidance on how to…
  • I don't know about good fueling for long runs but as far as Gatorade goes...I prefer Emergen-C's Sports Drink powder. No sugar, just all the stuff you are supposed to replenish + a very mild citrus flavor. You just add it to your water bottle. You should be able to find it at Whole Foods or any relatively "healthy" or…
  • I've been considering a HM for a while now, so this thread is great motivation. I have knees that simply can't take running on concrete (not even for a 5k) so I stick to trails and occasional asphalt for training...my goal is to do the training for a HM even if I don't actually run one on city streets:) Has anyone here…
  • Oh I'm laughing all right. But yeah - there might be some Survivor on one of my mixes:) Have you checked out what they call "Math Rock"? Minus the Bear is a fave and it's pretty rad for cardio times. Good luck to you!
  • I love these threads - always looking for new stuff myself. What are YOU already bored with?? Currently this is what I have in heavy rotation: - old school Michael Jackson ("I Want You Back" and "Don't Stop til You Get Enough") - Jamiroquai ("Feels Just Like It Should") - Q Tip ("Vivrant Thing") - Joss Stone ("Tell Me…
  • You're definitely not going to hurt anything by building core strength...do the challenge!! The rub is that in order to see any change in your body shape, you have to modify your eating. There's a great quote that goes "you can't exercise your way out of a bad diet" Meaning: no matter how much you work out...you have to…
  • Just saw this - way late...but I love the mini-challenges. So I'll check for your next one!
  • Nice job on trying yoga, Julie! I love it but never include it enough in my rotation. And yes - it is ALWAYS harder than you expect...even after you've done it a bunch:) But it feels great and if you keep including it you really will see very different results than you get from any other workout - with both flexibility and…