Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I added yoga yesterday. It was my first ever yoga experience. I have to say.... so MUCH harder than I expected. my body was shaking on some of the poses! Im super sore today so I went back and did level 1 of shred. Im not going to say it was easy because it wasnt. But I was so PROUD at myself for the improvement I could see/feel in how I did it. now I have to get up the nerve to do the yoga again. :laugh:
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Nice job on trying yoga, Julie! I love it but never include it enough in my rotation. And yes - it is ALWAYS harder than you expect...even after you've done it a bunch:) But it feels great and if you keep including it you really will see very different results than you get from any other workout - with both flexibility and strength.

    As of 6/7 I'm doing 2x/week for 5 weeks with a trainer (got a great deal on Groupon!) to kickstart the weight lifting part of my routine that I've been missing w/o the shred.

    Anyone want to work out a 5 week plan with me...something like 3x/week of weights/strength training mixed with 2 or 3x/week of cardio??
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I just got done with level1 day. 3. Wow some of it was easy and some kicked my but...
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Nice job on trying yoga, Julie! I love it but never include it enough in my rotation. And yes - it is ALWAYS harder than you expect...even after you've done it a bunch:) But it feels great and if you keep including it you really will see very different results than you get from any other workout - with both flexibility and strength.

    As of 6/7 I'm doing 2x/week for 5 weeks with a trainer (got a great deal on Groupon!) to kickstart the weight lifting part of my routine that I've been missing w/o the shred.

    Anyone want to work out a 5 week plan with me...something like 3x/week of weights/strength training mixed with 2 or 3x/week of cardio??

    I would love to work out a 5 week plan. The first of June would be great for me...I am hoping to see a drop in my stress level, some additional time to workout, and I will be done with DxJ by then. The end of June I start extensive traveling for work (happens every summer...stressful at times but I love it!), so having a plan in place would really help me out so I don't start slipping on my fitness goals. Eating right while traveling is going to be a big enough challenge, I don't need to add no exercise to it!!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    BTW, going to start Level 3 on Monday...getting a little nervous I think.

    Also, has anyone done "Ripped in 30"? How is different/similar to the Shred? And, is it worth getting? Thanks everyone...

    Keep on shredding!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Charice! thanks for adding me! I didnt realize either! About ripped.... a couple of the people on my friends list did it after shred and said its similar but a little tougher. So it would be a good go-to after this if you were willing. haha
    Ive put off level 3 as well. Im still not feeling like I have level 2 well enough. Perhaps I should just hunker down and do it.
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    After the first day of cursing level 3, I have learned to love it. I actually think it is now my favorite level. It is definitely hard and I don't do the third cardio circuit (I'll do butt kickers or high knees instead) but it's not as bad as it seems. I would give it a shot!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Well, I finished level 2 today. It is still working me hard, but I can tell that I am making progress so I guess I am ready to move on. It still makes me a little nervous, but hopefully my HRM will be here tomorrow so that will help with some motivation too. I can't wait to see what I am really burning and be able to feel confident about the calories I need to be eating.

    Have a lovely Sunday and may DxJ be good to you all!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    After the first day of cursing level 3, I have learned to love it. I actually think it is now my favorite level. It is definitely hard and I don't do the third cardio circuit (I'll do butt kickers or high knees instead) but it's not as bad as it seems. I would give it a shot!
    That third circuit of cardio in Level three is BRUTAL!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    Charice! thanks for adding me! I didnt realize either! About ripped.... a couple of the people on my friends list did it after shred and said its similar but a little tougher. So it would be a good go-to after this if you were willing. haha
    Ive put off level 3 as well. Im still not feeling like I have level 2 well enough. Perhaps I should just hunker down and do it.
    I can relate to the anxiety of level 3. It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. It's hard, but doable.
    Congrats on reaching your goal ahead of time!
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    Well im on day 4. It was good but still kicked my but. Im also running 3 days a week. I have to do something, cause im not loading anything for 3 weeks. ..
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    way to go everyone!! i just finished level 3 day 3....Level three has been hard for me!! I still follow anita all the time...I wish I could do the whole thing like Natalie! Maybe that should be my final test...If I can complete level 3 all the way without stoppping or modifying then I know I have beaten it?? I dunno.

    Also, I got a HRM over the weekend!! Hubby surprised me and let me get a Polar ft4!!! I used it for the first time today and will use it again tonight! I LOVE it....I couldn't stop looking down to see what my heart rate really was.

    I think after the shred I am going to do the couch to 5 k. I started it a while back but could only get through week 4 bc my knees were hurting too bad. I would love to be able to run 30 min straight!!!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    "I think after the shred I am going to do the couch to 5 k. I started it a while back but could only get through week 4 bc my knees were hurting too bad. I would love to be able to run 30 min straight!!!"

    i just posted the same thing! I did it early on and got to week 4 and thought Id die. But Im 70 pounds lighter now so Im considering giving it another go. Theres a 5k the end of July Ill sign up for if I do it. Im scared though.... yikes! If you go for it - let me know!
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    hey there Ginmo & Julie (and all other interested folks),
    Post-shred Charice and I are talking about committing to 5 weeks of 3x/week strength training + cardio.....maybe the C25k??
    Official start date 6/7.
    Would you two be interested in that?

    (and for the knees I super-duper suggest foam rolling your IT band...works miracles for me!)
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    You guys have to read this topic!
    Has me laughing so hard. I've done about 90% of this stuff.
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    "I think after the shred I am going to do the couch to 5 k. I started it a while back but could only get through week 4 bc my knees were hurting too bad. I would love to be able to run 30 min straight!!!"

    i just posted the same thing! I did it early on and got to week 4 and thought Id die. But Im 70 pounds lighter now so Im considering giving it another go. Theres a 5k the end of July Ill sign up for if I do it. Im scared though.... yikes! If you go for it - let me know!

    I've just been walking and doing yoga since I finished the shred, with the occassional shred workout thrown in the mix. I've been contemplating the couch potato to 5k. I don't think I'll enter a marathon, but I'd like to try the program. I have a colleague who did it with great results and she's now an avid runner. Running is kind of my Everest :) How long is it again? I know they have podcasts to download to your iPod to help with the timing intervals.
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    hey there Ginmo & Julie (and all other interested folks),
    Post-shred Charice and I are talking about committing to 5 weeks of 3x/week strength training + cardio.....maybe the C25k??
    Official start date 6/7.
    Would you two be interested in that?

    Funny! I was going to post the same thing when I read the posts and then came to yours, Sweets!! That would be so cool to have us all movin' on down the road.

    I did C25K a couple of years ago and really liked it! I was able to get through it, run my first 5K then have some serious health issues for 1.5 years. I started it again at the first of this year and even ran a 5K, but I didn't get all the way through because I got distracted. Once the Shred is done I want to start running again. I would definitely suggest the Bob Ullery (sp?) podcast for C25K, I liked his reminders. If you have an Android phone, I would suggest the C25K Pro app. You can play your own music and still get the cues when it is time to change up, plus it has a great countdown that tells you how long you have in the sequence, how long you have overall, and how many run sequences you have completed/have left. I am wogging (walk/jogging) another 5K this Saturday with my sister, but I really want to get to where I can run the whole thing again.

    Two other big announcements: First, my HRM arrived today!! I got the Polar FT7 and i absolutely LOVE it! Just like you said, Ginmo, I kept looking at it to see what my heart rate really was! I don't know how I lived without it!!! Second, I completed Day 1 of Level 3. It was killer, but I really liked it. Maybe it was because I was trying to learn everything, but it seemed to go by really quickly. And, the HRM says I burned 302 cals! MFP gave me 304 on 25 mins of "Circuit Training" so i thought that was cool.

    LASTLY (if you aren't sick of me yet), my 17yo son is going to graduate HS ON TIME! He just found out today that he is going to make it, graduation is Friday! I am so relieved I don't have to kill him :laugh:

    Well, good night ladies. May the force be with you.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Nikki, that post is funny and sooooo relatable! :laugh:

    Congrats on your son graduating Charice!! Your son can live! hahaha

    Im super scared to commit to this 5k thing. I know I SHOULD do it but like someone else said....its sort of my everest. I WANT to like running. How amazing would it be to run a 5k!?! I never get any time to myself.... even when Im doing my workouts now, the kids are beating at the door. So, getting a nice run in by myself sounds lovely. Im just scared to hurt again like I did last time! And worried Ill still be in such bad shape I wont get through it. But I wont know if I dont try! I just hate "failing" or giving up on things. So....Im mentally fighting this battle right now. hehe
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    I would love to eventually try c25k but I don't think it is the right time for me right now. I would need to go out and spend a bunch of money on good shoes and sports bra but I cant afford that at the moment. Plus, what do you guys do when weather doesn't allow you to go run outside. The summers here get to be about 105 degrees and it snows in the winter. Do you guys get a gym membership and run on a treadmill? Maybe I should do some research about this program and maybe start it after my wedding!

    Oh and how would you go about getting over the embarrassment of running in public? The thought of anyone seeing me is enough to have me running back to my house. I like working out privately lol.
  • ginmo333
    ginmo333 Posts: 100 Member
    I am TOTALLY in for the C25K starting June 7th!!! Julie and I were just talking about that! I looked up a 5k in the beginning of August which is when we should finish, and there is one going on north of here about 3 hours which means the weather will be bearable! (i live in AZ...yuck!!) count me in for the C25k for sure!!!! wahoo :)))
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