Who wants to start 30 day shred with me tomorrow?!?



  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    I hear you on all the collected anxieties around running:) I was a long-time hater and had a lot of good excuses not to do it (still do:).
    But here are some thoughts on some of them...'cause I can't help myself:

    Knees/pain: I've probably mentioned I love foam rolling the IT band...it can be painful, but a miracle cure; I also ice and elevate the knees after every run (frozen peas are great for this); AND I never ever run on concrete. Treadmill, ashphalt or trails (prefer this most). When I run on trails, I don't even have to ice.

    Outside in weather: yeah, I would not be able to run in 105 degree temps. Gross. Either you have get up at the butt-crack of dawn for cooler temps or do a gym membership. You might be able to find a cheapo gym for this...all you need is a treadmill after all...look for non-chain, privately owned older gyms.

    Being seen in the act: I just remind myself of what I think when I see anyone running - "damn, I wish I was disciplined enough to do that". I bet most people think the same. I also believe in good karma, so when I see someone running I also think "Good for you!! Keep it up!!" Maybe I'll start saying it out loud!

    Working up to it: I tend to go gangbusters on things...which is dumb:) I have a great pal who swore up and down her whole life that she "just couldn't run." She is using a C25k app/program, following it religiously, and just did her first 25-minute run without stopping!! Slow and steady wins this race!

    As ever - I'm so happy to have found this little gang.
    Let's keep up the good motivation and support - you ladies kick much *kitten*!!!
    - Jodi
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    I started this on Monday & made it thru the whole 20 mins of sesson one but today couldn't move all of my muscles hurt can barely walk.

    I'm in but not sure I can do it everyday the first week, but will do my best.
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    I started this on Monday & made it thru the whole 20 mins of sesson one but today couldn't move all of my muscles hurt can barely walk.

    I'm in but not sure I can do it everyday the first week, but will do my best.
    CONGRATS on starting and rocking your day 1!!
    Doing your best is what it's all about. Stick with it in a way that works for you
    Welcome to the thread!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    I started this on Monday & made it thru the whole 20 mins of sesson one but today couldn't move all of my muscles hurt can barely walk.

    I'm in but not sure I can do it everyday the first week, but will do my best.

    It is a HARD work out but you can do it!! We all got to where we liked the soreness! Crazy us!

    Okay so..... I did it. I signed up for a 5K RUN! Sweets sort of sold me over the rest of the way. August 28th! that gives me plenty of time to get thru c25k at a reasonable place, I think. the plan is to do it 3 days a week and then yoga on my "off" days. Stretch and loosen the muscles. It was too monumental timing wise for me not to do it. At the rate Im loosing, I should be down 100 pounds by then. So, I kinda had to!
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    okay I made it thru the 30 day shred this morning & it was easier than Monday. Yippee

    How are you traing for the 5K, or what schedule are you using to get yourself ready for it. I really would like to do one but usually I start off pretty good & than I quit. Maybe I should have a goal for me this summer to run a 5k no matter if I'm in last place.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Im going to do the couch to 5k program again. Its a gradual build up - 3 days a week program. Supposed to take 9 weeks to be at 5k readiness!
  • cole28
    cole28 Posts: 2 Member
    whats the 30 day shred?
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    whats the 30 day shred?

    it's dvd by Jullian Michaels 30 day shred, it's only 20 minutes but it def works.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i'm gonna start it tomorrow! a couple days late but very fashionable
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    whats the 30 day shred?

    you can download it and the circuit is only like 10 minutes if i remembe correctly, it's really good
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I so excited that you all are starting C25K I think I could wet myself! But I won't.

    Just reading about you starting is really getting me motivated to jump in again...I was already going to do it, but now I know it will be easier to keep going.

    Julie, yoga is a great off-day activity. It helps strengthen the muscles and keeps things flexible.

    Nikki, I totally understand the reservations...all of them. I agree with Sweets about just not worrying about others seeing you. I also see others running and think of the dedication and how cool it is of them to be running. I also know I am doing it for me and not for them...if it bugs them, they can make a snide comment to themselves and look away. I also know that I have met few communities that are as willing to welcome newbies and help them along as the running community. I am sure there are running snobs, but I haven't met any. Everyone I have ever met has been encouraging and excited to find another runner in their midst.

    As for the gear...I totally understand that as well. If you have a decent pair of shoes, start by walking and building up your speed and distance just walking. Eventually you will want to get some shoes and the "boulder holder" to start running, but you don't need the extra support to start out walking. When I first started, I wore 3 different bras to hold the girls in. I wore an older underwire and 2 cheap sports bras. it wasn't the most comfy, but it worked well enough. Trust me, if it can keep these jumbo sized "boulders" in place, that is saying something.

    Weather wise, I run in the morning when it is warm, but I am fortunate enough to have a treadmill (used and temperamental, but it works when I need it), and a gym membership, so finding a way to run isn't my problem...it's finding the time!

    I will probably never run a marathon...and there are times I still don't want to go out, but I love the feeling I get when I am done. And running an actual 5K is just a blast!

    OK, jumping off the soapbox. I did start level 3 and it was tough, but I loved it. I have a crazy week so i don't know how much more I will get in...gonna work on it when I can.

    Cheers my dears!
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Im kinda ready to jump into the running RIGHT now while my motivation is up! I totally didnt think about extra support for the "boulders" though. Gonna have to see about strapping those puppies down. hahaha I was looking at running shoes tonight. I have a pair I love but Ive kind of taken to wearing them for everyday shoes. And then an HRM. The one I bought off that bargain site was a piece of junk so Im back to the drawing board. I have a bid in on a polar on ebay. The hubs is worried about my new "expensive" exercise. Its still cheaper than a gym I say!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    Julie, I'd say if you are feeling motivated, jump into it! Start with week one and give yourself a little cushion to repeat a week down the road if you need to or just get stronger after you have completed. I will probably be starting at week 4 on June 7 since I have been doing some running already (I will be doing a 5K this Saturday in fact). So if you want to, go for it. Also, tell your hubby that there are much more expensive exercise options...and to look at it as your new hobby...there are MUCH more expensive hobbies out there too :wink:

    Let us know if you decide to start running. One other thing. Doing the 30 Day Shred has really paid off in my running as well. I am stronger and faster now than before DxJ. I thought I would lose something by taking a little time off running to focus on DxJ, but I went running today AFTER doing level 3, and I had a great run...so it might be a much different experience for you now.

    :heart: to you all.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Julie, I'd say if you are feeling motivated, jump into it! Start with week one and give yourself a little cushion to repeat a week down the road if you need to or just get stronger after you have completed. I will probably be starting at week 4 on June 7 since I have been doing some running already (I will be doing a 5K this Saturday in fact). So if you want to, go for it. Also, tell your hubby that there are much more expensive exercise options...and to look at it as your new hobby...there are MUCH more expensive hobbies out there too :wink:

    Let us know if you decide to start running. One other thing. Doing the 30 Day Shred has really paid off in my running as well. I am stronger and faster now than before DxJ. I thought I would lose something by taking a little time off running to focus on DxJ, but I went running today AFTER doing level 3, and I had a great run...so it might be a much different experience for you now.

    :heart: to you all.

    Wow where do you find the time to do this. my problem is I tell myself at work what I'm going to do but when I get home either my husband or kids interupt me where I lose my motivation to do it. Right now I been doing 30 day every other day this week(my first week), I think I'm going to try to up it a day for next week & see how I do.
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    Okay off this morning to do my 30 day, had my coffee feeling wake & a little bit motivate. I'm so glad it's Friday & I have a long weekend.

    Hope everyone has a safe & fun Memorial weekend:)
  • sweetmanjd
    sweetmanjd Posts: 94 Member
    Whew! Been traveling and adjusting to not being on my own timeline (home in MI for sister's wedding...hoo boy!!).
    Skipped three whole days due to work stress and travel - but hit the gym here last night for weights and running, this morning for a kickboxing class.
    Biggest victory so far is that I've eaten very healthily while here. Never easy to do but I am determined.

    All you eager C25k'ers are making me smile. (special nod to Julie:)
    Hells YES start while your motivation is up!! Why not?

    As for the breasteses...damn, this group must be stacked all around:)
    When I first started, the shuffle-run I did didn't even bounce me much...so I really encourage you all to not let not having a monster bra stop you. (not so long ago there were no such things as sports bras!)

    Shoes, however, are critical.
    Average runners get new shoes at least once a year I believe.
    If you are carrying extra weight you probably need new shoes every 6 - 9 months (so says my friend the trainer). Say you buy decent Asics at a discount place for $60. You're still spending only about $10/month for this exercise habit...pretty cheap.
    And no matter what the cost, this is YOU you are taking care of.
    Prioritize YOU.

    Rock on, ladies!!
  • Charice
    Charice Posts: 188 Member
    I have had the craziest few days! I have had very little sleep, been running around from one thing to the next (2 graduations and after-parties, family stuff, kid stuff, company, ran a 5K, etc), drove over 1200 miles, and constantly surrounded by food! I think I did OK with making good choices on the food, but the sodium content must have been off the charts because i am REALLY swollen today. My toes look like little Vienna sausages and my fingers actually hurt from the skin being so tight. I haven't done Jillian, but I did run a 5K yesterday...didn't have a great time because my 9 yr old daughter was running with me, but I did it. One weird thing though, my toenail on my left big toe fell off, almost the whole nail! It didn't hurt or anything, I just got out of the shower after the 5K and noticed my toe looked strange so I pulled on the nail and it just popped off.

    Kudos to you Sweets for eating well and getting to the gym while out of town! That is some serious dedication!! Keep up the great work, you are an inspiration!!

    I hope everyone is having a great holiday weekend...I am kind of looking forward to having a serious amount of down time today...eating good, drinking lots of water, and maybe even taking a nice nap!

    Cheers my dears!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Hey guys, I have finished up my first round of Death By Jillian and I wanted to share my results!

    Here are my before measurements

    Weight: 207
    Hips: 44
    waist: 36
    Bust (under bra): 37
    (over bra) 43
    Upper thighs: Left 25 Right 25
    Lower thighs: Left 17.5 Right 17
    Arms: Left 12 Right 12

    And here are my after

    Weight: 202 (-5)
    Hips: 42 (-2)
    waist: 35.5 (-.5)
    Bust (under bra): 36 (-1)
    (over bra) 41 (-2)
    Upper thighs: Left 24.5 (-.5) Right 24 (-1)
    Lower thighs: Left 17 (-.5) Right 17
    Arms: Left 12 Right 12

    So, all in all, I lost 5 pounds and 7.5 inches! Not bad at all! I'm a little disappointed with not losing anything in my arms but I do see that they are toning up. I'd rather have them tone up and stay the same measurement then measure less and stay flabby.

    Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    Way to go Nikki! How do you feel?
    I'm going to try her Power Yoga next.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Awesome Nikki! 5 inches in your waist is a lot! woot! I saw your new workout schedule - wowza! If anyone can do it, I know you can.

    Did everyone have a good holiday weekend? I got lots of house odds and ends done and painted the kids bathroom. Thats one heck of a workout! I was sweating and my arms are SORE today! Went a little overboard yesterday at a BBQ but not too bad. Went shopping for some new shirts yesterday because all of mine are falling off my shoulders and look more like maternity shirts. NOT what Im going for! I bought ALL size Larges! Thats crazy. No Xs! :bigsmile:

    Im having an issue with the hubs not being supportive. Infact, doing just about whatever he can to be UN-supportive. I post a menu every week and this morning I saw where he crossed everything off and replaced it with junk foods. Our oldest saw it and got all excited. When I told her it was a joke, I was instantly the bad guy. Hes put me in that place with her a few times this week. Just a little frustrated this morning.
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