

  • Stupid inner thighs! I know just what you mean! I remember in my teens I was EXTREMELY athletic. I played basketball and softball and ran a few miles a day in addition to our regular workouts. I had lean strong arms and a flat stomach, but my inner thighs were always big. I remember when we'd do floor exercises and I'd…
  • I had the same surgery, and the recumbent bike was part of my post surgery PT. I would definitely check with the doctor first, though. I can't remember how soon after surgery I started the PT. I do know the bike was the one exercise that really made the muscles around my knee get stronger and it just FELT good.
  • Oh yeah, the last post reminded me.. you can go to Coney Island! I went there last May. Was kind of worried about security, but there's policemen all over! I would still go in the daytime, though. It's free to walk around there and there's a lot to see. You can lookout at the beach/boats and there's usually music and…
  • Two things I would definitely do are take the Staten Island Ferry (which is free) and take the Roosevelt Tram to Roosevelt Island (2.25 each way or use your subway pass). The Staten Island Ferry is a great way to see the Statue of Liberty without paying to go to Liberty Island. The Roosevelt Tram is the cheapest and best…
  • I've been a yoyo dieter too and I'm determined to make it work this time. The best advice I can give is that we have to go deeper than just dieting. Something that I've found that's been working well for me is becoming a really good friend to myself. I've realized that the "tough love" I've given myself in the past doesn't…
  • I like to get the already roasted chickens from the store, then take all the meat off it (without the skin) and keep it in a container to use for salads and sandwiches. It usually lasts me a few days.
  • It really is. I've actually been neglecting my facebook since I've joined here, lol. I had also been considering going back to weight watchers for the support, but I'm finding even more support here because it's on a daily basis. Instead of having to pay for weight watchers, I've bought a membership to a gym instead. :)
  • I had a friend who had some removed and it was covered and not considered cosmetic. This was 10 years ago, though.
  • For most of us, dieting isn't going to stop when we reach a certain goal weight. We're going to have to struggle forever to maintain and not gain it back. Look at these 2 weeks as something that's going to happen once in awhile and give yourself credit for not having gained weight. Tell yourself that you needed a couple of…
  • aflane, Oh yeah, the armrest up should make it much more bearable. I don't go to Loews theaters anymore because the last one I went to didn't have armrests that went up and it was just SO uncomfortable. I can usually count on AMC for those.
  • mbcarreno08, You made me wish I had a 5 year old again! haha.
  • Steffilily, Not sure about my hip measurements. It's probably around there. I'll measure tomorrow and let you know and let you know on the 20th how comfortable the seats were for me. Where are you going in the fall?
  • I definitely have the hips too. Thanks so much for helping put me at ease. Now I just have to worry about getting in this bathing suit at the hotel, LOL. Not sure California is ready for these thighs, but I'm ready for a pool and jacuzzi, so they will have to deal! :)
  • Thanks so much for the info! I didn't even know they had extenders for the seatbelts! That's definitely good to know. Last year I remember having trouble getting mine buckled, but I managed. You've definitely lowered my anxiety a bit. Thanks again!
  • Thanks legacysh. You're definitely inspiring. I've lost the 100 lbs before but have NEVER kept it off for 5 years. This time it will happen. :)
  • After having kids and my yo-yo dieting throughout the years, I can't even remember a time when I haven't had stretch marks. I have read, though, that drinking lots of water adds elasticity to the skin, so you might want to drink even more while you're losing so quickly.