Sairaanhoitaja Member


  • I'd be home with my family and friends. Miss them =(
  • July 2nd- 27 minutes on Cross-Trainer July 3rd- 50 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer & Strength Training July 4th- 45 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer and Strength Training July 5th- 7 minutes Running July 6th- Nothing July 7th- 120 minutes Cleaning July 8th- 60 minutes mixed Cardio & Strength Training, 40 minutes Cleaning July 9th-…
  • July 2nd- 27 minutes on Cross-Trainer July 3rd- 50 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer & Strength Training July 4th- 45 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer and Strength Training July 5th- 7 minutes Running July 6th- Nothing July 7th- 120 minutes Cleaning July 8th- 60 minutes mixed Cardio & Strength Training, 40 minutes Cleaning July 9th-…
  • July 2nd- 27 minutes on Cross-Trainer July 3rd- 50 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer & Strength Training July 4th- 45 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer and Strength Training July 5th- 7 minutes Running July 6th- Nothing July 7th- 120 minutes Cleaning July 8th- 60 minutes mixed Cardio & Strength Training, 40 minutes Cleaning July 9th-…
  • July 2nd- 27 minutes on Cross-Trainer July 3rd- 50 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer & Strength Training July 4th- 45 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer and Strength Training July 5th- 7 minutes Running July 6th- Nothing July 7th- 120 minutes Cleaning July 8th- 60 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer, Treadmill & Strength Training 40 minutes…
  • July 2nd- 27 minutes on Cross-Trainer July 3rd- 50 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer & Strengh Training July 4th- 45 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer and Strengh Training July 5th- 7 minutes Running July 6th- Nothing July 7th- 120 minutes Cleaning
  • Think this is going to be harder than I first though! Today: 45 minutes of Cardio and Strength training
  • Loving this thread! July 2nd- 27 minutes on Cross-Trainer July 3rd- 50 minutes mixed Cross-Trainer & Strengh Training Going to hit the gym in a bit so update then =)
  • Yeh I eat lots of salt (already bad for me I knew), but didnt realise how bad it was for my skin! I have constantly have undereye darkness and bags and acne flare ups! Started to cut right down on the salt after reading that and magically, my spots are dissapearing!
  • I feel your pain! I am Cabin Crew and work stupid hours, so my body clock is all over the place. Theres only so much a pre-prepared lunch can do!! Sometimes when feeling lethargic and bored, I will eat just to pass time. But one tub of pringles turns into a muffin, then a sandwich, and the calorie count just goes up and…
  • Good idea. I haven't typed up the diet plan yet, just the foods and benefits. 1. SKIN-BUILDING BLOCKS MAGNESIUM- Vital in collagen production. Find it in Spinach, whole grains, beans and avocados. COPPER- Stimulator for collagen growth, find it in whole grains, tofu,shellfish and cherries. GLYCINE AND PROLINE- Amino acids…