eslater1 Member


  • I eat Fiber Choice sugar-free tablets. They are surprisingly not too bad. I also think that carbs from veggies are not bad. I would eat all the spinach in the world and not worry about it. I think carbs coming from natural plants don't really count, but that's just me.
  • I started out at 254, my heaviest, and got down to 201. From there, I was having a lot of trouble losing anymore. I had several life-changing events happen, and am now back up to 226. The only thing I can do now is jump back into it. Everyone has ups and downs. The only one controlling your destiny is you, so get back on…
  • Actually, yes. I think what it was for me was a clot/chunk of meat/whatever passing. Gross, I know, but what are ya gonna do? And then whenever that is finally expelled from my body, good as new.
  • I like Syntha 6 as well. In addition, I bought the generic store brand protein powder from Meijer, and I sprinkle some on my oatmeal in the morning. It's pretty good!
  • I buy the 100 Calorie packs of almonds and I snack on one of those at work. Nuts are great for the problem you're having!
  • You should be walking at a brisk pace. When you jog, it should be at a pace that is comfortable to you. You should be able to make it the whole time jogging and not have to stop and walk during that time. If you can't jog the whole interval, then you should slow down your pace. I'm starting Week Three on Monday. I never…
  • Just finished w1d1, and I feel like my legs are on fire! Just goes to show that the elliptical machines aren't all they're cracked up to be!
  • I'm thinking I'll start tomorrow. I've been wanting to start it, but I've been slacking lately. Count me in!