Starting from scratch?

Hi everyone,

For those who don't know me, I joined MFP during the summer, and made slow but steady progress until about November (lost approx 12lbs), but then for various reasons I went a bit off course (which got worse as Christmas approached!) and I am now afraid to weigh myself, but I suspect I have regained most of the weight I've lost (if not more!) :embarassed: :frown:

I am wondering whether anyone has ever started from scratch on here, without actually deleting thier profile & starting a new one? I don't want to lose the nice friends I've made (:smile: ) but I'm just wondering how it's going to look if my ticker goes back to zero?? :ohwell:

I do feel quite fired-up and eady to give it another go - but also feel mortified that I've got myself into this position.

Any thoughts/comments would be appreciated, but only if they're supportive and/ or constructive!!


  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 187 Member
    Sorry, that should say *ready* to give it another go!
  • davidlbass
    davidlbass Posts: 159 Member
    Just keep right on trucking with your current profile. Although I haven't done it since joining MFP, I have had lots of rebounds over the years. Most of us have.
  • leeanndelcourt
    leeanndelcourt Posts: 28 Member
    We have ALL been exactly where you are. Jump back in.....who cares if your weight loss tracker goes biggie! The most important thing is that you acknowledge where you are and move forward from there. And, great job for starting before January1st. :) The sooner you jump in back in the sooner you will feel better! You got this!
  • Outing yourself is the first step....check it off your list!

    Now.....consider this a reboot.....change your start weight to what you weigh today. Reset your goals. Start again, and don't look back!

    This is coming from a person who has done this many many (many) times. Not starting again is giving up. Just think of it as a little detour....and now you are back on the right track. :happy:

    Dwelling on the past is too much negative "self talk". Shirk it off, and be proud of yourself for getting back at it.:flowerforyou:
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    Yep, i've been on here since September 2010. During 2011 I didn't lose HALF the amount I wanted to and I went for very long periods without losing anything. So i've decided to start fresh, weigh myself on Jan 1st as my new official 'starting weight' and to work from there :)
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I have had to note gains as well as loses. I am at the point that I really do not want to weigh myself anymore. I only logged on hoping to find inspiration. Sure wish motivation came in pill form. I think you have made the hardest step, admitting you have to start again. Just enter your weight and if the ticker starts again go with it. Good luck to you. Reading your post has helped me to admitt to myself that I have to pull up my socks and get on with the job. Thank You.
  • japruzze
    japruzze Posts: 453 Member
    I reset my starting weight on Monday morning to get a clean fresh start. And I'm off and running! Starting fresh is a great motivator if, like me, you slipped up. No need to look back, just move forward. Good luck!
  • I, myself am going backwards from 18lbs lost so I understand how you feel but don't feel horrible about it, keep your head up and keep going. having the wonderful friends on here that motivates you helps. Just pick it up and be determined to see that ticker move in your favor once more.
  • HollyMcCaw
    HollyMcCaw Posts: 154 Member
    I just started over yesterday! There is nothing to be ashamed of, the important part is that you haven't given up!
  • We all have ups and downs, but the important thing is that you are back. This is the first time I have used MFP although I have lost over 100 pounds 3 times before, not always in a healthful manner. This is the first time in my life that I have chosen to eat well, exercise and hold myself accountable good or bad. I lost 50 pounds last year and gained it all back within a few months and then some. I started in April and to tell you the truth, I have exceeded every goal I have set for myself and I started with very small goals. Nowhere did I ever imagine that I could do this and continue to do this. I feel stronger and better about myself every day and you can to. It's just a commitment to find time for yourself no matter how small it is. I do hope you find your way back to us and I wouldn't start from scratch and delete everything, your friends are your friends through this entire journey. Hey, life happens welcome back!
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    OK, forget the summer, forget x-mas.

    Consider this day one. You can cease beating yourself up, and just step on that scale, because you need to reference point.
    A new Start!

    I did that 5 times in my journey which ended with me reaching my goals and setting new ones.
    You can do this!
  • TriedEverything
    TriedEverything Posts: 187 Member
    Thank you very much for all your lovely replies :smile: - it helps to know that so many other people have been through the same thing, and can relate to what I'm saying.

    You've helped me to see things more clearly, and to realise that it is not worth throwing in the towel just because of a few feelings of embarrassment. It's what happens from now on that's important!

    Thanks again everyone, and good luck to you all with your weight loss journies, whatever stage you may be at! :flowerforyou:
  • eslater1
    eslater1 Posts: 12 Member
    I started out at 254, my heaviest, and got down to 201. From there, I was having a lot of trouble losing anymore. I had several life-changing events happen, and am now back up to 226. The only thing I can do now is jump back into it. Everyone has ups and downs. The only one controlling your destiny is you, so get back on it!