denelifet Member


  • I'm sending out a few requests as well....
  • I'm doing Keto and loving it. My weight isn't dropping too quickly as i'm within less than 20 lbs of my goal and i've got quite a bit of muscle under my "fluff"....but the inches...WOW! The inches are coming off! Amaze-balls!!!! i record my weight and certain measurements on my bathroom mirror with an dry erase…
  • i also log on non-fast days....i'm constantly amazed at what foods add up on calories and such...especially when eating out!!! holy cow!!!
  • i'm in! I started the 5:2 diet appx 5 weeks ago....and i've lost a pound a week on average. I'm an avid weight lifter at the gym so using my body as a guinea pig to see what and how it will react....interesting so far.... I'll admit to not being able to do 500 calories run between 600-800 on fasting days. On…
  • I am soooo trying these...!!!!
  • oh fun! Count me in! I'm doing a slow lean out this winter at 1600 cals/day with 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat....I might bump up my calories to 1800/day but continue the %'s for awhile and see how the ole' body reacts... I've just started keeping track of my weight on MFP so it will only show you the most recent…
  • ^^ I also go heavier than some men, literally.....and pound for pound I can wipe out more than half the men in my gym... --> just for some happy reading material
  • wonderful thread! I'm currently on the last week of a weight loss challenge at my goal is to continue the weekly weigh-ins on my own for my own accountability and see what muscles are hiding beneath the "fluffiness"... My ultimate goals are: 1) post progress pics for all to see....dear lord this will be…
  • Hello! I've a few short and long term goals in mind and looking for inspiration and motivation from each person that wants to add me. My food diary is an open book for all. I lift weights consistently 5 to 6 days a week and watch my diet like a hawk....using my own body as a test subject to see what it will do with various…
  • lmao!!! I still dread squatting (knee surgery makes for a mental game)....but there are so many benefits to it that I feel guilty leaving it I press onward! I've met my goal with squats at 145 lbs to add more reps to it without being a puss... Deadlifts are far more fun for me...with a bad back it's…
  • exactly!!! Confidence in oneself is more attractive than any boob size...and kudos to you for helping her in the gym to lift weights.
  • G'morning! I'm 5'10 and SW was is 187....I've no actual number on the scale I'm looking to get to but would love to be back into a size 8 with a flat tummy....I'm in a size 12 now and can hold my breath and squeeze into a size 10 but fear I may pop a button and take out someone's eye if I breathe....LOL!!! I'm…
  • ohh I loved reading all these! mine would be: 1) 45 lb dumbbells incline chest press by xmas (just hit 40 lbs last night for 5 reps!!!) 2) 135 lb squats 3 sets of 10 reps ( I can manage 1 set of 6 reps now) 3) 100 lb push press (at 85 lbs now) 4) one da** bodyweight pull-up without assistance....good grief I suck at…
  • Hi! I'm new....43 yrs old....looking to drop maybe around 20 lbs and put on more muscle this winter... my main goal is to scratch off my bucket list my very first figure competition (bodybuilding)....but between injuries, surgeries, divorce, loss of job, etc.....well, I allowed bad eating, lack of exercise and a lot of…
  • lol! just reading your diet example makes my stomach growl in each their own but I'm leaning out at the moment (c'mere little abs...i know you're in there somewhere **looking down at my belly**) on 1600 cal and 160g of protein....but then again, I lift heavy in the gym 5-6 days a week....and my own diet has…
  • my bestie is a personal trainer that would be perfect for you!.....if you are interested just message me and i'll give you her info. She is a personal trainer and also does group training. She works in person, online via Skype, facebook or texting for accountability. She is great for newbies and also works with…
  • i love love love the workout capris at Maurices....I wear a size 12 and need to wear the mediums but instead bought them in large and extra large and am constantly having to yank them up in the belly and an extra large would fit you I bet.
  • DIET!!!! abs are made in the kitchen...period.
  • ^^ I 2nd what JenAndSome says....and to add to that, altho cardio, like running, will burn more calories, weight lifting burns more fat....and fat is really what we are all striving to clean up your diet first and foremost then add in weight lifting with a side order of cardio and you will be smokin' hot in no…
  • 3.5 ounces of chicken breasts, 1/2 cup of steamed broccoli and a 1/2 cup of jasmine rice with a half gallon of water....yes, totally boring but eh? It fits in with my macros for the's to bringn' sexy back!!! haha
  •'s ok...I'm finishing up the expresso flavor and will move onto the mocha...a friend recommended the mocha but I've yet to break into it and see if it's any better than the expresso. The expresso is do-able to me once I got used to's no Starbucks or sweet cappuccino! lol
  • one whole egg with 4 egg whites and coffee is my go-to everyday but if I need more carbs i'll cook up some steel cut oatmeal with natty pb to go along with it. I'm a BIG coffee drinker so for my morning snack it's coffee with a half a scoop of Natures Best Java Pro protein...various flavors....I do a half a scoop with each…
  • bahaha! good time to quote the famous line, "I'll have what she's having!"
  • i, too have about 40-ish lbs to lose. I set small increment of goals as such: SW 188 178 = pedicure and a new purse 168 = manicure and a massage 158 = new bikini and a cheap pair of sandals 148 = hair salon visit and when i can finally scratch of my bucket list this year of doing my very first figure competition at the…
  • female 42 5'10" SW: 188 GW: 10 to 12% bodyfat... i can cross off my bucketlist being able to stand on stage and do my very first figure competition! (i'm guessing that would put me around 130-150 lbs depending on how much muscle i can pack on this spring/summer) Never too old to try!