What are your goals!

I think it would be neat to connect with people with all sorts of goals! Post your goal here so we can all discover new friends and acquaintances ☺️☺️
My goal CURRENTLY is to maintain weight but add muscle and decrease some unwanted fat during my figure bodybuilding off season. I'm using iifym and trying to be creative.. Maintaining balance but keeping structure.

Let's hear yours!!


  • nikhilgohil1988
    nikhilgohil1988 Posts: 9 Member
    Great idea. Let's all get aquainted!
    My current goals are to bulk a bit further as I have switched from high reps moderate weight. To low reps more sets using a high volume of weight. I have increased my calories, always being in a surplus.... My goal weight is 90kg. At the moment I am sitting at 85 on a good day.
    Only thing I can't find to control is I always go above my fat content required.
    Let's all motivate one another!
  • mdpeoples
    mdpeoples Posts: 19 Member
    My current goals are to lose weight, but in the best way possible. Recently started going to the gym more and doing more intense workouts, but am also starting IIFYM. I'm very new to the word of nutrition and counting macros, so this will be a new struggle for me to overcome!

    Any tips or suggestions would be appreciated!
  • denelifet
    denelifet Posts: 27 Member
    wonderful thread!

    I'm currently on the last week of a weight loss challenge at my gym...my goal is to continue the weekly weigh-ins on my own for my own accountability and see what muscles are hiding beneath the "fluffiness"...

    My ultimate goals are:

    1) post progress pics for all to see....dear lord this will be embarrassing as all holy hell for me to do...."swallow the pride and suck it up buttercup cause ain't no one to blame but myself for looking the way I do...ughhh"

    1) squeeze into a size 8 pair of jeans WITHOUT the dreaded muffintop...(I'm a size 12 now, no muffintop) yea me!

    2) Participate in my very first figure competition spring/summer 2016.

  • joshuajdouce
    joshuajdouce Posts: 70 Member
    My current goals are to keep working on reducing my body fat until I am around 10% and building muscle and increase my weight on my lifts
  • Kristynbugg
    Kristynbugg Posts: 9 Member
    These are all awesome !!! Thank you for replying!! I can't wait to watch everyone progress !!
  • bigme3505
    bigme3505 Posts: 85 Member
    To lose my dad bod gut so that I don't look like the sedentary middle aged man I am.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Be fit enough to hike to the top of a mountain.
  • Sashysash2806
    Sashysash2806 Posts: 18 Member
    Ummmm goal would be to look half as good as you!!!! Truly though I have lost 40+lbs now just looking to tone up
  • lilbitoftrouble
    lilbitoftrouble Posts: 2,052 Member
    My goal is to get to a healthy body weight , to be able to play hard, enjoy life to it's fullest and to finally be sexy. I know that is not a good goal, but when you get older you sure do want to feel good about yourself.
  • Kristynbugg
    Kristynbugg Posts: 9 Member
    Ummmm goal would be to look half as good as you!!!! Truly though I have lost 40+lbs now just looking to tone up

    omgsh thank you! I have been building this for 3 years now!! I promise you, you can do it!!!! 40lbs blows me away.. I give HUGE credit to anyone who can lose that kind of weight. simply amazing, youre amazing
  • Kristynbugg
    Kristynbugg Posts: 9 Member
    My goal is to get to a healthy body weight , to be able to play hard, enjoy life to it's fullest and to finally be sexy. I know that is not a good goal, but when you get older you sure do want to feel good about yourself.

    That is NOT a bad goal at all!! You put in all the hard work you deserve to love your body and love the journey!!!
  • For me its to get back to a good level of fitness (and fit all my old clothes ) after an achilles issue put me out for 7 months

    Im going to try and do it through diet and exercise

    Currently running 6m 3 times a week so its all diet now