I am 46 and starting again! Any suggestions?

My Dr. had switched me to the Paleo Diet for my high blood pressure, which you don't count calories on. It's really hard to just eat meat, veggies and fruit all the time, so now I'm back. I like being able to keep track of what I eat and exercise so that I can see my progress. I also like the support from friends and supporting them as well! All of my clothes are tight and, living in Florida, I want to look and feel better and be more active. I would like to lose at least 30lbs.30 seems huge to me right now, since motivation is not my strong point! LOL So.... here I go!!! :) If anyone has suggestions to help me along, I'm all ears!!


  • struggletodiet
    struggletodiet Posts: 149 Member
    i know that 30 sound massive but look at it in a different way it is just 1lb per week or 2lb per week, you can do this, all you need to do is take each day at a time and brake it down into small steps.
  • tony49837
    tony49837 Posts: 15 Member
    For me, tracking everything things that goes past my lips is the key. And I try to be as honest as possible. When I run out of calories for the day, I stop eating. Having a smartphone where you can just scan the barcode on whatever your eating is really helpful.

    A year ago I tried to lose 2 lbs per week, but I think my calories were too low and I wasn't losing much weight. This time around I set my goal to lose 1 lb per week and 5 weeks in so far it's going pretty well. Down 6 lbs in 5 weeks.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    plenty of people do paleo and still count calories.

    other than that.. take a look here:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Count the calories. Set MFP to lose 1 pound per week. Eat that amount of calories, plus some more when you exercise. Use a food scale and weigh/measure/log everything you eat.

    If you eat too many calories in Meat, Veggies and Fruit, you WILL gain weight just the same as if you were eating too much whatever else you are not eating while doing Paleo.
  • denelifet
    denelifet Posts: 27 Member
    i, too have about 40-ish lbs to lose.

    I set small increment of goals as such:

    SW 188
    178 = pedicure and a new purse
    168 = manicure and a massage
    158 = new bikini and a cheap pair of sandals
    148 = hair salon visit
    and when i can finally scratch of my bucket list this year of doing my very first figure competition at the ripe age of 42---a professional photoshoot to capture the moment!

    and if i can manage to do both weekly cardio HIIT sessions my trainer has for me this month == new tennis shoes!!!
  • ginra
    ginra Posts: 4
    Sounds like you have great goals and are on your way to a healthier you. Im 63 an d gained 20 lbs. after surgery in high ankles. Now I have lost it an looking to lose another 5. I keep track of goals meeting fiber and protien. I stay unser 1000 cal. because I have thyroid problems. My husband is losing too. Just found the Quest bars which are great. God willing we all can do it an d keep it off. BEST TO YOU!!!!
  • MyTurn2BHappy
    MyTurn2BHappy Posts: 475 Member
    That's a great idea! Thanks :)
  • lenchmob
    lenchmob Posts: 49
    Shonnie, I know you can do it!
    How do I know this? Because I know how it feels to not like the look of yourself, and I changed that.

    I was 308lbs at 6'1", and I had got to the point where I didn't care what I ate any more because I felt so far gone.
    I would eat fast food every day, binge on chocolate and candy, eat huge meals with way too much meat. I estimate I was eating six to eight thousand calories a day.

    "I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle."

    One day I woke up ad looked at myself in the mirror and had a sudden realisation. The only one that can fix this is myself. There is no miracle going to come and save me.

    So... I started logging my foods, exercising daily. It wont say it was easy. Actually I will say it was excruciatingly hard at first.
    But I began to like the lifestyle change, an the feeling it gave me when I saw a lower number on the scales than last time.

    Fast forward 10 months. I exercise 10+ hours per week because I absolutely love it now, it invigorates me every day!
    My diet is in check, eating at a deficit while still being satisfied. It's not about just starving yourself, it's about making better decision, researching a meal plan... and sticking to it! And if it gets boring, change it up... keep it interesting!

    I feel like a new man, I now weigh 228lbs! (80 lbs down). I am not finished my body transformation, I want to lose another 20lbs but now I walk past a mirror, sometimes I see myself and think "Hey, I look good!"

    That feeling... is amazing. I want you to have that feeling. I want everybody here to have that feeling.
  • Great job on starting all over again…thanking god we all have the chance to get it right! I myself am starting over again…this time I really want to do it. I'm starting a program on 4/28 called SLIM IN 6…MEANING 6 WEEKS. With BB. We can do it…I know that if we are determine we can do it. Good luck and take one day at a time…and don't be hard on yourself.