my husband told me I better not lose my boobs



  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    My wife lost 120 LBS and the boobs were the first to go. She went down at least 2 cup sizes. But you know what... her being healthy, determined, energetic, and happy is so much sexier to me then any one specific physical body part.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    What a dick!! Just be you- the best you can be the rest will sort it self out..
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    he's being a butt

    I do like my girls and I'm very sad to see them go but if it means the tummy goes, I guess i can live with it. but I do hope i don't go below a C. then, I might have to pad them up. :open_mouth:
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    Lol sounds like my husband, im a natural triple d sometimes e, so honestly if i lose some im not going to care lol, i just dont want to lose to muxh, i told him i would think of some ways to make it to him amd help him deal with the loss ;)
  • ShinyFuture
    ShinyFuture Posts: 314 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    You two could have a little private memorial service for what was lost. Good memories. Maybe light a candle and run a slide show.

  • ovidnine
    ovidnine Posts: 314 Member
    If he was serious, your hubby sounds like a dick. Sorry. lol

    My wife gained boobs as she gained weight. I don't mind the weight gain cause I think she looks great and boobs are fun.

    She however is not happy with herself and is actually joining my gym next week (I'm getting her to lift was well as cardio!).

    I know the boobs are going to go away as she loses weight and that makes me a little sad but not as happy as I'll be if she actually starts getting over her body image issues.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    its not just your age, trust me. I can't run without them hitting me in my face (not really) but its uncomfortable! also not rolling over on them while im sleeping haha for some reason I still have milk..even though my son is 4. I dont have enough to fill a bottle, but sometimes my milk will let idea why, im starting to think something is wrong lol I hear you on the bread crumbs :)

    I get phantom letdown feelings, 5.5 years after my daughter weaned. No actual milk though. I would have it checked out if you are producing milk at this point.
  • denelifet
    denelifet Posts: 27 Member
    ovidnine wrote: »
    If he was serious, your hubby sounds like a dick. Sorry. lol

    My wife gained boobs as she gained weight. I don't mind the weight gain cause I think she looks great and boobs are fun.

    She however is not happy with herself and is actually joining my gym next week (I'm getting her to lift was well as cardio!).

    I know the boobs are going to go away as she loses weight and that makes me a little sad but not as happy as I'll be if she actually starts getting over her body image issues.

    exactly!!! Confidence in oneself is more attractive than any boob size...and kudos to you for helping her in the gym to lift weights.

  • hamlet1222
    hamlet1222 Posts: 459 Member
    I do feel sorry for women sometimes, not only having to deal with pms, but worrying about these kind of things. I'm sure your husband will feel more than compensated having a healthier more energetic wife, and if he doesn't then screw him ( or rather don't)
  • mirrim52
    mirrim52 Posts: 763 Member
    I hope he was teasing.
    I definitely lost some boob size when I lost weight, and they weren't big to begin with. But the rest of me is smaller, so it still looks fine :) And I am much healthier than I was before. I don't get tired walking up stairs.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    Unfortunately, my boobs lost first. :( RIP. Well, I'm being dramatic. I did go back down to the size they were before I got big, so I only lost what I had gained in them anyway. But the rest of me caught up, so they actually look bigger now than they did before. Optical Illusion--there's always that!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I'm glad my hubby's is a butt man, not a boob man. Squats for the win!
  • ModernRock
    ModernRock Posts: 372 Member
    "Thats ok, if you leave me for that reason then I can tell everybody the story of how i lost three boobs."
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    edited November 2015
    hopefully I dont lose too much of them,or else ill have an unhappy husband lol im a d right now, we will see what happens!

    What if he was just joking? Was he saying this in jest?

  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    It's really not something you can predict, though - some women's are mostly actual tissue and will never get super small, some women's are just there because they store a lot of fat there. If you keep losing, sooner or later they'll get smaller regardless (even if proportionately they're still the same cup size - going from a 36DD to a 32DD, for example.) But how much and how fast is kind of up to genetics and where you store/lose fat from.

    If it makes you feel better, at my heaviest (BMI of 25) I was about a 32H. Now, with a BMI of 19ish, I'm still a 28G or so (sometimes 28F/FF.) They're smaller for sure but they have definitely not disappeared.

    If I go any lower they do seem to shrink substantially pretty quickly (like, at 118 lbs I'm a 28G, at 110 lbs I'm a 28D), but 110 lbs is on the border of underweight for my height, so it's hard to maintain anyway.

    Finally, I'll agree with anyone else that it's no one's business but your own, not even your husband excepted. My husband is a chest guy too and he preferred me at my heaviest weight for that reason, but he knows better than to complain or take issue with them now because I'M much happier smaller.
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    What a dick!!

  • OneHundredToLose
    OneHundredToLose Posts: 8,523 Member
    In the words of Sir Mix Alot:
    SirMixAlot wrote:
    You can do side bends or sit-ups
    But please don't lose that butt
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    ModernRock wrote: »
    "Thats ok, if you leave me for that reason then I can tell everybody the story of how i lost three boobs."

    For the interwebz win. Thank you.
  • Lynzdee18
    Lynzdee18 Posts: 500 Member
    My boobs are gone. They went first. But Himself doesn't care. He loves my skinnier a**. o:)
  • 123juliaj123
    123juliaj123 Posts: 75 Member
    A comment like that is hardly likely to motivate you???
    If you want to lose weight to feel better feel sexier be more healthy then I wouldnt worry too much about your boobs.

    I have lost over 50lbs and feel so much sexier and my partner seems to appreciate the more energetic confident outgoing woman that I am now plus the sexy underwear feels so much better without the rolls of fat hanging over the top. Im still 'top heavy' always was but tbh Im quite sure my partner is more interested in me being happy and healthy than having large breasts and Im very pleased about that