tmyers968 Member


  • You are right. Here is what I trying to get across: You've probably heard the news about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) being bad for your health, and as a result many people interested in staying healthy have switched to agave as a safer "natural" sweetener. However, most agave is actually WORSE than HFCS because it has…
  • Cook the salmon with the skin on because it keeps it moist. You can take the skin off when you eat the fish. I don't eat the skin but you can if you want. I don't eat much sugar. I find that a piece of pineapple does the trick for me. I will have the occasional small cookie or frozen yogurt and feel like I am in heaven.…
  • I joined 12 days ago and I am steadily losing weight. You can look at my food diary and see I am eating well and still losing. I have been on so many diets. They worked at first but they weren't something I could maintain doing for the rest of my life. That is the key. Can you eat this way for the rest of your life? Once I…
  • Salmon is wonderful! I put a little bit of olive oil in the pan. Season the fish with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. start with the skin side down (if it has the skin) cook 3-5 minutes on each side depending on thickness. I like to add a squeeze of lemon before I dig in. You can also add herbs like dill or thyme.…
  • Avocados~ Creamy, buttery wonderful goodness!! I eat mine with a little salt and pepper, in a salad or to add creaminess to a smoothie! Congrats on your wedding! Lots of great advice here. Welcome to MFP! I am new as well and it has changed my life! :)
  • My favorite site with yummy and healthy recipes is
  • Amy's makes some wonderful low calorie frozen meals. All organic and GMO free as well. The flavors from these meals are amazing! Spaghetti squash with ground turkey and tomato sauce is a delicious healthy version of spaghetti.
  • Add me please! I am looking for the same thing. I am new to MFP and need to lose 40+ lbs.