No sugar diet



  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Agave syrup is a good sugar alternative, very sweet so u dont need much but its low GI so keeps your blood sugar levels more stable, meaning less liklihood of the cravings/energy slumps u get after sugar. I dunno about a sugar free diet, but this is a natural source of sweetness u could maybe add as an alternative to sugar?
    Why is agave syrup a "good" substitute for sugar, when it's just liquid sugar?

    I have never heard of it but I guess it's not very good for u from the comments i have been getting about it so won't be trying that

    It's actually the opposite of what you are thinking. Neither are bad for you and both can be eaten in moderation.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hi my name is Michelle. I am getting married in a few months & am trying to lose at least 25 pounds by then! I started the no sugar diet yesterday & am now on day two. All I have tried eating so far is vegetables & fruit which I am trying not to eat so much because of the sugar in them but I thought since it was natural fruit it would be ok. I am stuck on what else I can eat. If anyone has any food suggestions or recipes that would be great!

    Sorry Michelle,

    You have used the phrase NO SUGAR and then gone on to use the word fruit - this thread could go down hill quickly.

    If it does, do not take it personally, some of the members are still learning how to communicate properly with society (they mean well).

    I'm not too up on the no sugar diet, but I take it protein and fat are allowed. Maybe take a look at one of the Low Carb High Fat groups, there are normally some good recipes on there.

    Good luck and congrats on the wedding.

    this from Emperor never makes sense...

    I like the pre white knight track usually wait and then white knight a thread after ...interesting change of strategy ...

    Lol, I thought if I got in there earlier it would save someone saying the phrase 'so you're eating no sugar - fruit is sugar'.

    Clearly that didn't work.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I do feel like I am starving myself though because I just eat a banana for breakfast, veggies for lunch & whatever I can find for supper.

    If it feels like you're starving yourself, you probably are. I'm going to repost what I already said in this thread, in case you missed it. And, I'm adding a nice gif, to maybe attract your attention. If you want to cut down on added sugar, that's great... fill your boots. But, if you want to lose weight permanently, and change your lifestyle... I'd spend some time reading the links below.
    You're basically trying to lose the last 25 lbs. By July. That's a bit aggressive. Please check the links below, and reevaluate your plan a bit. If you go all restrictive-crazy, right before your wedding, it's not likely to end well.

    Try this. Follow this advice... Down-Arrow.png Eat sensibly, with a reasonable deficit. The sexypants link is included again, for emphasis.

    Adopt-a-Noob is an awesome program. Read the first post in the thread. If you think it's a good idea for you, Read through the entire thread. All 9 pages. Select some mentors that you think might be a good fit for you, and message them. Don't post in the thread, that's not how it works. You might find some of the mentors who have posted on the last couple pages are more likely available. But, it's a good idea to read through the entire thread, anyways.


  • Yum that sounds really good! I will have to try it! I love salads so I will have to try it with a salad too! Thank you! Yes there is a lot of great advice on here! That's great! how long ago did u join?

    I joined 12 days ago and I am steadily losing weight. You can look at my food diary and see I am eating well and still losing. I have been on so many diets. They worked at first but they weren't something I could maintain doing for the rest of my life. That is the key. Can you eat this way for the rest of your life? Once I stopped whatever diet I was on the weight came back two fold! I am learning so much from this site and the wonderful supportive people here.

    That's awesome! I will friend request you! I need some friends on here. Yea I know what you mean. I have tried lots of diets, I think this one I could do after the wedding but i wouldn't be on a no sugar diet though. i just would only have what is recommended & continue working out too. I have never had to work out before but then after I had a baby i do need to make that a priority so that's why i am going to work out on my lunch because when i get home from work all i want to do is spend time with her & my fiance of course too :) there are a lot of supportive people on here!
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    Hi my name is Michelle. I am getting married in a few months & am trying to lose at least 25 pounds by then! I started the no sugar diet yesterday & am now on day two. All I have tried eating so far is vegetables & fruit which I am trying not to eat so much because of the sugar in them but I thought since it was natural fruit it would be ok. I am stuck on what else I can eat. If anyone has any food suggestions or recipes that would be great!

    Hi Michelle :smile: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You mentioned the 'no sugar diet' then went on to say you are eating fruits and vegetables so expect a bit of backlash on that. I am assuming by 'no sugar' you are referring to refined sugars so you are cutting out foods made with white sugar, HFCS and other refined sugars which really means you are cutting out a lot of commercially processed foods like boxed foods, dry cereals, breads, baked goods and candies. You will still be consuming sugar in milk, cheese, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. If you have been a huge consumer of commercially processed foods then switching to homemade versions will reduce your sugar consumption significantly. You can substitute local raw honey (which is twice as sweet as sugar so you use half meaning fewer calories) for sugar in your home baked foods. You can also use stevia for your sweet tooth but artificial sweeteners like aspartame should not be used. Sorbitol and other sugar alcohols found in low calorie or low fat commercially prepared foods, diet sodas and sugar free gum can cause bloating so definitely stay away from those on the days close to your wedding day.

    As far as what you can eat: cottage cheese, meats, fish, fruits and vegetables (natural sugars, avoid higher caloric value ones), pasta (doesn't have refined sugar but high in calories and carbs), nuts, seeds.
  • tmyers968
    tmyers968 Posts: 9 Member

    mmmm that sounds really good. I will have to try that on my salmon! So mine does have skin & am kind of iffy about that so will it come off or can u tell that the skin is on when u eat it? That's awesome thank you i will have to try Xylitol! I think that will help a lot with my cravings

    Cook the salmon with the skin on because it keeps it moist. You can take the skin off when you eat the fish. I don't eat the skin but you can if you want. I don't eat much sugar. I find that a piece of pineapple does the trick for me. I will have the occasional small cookie or frozen yogurt and feel like I am in heaven. Its all I need though.

    I really like the fact that nothing is off limit as long as you watch the portions. I really like this saying from Giada De Laurentis " A little of everything and a lot of nothing". This was her response to how she can be around amazing food and still look amazing herself! This is a life journey. It doesn't have to be painful :)

    I only use the Xylitol in my coffee. I sometimes powder it in a coffee grinder and use it to lightly sweeten other things like these coconut oil chocolates I like to make. A super healthy way to eat chocolate if you feel the need.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Agave syrup is a good sugar alternative, very sweet so u dont need much but its low GI so keeps your blood sugar levels more stable, meaning less liklihood of the cravings/energy slumps u get after sugar. I dunno about a sugar free diet, but this is a natural source of sweetness u could maybe add as an alternative to sugar?
    Why is agave syrup a "good" substitute for sugar, when it's just liquid sugar?

    I have never heard of it but I guess it's not very good for u from the comments i have been getting about it so won't be trying that
    It's not that it isn't good for you. It's the fact that it's just sugar. It's not a substitute for sugar, it's sugar. It's the same as someone saying that eating an apple is better for you than eating an apple. It makes no sense.

    I will offer my advice. Weight loss is about calorie deficit. Worry about maintaining an appropriate calorie deficit, make sure you eat enough protein, make sure you eat enough fat, and don't waste time worrying about something as trivial as the amount of sugar you eat. By tracking your calories, and ensuring adequate protein and fat consumption, your sugar consumption will naturally police itself.
  • I do feel like I am starving myself though because I just eat a banana for breakfast, veggies for lunch & whatever I can find for supper.

    If it feels like you're starving yourself, you probably are. I'm going to repost what I already said in this thread, in case you missed it. And, I'm adding a nice gif, to maybe attract your attention. If you want to cut down on added sugar, that's great... fill your boots. But, if you want to lose weight permanently, and change your lifestyle... I'd spend some time reading the links below.
    You're basically trying to lose the last 25 lbs. By July. That's a bit aggressive. Please check the links below, and reevaluate your plan a bit. If you go all restrictive-crazy, right before your wedding, it's not likely to end well.

    Try this. Follow this advice... Down-Arrow.png Eat sensibly, with a reasonable deficit. The sexypants link is included again, for emphasis.

    Adopt-a-Noob is an awesome program. Read the first post in the thread. If you think it's a good idea for you, Read through the entire thread. All 9 pages. Select some mentors that you think might be a good fit for you, and message them. Don't post in the thread, that's not how it works. You might find some of the mentors who have posted on the last couple pages are more likely available. But, it's a good idea to read through the entire thread, anyways.


    lol omg that was hilarious! I will check them out thank u
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member
    If you want to cut out sugar that's easy. Just stop eating foods with ADDED sugars in them. That will include lots of processed foods. It's easy to do though and it's a great start. Added sugars are not healthy anyway.

    I see many comments on here about people being concerned with cutting out sugar. Sugar is NOT a required nutrient.

    There are lots of things you can and should eat. Meats, fish, seafood, veggies, fats, and even grains if you like them. I don't eat sugar or grains and I never have a problem finding something to eat. It's called actual food that does not come from a bag or a box.

    Good luck on going sugar free and congrats on your upcoming wedding!
    Do you buy your wholesome medley trail mix by the handful? I'm always looking for ways to cut down on packaging.
    BTW - beware that it has 8g of sugars per serving.

    We have bulk food stores here where you can buy the quantity you want of a desired food item. You scoop the food into thin plastic bags BUT those bags can be reused. This way of buying dramatically cuts down on packaging and ultimately the cost because you aren't paying for the packaging. As far as trail mix goes, a lot of commercial blends are high in sugar. Trail mix is easy to make at home where you can easily lower the sugar content.
  • Hi my name is Michelle. I am getting married in a few months & am trying to lose at least 25 pounds by then! I started the no sugar diet yesterday & am now on day two. All I have tried eating so far is vegetables & fruit which I am trying not to eat so much because of the sugar in them but I thought since it was natural fruit it would be ok. I am stuck on what else I can eat. If anyone has any food suggestions or recipes that would be great!

    Hi Michelle :smile: Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. You mentioned the 'no sugar diet' then went on to say you are eating fruits and vegetables so expect a bit of backlash on that. I am assuming by 'no sugar' you are referring to refined sugars so you are cutting out foods made with white sugar, HFCS and other refined sugars which really means you are cutting out a lot of commercially processed foods like boxed foods, dry cereals, breads, baked goods and candies. You will still be consuming sugar in milk, cheese, yogurt, fruits and vegetables. If you have been a huge consumer of commercially processed foods then switching to homemade versions will reduce your sugar consumption significantly. You can substitute local raw honey (which is twice as sweet as sugar so you use half meaning fewer calories) for sugar in your home baked foods. You can also use stevia for your sweet tooth but artificial sweeteners like aspartame should not be used. Sorbitol and other sugar alcohols found in low calorie or low fat commercially prepared foods, diet sodas and sugar free gum can cause bloating so definitely stay away from those on the days close to your wedding day.

    As far as what you can eat: cottage cheese, meats, fish, fruits and vegetables (natural sugars, avoid higher caloric value ones), pasta (doesn't have refined sugar but high in calories and carbs), nuts, seeds.

    I know but i am trying to be honest about what i am eating! That's what I am supposed to be doing right? I expected some negative comments about that but oh well! Yes I have trying to stay away from processed foods! I was just confused when I started this because I had no idea what to eat! That's why I created this & everyone has helped so far! Also thank you for your suggestions! That really helps & I don't feel as lost as i was
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    If you want to cut out sugar that's easy. Just stop eating foods with ADDED sugars in them. That will include lots of processed foods. It's easy to do though and it's a great start. Added sugars are not healthy anyway.

    I see many comments on here about people being concerned with cutting out sugar. Sugar is NOT a required nutrient.

    There are lots of things you can and should eat. Meats, fish, seafood, veggies, fats, and even grains if you like them. I don't eat sugar or grains and I never have a problem finding something to eat. It's called actual food that does not come from a bag or a box.

    Good luck on going sugar free and congrats on your upcoming wedding!


    Trail mix and Kraft cream cheese. Hhhhmmmmm, come in a bag and box. :wink:

  • mmmm that sounds really good. I will have to try that on my salmon! So mine does have skin & am kind of iffy about that so will it come off or can u tell that the skin is on when u eat it? That's awesome thank you i will have to try Xylitol! I think that will help a lot with my cravings

    Cook the salmon with the skin on because it keeps it moist. You can take the skin off when you eat the fish. I don't eat the skin but you can if you want. I don't eat much sugar. I find that a piece of pineapple does the trick for me. I will have the occasional small cookie or frozen yogurt and feel like I am in heaven. Its all I need though.

    I really like the fact that nothing is off limit as long as you watch the portions. I really like this saying from Giada De Laurentis " A little of everything and a lot of nothing". This was her response to how she can be around amazing food and still look amazing herself! This is a life journey. It doesn't have to be painful :)

    I only use the Xylitol in my coffee. I sometimes powder it in a coffee grinder and use it to lightly sweeten other things like these coconut oil chocolates I like to make. A super healthy way to eat chocolate if you feel the need.

    Ok thank you! I will probably take the skin off because it looks gross lol. I hope I like it! I wish i liked pineapple but I don't :( that's a good idea!
  • jmv7117
    jmv7117 Posts: 891 Member

    Thank you! I feel like I am the only one trying to do this! It's nice to have support. I don't think i have been including enough meat in my diet & i bought some salmon but am really afraid to try it, I love cooked shrimp but don't really know how to prepare salmon. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you!

    Salmon is wonderful! I put a little bit of olive oil in the pan. Season the fish with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. start with the skin side down (if it has the skin) cook 3-5 minutes on each side depending on thickness. I like to add a squeeze of lemon before I dig in. You can also add herbs like dill or thyme.

    Here is a great article on sugar and sweeteners. I personally use Xylitol (pure from birch trees) Some people will say it causes tummy upset, but I have never experienced that and use it everyday. I think the kind I use it why. Tastes just like sugar. Also kills bacteria in your mouth that causes tooth decay. Agave is processed and not good for you. You can read about it in this article. Dr. Mercola is amazing!

    Umm, Xylitol is also processed...
  • Honeycat89
    Honeycat89 Posts: 149
    AAAAH I hate the no sugar diet, first it was the no carb diet, then the no fat diet, now the no sugar diet. JUST EAT EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    I've been trying to cut down on processed sugar, but still eating my fruits and veggies. Usually I'll eat my veggies before I eat a meal and it feels me up quicker so I'm not eating as much as the other stuff. And bread. I LOVE bread and it has been hard to cut it out, but it's doable!
    Good luck and congrats!!
  • sammycat1
    sammycat1 Posts: 56 Member
    Congrats on your upcoming wedding. You have plenty of time.

    Yes your right about the fruit, it has fiber is low GI so is very different from processed sugar. I'm reading a book called 'The Food Hourglass' which is about living longer and eating foods to help avoid disease, so in turn would be an eating plan that eliminates processed sugar and that can only be good, we don't need sugar!

    Good luck.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Agave syrup is a good sugar alternative, very sweet so u dont need much but its low GI so keeps your blood sugar levels more stable, meaning less liklihood of the cravings/energy slumps u get after sugar. I dunno about a sugar free diet, but this is a natural source of sweetness u could maybe add as an alternative to sugar?

    Agave syrup is a sugar. It is less processed than table sugar, but it is still just added sugar.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    If you want to cut out sugar that's easy. Just stop eating foods with ADDED sugars in them. That will include lots of processed foods. It's easy to do though and it's a great start. Added sugars are not healthy anyway.

    I see many comments on here about people being concerned with cutting out sugar. Sugar is NOT a required nutrient.

    There are lots of things you can and should eat. Meats, fish, seafood, veggies, fats, and even grains if you like them. I don't eat sugar or grains and I never have a problem finding something to eat. It's called actual food that does not come from a bag or a box.

    Good luck on going sugar free and congrats on your upcoming wedding!

    Oh carrots came in a bag...I had no idea that they weren't actual food.

    So did my bell peppers...

    My frozen vegetables I prefer bagged...they get a little messy if un-bagged...

    A box or a bag does not negate something being actual is just a packaging tool for our convenience and that of the manufacturer and retailer. You might want to rethink your statement.

    Many of us eat healthy foods...including those foods contained within a box or a bag.

    I just thought about raisins (luckily I don't eat them). The have a double whammy...first bagged...then boxed.
  • tmyers968
    tmyers968 Posts: 9 Member

    Umm, Xylitol is also processed...

    You are right. Here is what I trying to get across:

    You've probably heard the news about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) being bad for your health, and as a result many people interested in staying healthy have switched to agave as a safer "natural" sweetener. However, most agave is actually WORSE than HFCS because it has a higher fructose content than any commercial sweetener -- ranging from 70 to 97 percent, depending on the brand, which is FAR HIGHER than HFCS, which averages 55 percent.

    So in moderation, some sugar alcohols can be a better choice than highly refined sugar, artificial sweeteners, agave, or high fructose corn syrup. Of the various sugar alcohols, xylitol is one of the best. When it is pure, the potential side effects are minimal, and it actually comes with some benefits such as fighting tooth decay. All in all, I would say that xylitol is reasonably safe, and potentially even a mildly beneficial sweetener.
  • I've been trying to cut down on processed sugar, but still eating my fruits and veggies. Usually I'll eat my veggies before I eat a meal and it feels me up quicker so I'm not eating as much as the other stuff. And bread. I LOVE bread and it has been hard to cut it out, but it's doable!
    Good luck and congrats!!

    that's awesome! It is very hard to cut out bread but haven't had any since I started. That's a good idea I never thought of eating my veggies before my meal I have just been eating them as a meal & am getting sick of them lol. Thank you! Good luck to u too