Needing Accountability Partners...

Hello! My name is Rhonda. I am 37 yrs old and have been here done this... Meaning, I do well for a while then life gets in the way or I just get plain LAZY and fall backwards. I used to be very dedicated to MFP, logging everything then disappeared. I have lost quite a bit since I turned 37 but have to much more to go. I did Plexus and I absolutely love it but am at a point where it's no longer in the budget. Besides, I need to be accountable and do what's best for this body God gave me.

I would like to get hooked up with people who are ready to push as well as be pushed. I believe this works both ways. I know God has big plans for my life and I want to live long enough to see them fulfilled. And I want to help others do the same.

SO, with all that said, I need partners who are not going to let me fall to the way side. I'm looking to help others as well as myself. I just have to get started again and reallly reallllly :wink: need the push.

If this sounds like an adventure you are up for, let me know :happy:

Thanks and have a great day!


  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I log consistently. Opening your diary to the public helps keep you accountable.
  • Hi! feel free to add me! I have a public diary to keep myself on my toes and avoid falling backwards, and I have oodles of encouraging comments to give! :)
  • mjoliver19
    mjoliver19 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Im back at this again and looking for the same. feel free to add me if ya want :)
  • 4aces61
    4aces61 Posts: 292 Member
    I'm in. I log everyday, everything. My diary is open as well. Good luck.
  • starjams
    starjams Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! I can relate to everything you said so much that I created a Facebook group for me and some of my friends to motivate each other. I am brand new to this, so I could use all the motivation I can get!
  • Me too! please feel free to add me. Tried using app before and didnt keep with with it. could use all the motivation I can get as well
  • I've lost 60 llbs using mfp and struggled with some anxiety and depression about 5 months ago and gained about 20 llbs. Getting my butt back I'm gear and looking for new friends! Please add me! I log every day and I'm committed to staying active ????
  • I also need the same, but I am willing to give back in return. Hope all is well, add me :)
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log everydy
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    Add me on!!! I too have a tricky time getting weight off. That's why I'm on here. I'm starting over because since the fall last year I ended up with hypothyroidism and never picked up on the symptoms. And my epilepsy doesn't make it easy for me to lose on my own, either. My diary is always open for view, so if you add me on and there's days when I've had just too much of something I shouldn't have eaten, please feel free to scold me!!! LOL :laugh:
  • rmwnurse
    rmwnurse Posts: 5 Member
    WOW! I'm overewhelmed with the response I got. It's awesome knowing there are others out there who need the same thing I do. :happy:

    I'm excited to get this going, and I even opened up my diary!! HUGE step for me, talk about REAL accountability!! I'm really putting it out there now lol! Feel free to scold and offer alternatives! Just remember the oreo you know postive, negative, positive! Just Kidding,..well kinda :laugh: I have thick skin so bring it on!!

    Have a fantabulous day!
  • attybell
    attybell Posts: 81 Member
    you can for sure add me im right there with you !! I know it may be a honeymoon but right now im on fire and always on here
    lets rock this and get healthy togehter
  • spitzboop
    spitzboop Posts: 15 Member
    sign me up and add me please...your story sounds hugely familiar !!
    Let's rock this together !!
  • dck40
    dck40 Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me...I just started here and need help with accountability too!!!
  • ImaWaterBender
    ImaWaterBender Posts: 516 Member
    I am in it to fix myself, mentally and physically.

    You can add me if you like. Same with others who are like-minded.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Good luck Rhonda, and welcome to MFP! I find motivational friends are the difference in logging and not logging. I'm on daily, with an open diary ready for critisism. Anyone can feel free to add me-as long as you promise to keep me on track as well!!
  • Add me if you like! :happy:
  • tmyers968
    tmyers968 Posts: 9 Member
    Add me please! I am looking for the same thing. I am new to MFP and need to lose 40+ lbs.
  • timnaswo
    timnaswo Posts: 2
    Add me in...I have the same issues...get distracted, off course and have to start over. I'm opening my diary and would welcome feedback and will help in return.
  • LaurenDanielle014
    LaurenDanielle014 Posts: 88 Member
    im on day 105 of tracking my diet & exercise and I have an open diary : ) Feel free to add me for motivation!