

  • I highly recommend watching the movie "Fat Head" and looking into the Paleo diet if you haven't done so already. On a personal note, I feel 287% amazing when I keep my carb intake low and omit grains and most sugars from my diet. On days where I work out harder than normal I make sure to up my…
  • go to the "watch video" link for kettle balls and there is a ten minute basic instructional video. Youtube in general is a great place to go for some free instructional videos for anything in fitness, really. Kettle balls are awesome. There's so much you can do with them. Good luck!
  • Good job! I think that's the best advice to give anyone: don't depend on the scale to measure progress!
  • I've learned in the ninety pounds I've lost that a lot of it is trial and error. However, there seems to be a pattern in successful weight loss across the board: Higher protein, lower carb (no crappy carbs), lots of water, and increase your activity. That's what worked for me, and continues to work! Eat only when you're…
  • GOOD JOB! You must feel just as amazing as you look, I bet :)
  • Good luck to you! :)
    in New :) Comment by KiDoJo88 April 2011
  • I don't really follow the MFP recomendation for protein/fat, though I do for calorie intake. Before I joined here, I lost 90 pounds eating higher amounts of protein and keeping my crappy carb intake to a low/none. Working out and staying active is key, too, however if you do too much and don't take in enough calories and…
  • I'm an avid believer in making sure your regular diet consists of plenty of protein and fat; if you are recieving adequite amounts of both, as well as avoiding food that will create any rise in insulin (breads, starches, ect), you will find that, not only will you not want to mindlessly munch on food, it'll be difficult to…