maraq Member


  • Make sure you eat a balanced / high quality meal shortly after your ride (at least within an hour) - and depending on how fast/hard you're going you may need to eat a snack during your ride. You need to refuel your glycogen stores after long bouts of exercise.…
  • Focus on teaching them what a healthy lifestyle looks like by example when you are with them. Don't make it about weight or about good/bad but prepare healthy and delicious meals (and get them involved - kids love to do "adult" things) and get some exercise together - go for a walk, dance, rollerblade, whatever!
  • The key is making sure you are eating enough so that you feel satisfied so you don't have to think about food all day long! :) That seems like an oxymoron because when we are trying to lose weight we feel we need to eat less - so we think it means we have to be hungry for weightloss to happen - but you don't need to be…
  • What do you think caused you to gain the weight back each time? I'm sorry about your husband and I can completely understand how taking care of your husband while sick can contribute to weight gain - but I'm curious about the other times (you said you've lost 80 lbs four times). We usually gain weight back because we're…
  • Check out the book "The Hormone Cure" by Dr. Sara Gottfried. She has some really great strategies for those going through menopause or hormone imbalances in general. In it she provides quizzes of your symptoms and then depending on your answers will direct you to the appropriate part of the book where she suggests dietary…
    in Menopause Comment by maraq January 2015
  • Most of us have been there! I once lost close to 90 lbs only to gain 60 back over several years when I was in a career that made me miserable (and led to binge eating). I had to make some changes in my personal life (change careers) and I've lost 40 of the 60 lbs I gained back. It still feels crappy that I let myself gain…
  • Look into the GAPS diet by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. It's very restrictive (though you are already going through that) but many people have success healing their digestive problems and reducing food allergies through it.
  • If you're actually hungry - then eat something nutritious (something with protein, fat and fiber) even if it puts you over your calories. That's a sign that your body needs energy. If this happens to you consistently, then you want to take a look at what you are eating earlier in the day. You might not be eating enough of…
  • Try larabars (the only ingredients are nuts and fruit). Or some hummus and carrots/celery sticks. An apple & peanut butter or sunflower seed butter or baked sweet potato wedges. When you try to move away from snacks that come in a box you might have to spend a little time once a week preparing portions of snacks so you are…
  • Most people who juice frequently don't throw the pulp away - they save it and use it in other recipes (added to soups, baked goods and in homemade veggie or bean burgers etc). Juicing removes fiber and without the fiber the nutrients get into your system quickly (since they don't have fiber slowing digestion down). It's…
  • Congratulations on being ready to change your life! If you're a reader, I'd recommend checking out books by Geneen Roth for an easy to read & freeing approach to understanding why you have an ED and how to have a healthier relationship with food. Her books helped me tremendously with my own struggles. Just something that…
  • Here's a couple I make regularly that are delicious and easy. Be creative - you can use the just like you'd use potatoes, squash or pumpkin! Sweet Potato Fries (Baked) Loaded Baked Sweet Potato (topping options are…
    in Potato!! Comment by maraq February 2014
  • Thanks. Your diet looks pretty good but one thing I would suggest is to add more fat - you have many days that you are only taking in 20 or 30 grams of fat. We need fat (even if we're trying to lose weight) for so many things in the body, including digestion. Dietary fat does not equal body fat. Having more fat in your…
  • Some vegan non soy protein options beyond beans & quinoa: hemp seeds, chia seeds, lentils, nuts, seeds, and nut or seed butters, buckwheat (also called kasha), seaweed (like Nori in sushi) and spirulina. Also, believe it or not, vegetables have protein!! Cauliflower, Spinach, Kale, Asparagus, Artichokes, Brussels Sprouts,…
  • Congratulations! You look awesome! What an amazing accomplishment!
  • Tigersworld, that's not 100% true. Just because corn and wheat are grown from seeds does not make all seeds grain. All grains are grown from seeds but all seeds are not grain. Grain as a food group come from the seeds of the grass family. Quinoa is not part of the grass family.
  • For starters, quinoa is technically a seed, not a grain so many people have an easier time digesting it. Nutritionally, it has a lot more in it than cous cous - it's a complete protein (which is rare in plant foods). It's also very high in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins, folate, iron and zinc! All stuff we need more of. Cous…
  • I cook most things from scratch too so I create a "recipe" (look under the Food menu for this option) and add the exact things I put in. Not really a big deal. Takes a few minutes and over time I have a huge database now to choose from. If you're eating processed food - whether you're going by g/oz or the serving size on…
  • Don't rely on laxatives - your body will get used to them and they can cause all sorts of problems. You say you've been trying to eat healthier but with no results - do you eat whole grains? Steel cut oatmeal (no the microwave stuff), quinoa, etc? Nuts and seeds can help too. Prunes and prune juice, while full of sugar are…
  • Wow! That's an amazing difference! The difference between those two pics looks like more than 20lbs to me. Congrats!
  • I've had a simple stainless steel one by Salter for the last 5 years and it's been awesome. I think I paid $30 for it and it can weigh in both grams and oz (and does total weight up to 5-7lbs I think). It's accurate and small enough for me to keep on the kitchen counter all the time. I've only had to replace the battery…
    in Food Scale Comment by maraq August 2013
  • Here's a couple of good options for you! I've used them all! They offer classes you can purchase individually or you can pay for a monthly unlimited subscription. They also have one free class every week - varying levels. I only use them for the free class! Free two week trial, then it's a monthly…
  • 4 strawberries and a banana have a lot of sugar in them. That being said, it's not added sugar. While you don't want to go crazy and eat unlimited fruit, there's nothing wrong with a couple of servings of fruit a day. The benefits of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, antioxidants etc outweigh the negatives from the natural…
  • Can you help teach her some healthy habits during her continued weight loss? Rather than tell her what she's doing wrong, show her what she can do right. Invite her for walk or a hike, cook a healthy meal together, take a yoga class etc. People are more open to changing their ways when you don't tell them what they are…
  • Nothing wrong with enjoying those things once in a while but we should all be aiming for the majority of our calories to be higher quality real food. Try eating real unprocessed food 90% of the time and save the other 10% for treats like poptarts and ice cream or anything else that you don't eat daily.
  • I'm a 36DD and I second Enell! Nothing moves with them on!
  • I use them like burger buns instead of bread - drizzle with the tiniest bit of olive oil and bake at 450 degrees for 10 minutes.
  • I'm probably a rarity as I like things savory instead of sweet! I make a big batch of steel cut oatmeal early in the week and then toss in some julienned veggies like zucchini & carrots, divide it into small portions and top each one with a tiny bit of fresh parmesan cheese, a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and sea…
  • Body builders need to eat a very large quantity of protein so it's better that they need to stick to egg whites instead of the whole egg. There is too much cholesterol in an egg to be eating 10 of them a day, every day. Also, egg whites are easy to digest and have the least fat of animal protein so they are an optimal…