I would love to have more friends, and especially anyone who can still join a Resolution Team!? - amancay
any chance I could get folks to share their resolutions?
any chance I could get folks to share their resolutions?
I just had to remind myself the other day that while I'd love to see and experience HUGE results from the get go... I need to remember that as I stay steady... consistent... and truly embrace a change in LIFESTYLE... I'll get there, in time... and it will be LIFE, not a moment achieved and then fought for for the rest of…
I would urge you to show up before, or stay after class and ask the instructor to help you out with a specifc step that is troubling you... I can't imagine a true Zumbista being unwilling to make it a better experience for you!
girl... you CAN do it, GOD can do it! My inspiration has been watching a dear friend tackle those 100 pounds you see ahead of you... in the last year, it's been incredible to see her transform into who she was created to be, truly a joy! glad you are along for MY ride, blessings!
that's so wonderful... HOORAY!
there are some serious hearty soups out there... most great veggies can be pureed... and smoothies are awesome, there are some great avocado smoothie recipes out there that would surprise most!
Girl, I pray you can find that elusive balance between health... and 'the look' we all strive for! That and ENJOYing life... You can do it, for sure, especially with the support (even sans true understanding) of your man... and all us interweb folks! blessings, -amancay
agh! I've found that often when place replace meat with cheese... such are the results... so sorry that happened to you, but good call sharing the info!
it's in your settings (under the food tab, specifically), at the bottom of the page it shows the sharing options!
I say pick one, and go with it! Because I like my log to mostly show order of intake, to better recall the day... I would probably add it into Evening Snacks, for the day I just had... until I actually fall asleep!