Chocolate Eclair or Conform to Health Industry Standards!!!

Monday morning here optimistic for the start of the new week? This is so not the case and it is only 8:20am. The reason why? I just found out what my weight needs to be so that I fall in the healthy weight BMI category.

Ok so I bet some people will think that finding out that information is not a bad thing, well in my case it is a bad thing as it is tell me my weight needs to be 176lb or 79.8kg. Which means I have to lose another 59kg or 129.8lbs. So I guess some of you will see why I might be feeling more than a little bit depressed.

I really believe that this is a target I will NOT meet! I am not giving up by any means but I will not conform to what some medical or health expert says is right for me. I will know when I am the right size and that will be when enough is enough and if my BMI doesn't conform and I am still overweight according to the medical experts sod it!

If I went down to the recommended BMI size then I will end up being half the size and half the weight I am now and I bet I won't be as half as happy as I am now!

So I am me. love me for the size I am or the size or wanna I be or bog off and let me eat this chocolate eclair in peace lol!!!!!


  • amancay
    I just had to remind myself the other day that while I'd love to see and experience HUGE results from the get go... I need to remember that as I stay steady... consistent... and truly embrace a change in LIFESTYLE... I'll get there, in time... and it will be LIFE, not a moment achieved and then fought for for the rest of my life.

    Helps that I've seen a dear friend go through an inspiring transformation over the last year, and truly... its been a lifestyle shift, a doable, livable, shift... not a diet regime!
  • ChassityGetsFit
    ChassityGetsFit Posts: 173 Member
    I completely agree with everything you are saying! My goal weight is at the higher end of the recommended weight for my hight, and the only reason I've chosen that weight is because I was once there and I was happy with that weight. If once I get there I want to lose more weight then I will, and on the other hand if I find that I'm happy with myself at a higher weight then I will stop there as well! Do what feels good to you and if you are happy with yourself then that's amazing for you! :D
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    I do hope you don't let it get you down too much. The recommended 'health industry standards' are based on the level at which weight has been shown to affect disease and mortality in studies. It has also however been shown that losing just 5-10% of your starting body weight significantly reduces obesity-related disease and mortality risk and people that lost that amount were much less likely to pile it all back on which meant longer term health benefits.

    Unfortunately there are still a lot of professionals out there *cough* doctors *cough* that are telling people they must get down to their healthy weight range to improve their health - despite the fact their patient hasn't been that weight since they were 12! :S
  • cerysrhi
    cerysrhi Posts: 262
    Now I know why we are BFF's we think alike My goal is higher than whats deemed "ideal" or "healthy" but I want to feel good about myself, not swing the other way where I feel I look ill cos I'm too thin If when I get to my "goal" I feel I can get to ideal and look good then I will but not til then. you will do it hun but you will do it until you start feeling good about yourself and not cos of a generic Number thats far to general for the different shapes and sizes we all are x
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    If you make it to 90 kg, another 10 kg will be nothing! I assumed I couldn't go back to my old favourite weight, but by using mfp I did, and yes, I was that weight as a 12 year old too. See how you feel then.