*le sigh* So it begins..

I suppose I could be witty and funny, but the fact is, I'm just not feeling up to the challenge for this introduction. Give me a few days, and it will come back. So... here I am, in a nutshell.

I am 29 years old, the wife of a pretty amazing man named Maxwell, and the mother of two awesomely rambunctious children. I have battled with my weight since the birth of my son Corbin, who was nearly 10 pounds at birth. He was not a planned kiddo, and so when we found out we were having a kid, I stopped smoking cold turkey and ate everything I could get my hands on. In the end, I paid for it. After a rather intense and strained pregnancy, followed by an emergency c-section, my body was completely wrecked. I had gone from 125 pounds (at 5'5") to over 200. This was, believe it or not, 2 weeks post partum. I shed the pounds really slowly, but would find that no matter what I did it would fluctuate wildly. Lose a few pounds here, gain one now and then. I wanted to rip my hair out. Between the 6 week healing period, in which I will admit to being a whiner and a bit lazy, and 1 year post partum, I only lost 20 pounds. And so now I was at 180.

A friend convinced me to try a juice fast, which I swear I will never *ever* do again, and I lost another 20 over some time, but I felt miserable. After awhile, my husband wanted to try for a second child. I was terrified, but knew that I wanted another as well. This pregnancy, since planned, was much easier. I ate balanced meals, and walked with my dog Titan everyday. That is, until the last half of the pregnancy in which I was confined to bed rest. Still, I did not gain too much, and the rest of the pregnancy went by quickly.

My dear daughter is now 2 years old, and I'm back to 180. My weigh still fluctuates, and I pass between days of intense energy, and extreme lethargy. I blame the lethargy on being a sometimes insomniac, which I've heard can slow metabolism as well.

I looked in the mirror two weeks ago, and I'm horrified by what I see. My husband supports whatever I do, but it's hard when he's 6'2" and 150 pounds, drinking a 12 pack of mountain dew a day and eating any and everything he wants. He understands, but he doesn't GET IT, if you catch my drift.

I feel like the odds are stacked against me, but I'm not unwilling to try everything I can to be a reasonable weight and above all..HEALTHY.

So... here I am. I hope I find friends among you, and a great support structure through which I can achieve my goals!


  • mimialea
    mimialea Posts: 4
    Good luck to you. I also just joined, and I'm sort of obsessed already!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    And good luck to you as well! I'm about to go peruse your intro. Maybe we can be n00b buddies to get us started! ;)
  • Corbinsmom
    Corbinsmom Posts: 117
    Welcome!!! This site is really amazing and the people are super encouraging. It draws you in to say the least! ( in a good way ) I really believe youcan do this. There will be people to help support you ( people who are supportive and Get it ) So dive in! It will be so worth it!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    Thank you so much. :) Our sons share the same name! *highfive*
  • amancay
    amancay Posts: 13
    Girl, I pray you can find that elusive balance between health... and 'the look' we all strive for! That and ENJOYing life...

    You can do it, for sure, especially with the support (even sans true understanding) of your man... and all us interweb folks!

  • klt1030
    klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
    I just joined this week myself and find this site amazing. So I'm teaming up that "amazingness" with my will to finally get healthy. I need all the support I can get, and I'm willing to give all the support I can.

    WE can do this!
  • klt1030
    klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
    I just joined this week myself and find this site amazing. So I'm teaming up that "amazingness" with my will to finally get healthy. I need all the support I can get, and I'm willing to give all the support I can.

    WE can do this!
  • klt1030
    klt1030 Posts: 82 Member
    Wow, I must really mean business... I'm repeating myself :)
  • miss_alias

    You *can* do this. Just because your husband can eat / drink anything he wants, doesn't mean he is healthy. Try not to compare yourself to him because men are completely different. I learned that from my husband when we had a weightloss challenge about 2 years ago. He dropped 45lbs in about 4 months and I was happy when I dropped 20lbs.
  • Atomaszewski
    It's never easy when it comes to weightloss, I can at least say this for myself.
    Like they say the first step to realising there is a problem is admitting there is one. So you have to give yourself the credit for standing up and committing to making a change. As women we will always have more obstacles standing in the way of making time for ourselves than men, it's just the way it works out.. I guess the whole nuturing of others trait we've been blessed with doesn't include "me time", lol. Just believe in yourself and that you can do this. Set a big goal and take baby steps to achieve it.
    Wishing you a great week!
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I can't believe how awesomely nice everyone has been to me thus far. I spent time on a parenting and pregnancy website during my pregnancies, and several of those women were some of the most virulent that I'd ever 'met'. If you didn't have 5000 posts, you weren't talking to.

    To say the least, I'm pleasantly surprised! thank you so much for helping to make this transition easy!