maplehouse200 Member


  • 'Don't get me wrong (argh, I wanted to take a night's break from this thread as something was pulling me down big time today), I always wanted to live in the UK: lots of history, marvelous landscapes, cute villages* and still great flight connections to the rest of Europe in most cases. So no, I don't know what's wrong.…
  • As you are not running in the evening anymore, perhaps you could use 20mins of that spare time to actually make flatbreads. Make a batch. Stick 'em in the 'fridge. Dead simple to do.
  • ' I think you summed it up pretty well.' Thanks Mr juggernaut. I thought so too. ( Apologies for my omissions. Very remiss of me).
  • They would probably have no poutrage about asking the question. But then as the future OP's 'personal' definition is then mercilessly attacked,( mainly by posters with a few thousand posts to their name), they have the mick taken out of them, someone writes something amazingly humorous about, 'does washing my cake in…
  • Bang on. I tend to lose 1.5 to 2 st every year, and to be honest I enjoy doing it. I do this in about 2 to 3 months, cutting back on beer curry, crisps, etc and spend the rest of the year putting it back on. Works for me.
  • We're similar. For the last 7 wks I've been ingesting an average about 1400 cals per day and a fair bit of that has been beer and wine. (Not Greene King tho'). I'm very active, especially at the weekends so probably have a deficit of 1000+. I'm down 16 pounds and contrary to what I'm reading on MFP, I'm not weak, tired,…
  • So you have read them all. That's great, as I guess stating, 'nearly all these books are trash' without having read them would be construed as commenting from a position of ignorance and only an fool would do that.
  • Try; Death by food pyramid, by Denise Minger. The big fat surprise, by Nina Teicholtz. Pure white and deadly, by John Yudkin. The great cholesterol con, by Dr Malcolm Kendrick.
  • Sorry for not making myself clear. My quotation marks were not in response to your post.
  • 'I've never had a cavity' I don't want to presume, but I think you may mean you have never had a filling. If you have not seen a dentist for 26years, it may be that you have undiagnosed tooth decay. A dentist will take radiographs to determine whether there is decay not visible by direct vision, or developing unseen…
  • 'and I cant be on atkins for the rest of my life' Well, seeing as you couldn't be on Atkins for even 3 weeks, I can see how 'the rest of your life' might be a bit of a stretch.
  • 'just that the negative effect is greatly exaggerated' I look forward to the updated advice from the BDHF, and the GDC's 'best practice' information in the next copy of the BDJ, in light of your insight and 'knowledge'.