

  • Don't use food as a reward for all your hard work. I'm sure there are so many other rewards you could choose that don't involve calories or spending much money. It would be better to reward yourself with a day off at the gym. Go rent a DVD at Redbox and relax.
  • I know what you mean by feeling bad about it. I feel bad if i'm even 10 calories over. Forgive yourself for it and move on. Just keep that feeling in mind when your tempted to go over again. I think that will be motivation enough to keep you on a straight path. You didn't come this far to throw it all away. Tomorrow is…
  • Ease into it. Proper form when lifting weights is a big advantage. Start with light weights and work your way up. Use the core of your body for support. Better to do more reps with lighter weights then hurt yourself. As far as squats...if you can sit in a chair you can squat. MAKE SURE YOU STRETCH BEFORE AND AFTER!…
  • That sounds fabulous!!!! Think I will try it soon.
  • Celestial Seasons Apple Cinnamon tea. Wow!!! Mild at first. But, when you get towards the middle of the cup - rich & sweet. At the end of the cup...a suprising peppery, sweet party in your mouth.
  • It's Saturday and who wants to cook. Stop at walmart or target on the way home and pick up an Annie Chun Soup Bowl Miso or Udon flavor. Have a side salad with it. The soup takes a while to eat and I throw in some cooked brocolli, spinach, kale or canned mushrooms to beef it up, 220 cal for the whole bowl. Fat 2g. Very…
  • Welcome!!!! You know this is your appointed time to do this. Just keep thinking of how happy you will be in those jeans. Good luck in your journey. When I get hungry...I come on here instead and reply to comments. It keeps me from eating.
  • Hey everybody...thanks for all the supportive welcomes. Happy to be back in control of my portions. Luckily, I'm a very competitive person so this is exactly what I need to keep me on track. Can't wait to explore the community here. I have 20 lbs. to loose. This time I'm not going to make the mistake of not counting…
    in hello! Comment by goldbull April 2011
  • When I worked out at the gym I found that I was very hungry. It was almost like- all my blood would get going and send a signal to my brain that in order to keep up this level of energy it wanted to be fed. I switched over to deep water aerobics and I don't recall being so hungry. You are not immagining things. The best…