NNsMomma Member


  • I hate when I hear people say...."I've tried everything to lose weight." Bull! Trying "everything" for a day or two and not sticking with it doesn't count as trying! Anyone can be thin/lean otherwise, people in 3rd world countries would be heavy too! Ya eat too much and move too little! UGH!!!!!
  • If you are able, try going to the gym during less busy times. No one enforces those rules when there is no wait for the machines.
  • I don't! I exercise more than most, too! I just eat healthy and get the most "value" out of my 1200 calories. I have never been overweight and therefor I think my experience should be proof enough. I lift weights (with a trainer) and do extensive cardio and am at a very healthy weight while still able to body build and add…
  • Well, it sounds like your 1200 calories are not nutritious calories - in other words, they are empty calories which will leave your body looking for nutrition thus making you hungry. You have to get the most out of the 1200 calories. Make sure everything you eat is wholesome and close to nature. No processed frozen foods.…
  • You look great in both pics. I, personally, wear minimal makeup because I'm 51 and I look younger, fresher with little make up. (I have a sister who is a couple of years older than I am and she cakes it on. She looks really old that way but that is her preference.) I think that the amount of makeup depends on what you're…
  • Absolutely do not purposely add FAT to please your friends! No, we do not need to weigh more as we get older - that's ludicrous. Friends often reflect their own faults onto us - in other words, if you stay a little chunky, it will be easier for your friends to justify being a little overweight. Eat healthy everyday,…
  • I think those charts cater to our society. They allow us to be way too heavy!! I'm 5'4" and 113 pounds and still have not reached my body fat % goal. Can you go to a gym or somewhere and have your body fat measured? Oh, I'm 50 years old! As we get older, fat gets marbled in our muscles so getting our muscles lean is…
  • First of all - it is a sad truth that others don't always want dieters to succeed because it reflects on their lack of discipline. So try not to listen to others too much. Secondly, eat healthy everyday and let the scale fall where it will. We should choose healthy eating for the nutrition factor and not to hit an…
  • I'm a vegetarian (not vegan which means I eat eggs and dairy) but no meat at all -no chicken or fish or meat of any kind. I work out - hard - and eat whole grains. I have never been in better shape and I'm 50. I weigh about 112 and have low body fat - and plenty of muscle. My reason for telling you all of this is because I…
  • Well, you should up your weight lifting for sure. 15 minutes a week isn't really enough. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your resting metabolism will be, plus, more muscle mass will help tone you and keep you from sagging after all that weight loss. Building muscle has long term benefits like increasing your bone…
  • I have Greek Yogurt often and stay full for hours! My favorite recipe is as follows: 2/3 cup Greek Yogurt (my favorite is Fage 2/%) 1 tablespoon blackberry Polaner All fruit or no sugar added jam - fold into yogurt 1/2 cup fresh blueberries on top sprinkle with 1 tablespoon of ground Flax seed Yummo this is good!
  • I've been eating Quinoa for years. Use it like rice for the most simple way but here is a great recipe I use often.... Greek Quinoa and Avocado Salad Recipe - Food by Yahoo! Shine! http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/food/recipes/greek-quinoa-and-avocado-salad-536434/
    in Quinoa Comment by NNsMomma June 2011
  • Temporary issue. Smoking is nasty, CAUSES cancer among other things, super bad influence on your children besides exposing them to smoke. I think the trade off is well worth it.
  • I eat out on the weekend and eat a "reasonable" meal that usually puts me over my calorie goal for the day; however, I truly believe that eating "over" once a week keeps your metabolism running faster. You can't get your body used to the same calories everyday. Fire up the metabolism by eating your weekend meal - just…
  • I have a protein shake for breakfast. Great way to start the day and sets me up to burn energy all day! Keeps my appetite in check.
  • I loved working with a trainer and joined a group class. There were about 5 of us who worked out together so we encouraged each other and it made you accountable - plus, the fee was cheaper. We learned how to use free weights, the equipment and our own body weight. I stayed with my trainer for almost 5 years before going…
  • No, I don't think so. Your body will get used to a smaller size over time. Keep pushing through until you get in the middle of the healthy BMI scale. Make sure your calories are not empty calories - in other words -get the most nutrition out of every calorie you can. Limit fake foods like low calorie sweets, etc. that…