The Dumb@ss Things People Say...



  • Bug207
    Bug207 Posts: 58 Member
    -- Obese and severely overweight people telling me that I can eat whatever I want in moderation when I know that certain foods tend to make me pig out. The reason I've maintained my weight is by NOT exercising moderation. ----

    -- Obese and severely overweight people telling me it's all about willpower. "It's worked well for you," I want to respond.

    -- In a conversation about exercise that I am sure I did not start, an obese woman telling me that grooming her pet was exercise after I'd discussed running.

    -- The uneducated evocation of the term "starvation mode" ... I will say no more.

    In some ways, weight loss discussions remind me of political discussions in the U.S.: They're very dumb. The participants often lack basic information and they are insensitive to nuance and they oversimplify and generalize everything to the point where it's nonsense.

    1. You can eat whatever you want in moderation, whatever YOU want, if you know there is a food that is a trigger, then yes perhaps you should stay away from it.

    2. It is about willpower. I've lost 40lbs I am still about 100lbs over weight, but I am working on it, my will power is what pushes me forward.

    3. For that woman grooming her pet may have been exercise to her. If she wasn't active before, that 15 minutes of washing, brushing, picking up, drying off her pet is increased movement for her, just because she can't run yet doesn't mean it's not exercise.

    So now, my idea of the dumb@ss things people say....

    People who talk about overweight and obese people as if they are a different class of human. Because obviously the person talking has obtained perfection..

    You're awesome. No lies. Thanks for this!
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Rants like "I hate people who......"

    - Continue to eat crap and cry when they don't lose weight
    - Log house cleaning as exercise
    - Can't count to 20, even when using their toes
    - Can't figure out when to use 'lose' or 'loose'
    - Don't understand ME and MY needs (it's all about me, after all)
    - Think trolls aren't people, too

    **CLAP CLAP CLAP** I couldn't have said this better myself
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    -- Obese and severely overweight people telling me that I can eat whatever I want in moderation when I know that certain foods tend to make me pig out. The reason I've maintained my weight is by NOT exercising moderation.

    -- Obese and severely overweight people telling me it's all about willpower. "It's worked well for you," I want to respond.

    -- In a conversation about exercise that I am sure I did not start, an obese woman telling me that grooming her pet was exercise after I'd discussed running.

    -- The uneducated evocation of the term "starvation mode" ... I will say no more.

    In some ways, weight loss discussions remind me of political discussions in the U.S.: They're very dumb. The participants often lack basic information and they are insensitive to nuance and they oversimplify and generalize everything to the point where it's nonsense.

    You mean brushing my doggie is not burning mega calories? jeez people!

    Power Brushing.

    That poor dog...
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I never want to hear the words Starvation Mode ever again. Seriously. Go ask the kids in the Feed the Children commercials their opinion on starvation mode.

    Also, if you weigh 100 pounds more than me, I don't want your advice or opinion. Nothing personal. I wouldn't take my car to a mechanic who can't drive and I won't go to a male gyno.

    And has anyone else noticed how ABSOLUTELY BUTT HURT people get around here? It's like some people have replaced compulsive eating with compulsive whining, crying, and arguing with strangers on the internet.

    Then there are the people who ask with help about diet or exercise, but then proceed to tell you about all the food they don't like and won't eat, and give you 50 BS reasons why they just can't work out. Ever. At all. Drives me absolutely bat$hit insane...

    (I needed that rant I guess, thanks OP)

    Butt-Hurtedness is a rampant disease on all Internet forums. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people that are CRAVING to be an "e-Victim."

    "This forum made me sad. I'm going to sit here at my computer and continue to be repulsed by this forum, for hours-on-end."

    No, no, it's not enough to just sit there and be sad. You have to talk about disgusting attitudes and how you can't believe people can be so cruel to others and how everyone is a bully. Then mention how this is a support forum and, where applicable, mention that you feel sorry for everyones' kids.

    ETA Also you must mention how sad and pathetic everyone with an opposing opinion is and call them a troll
  • hallie_b
    hallie_b Posts: 181
    People who ask questions about how to log cooking, cleaning, gardening, driving, etc. Seriously? Are you that "anti" just getting a good old fashioned workout?

    Okay, I can see how cooking and driving are a bit silly, but what if they're wanting to log gardening and cleaning (both of which can be major calorie burns) on top of their daily workout? Gardening and housecleaning aren't something you do EVERY day, so, to me, it makes sense to want to log it once or twice a week. I mean, if it's not something that's a part of your normal DAILY activity, what's wrong with logging it? Truly, your workouts are a daily activity (at least, they should be), but you don't have a problem with people logging that. Why is it so foolish to log heavy chores once per week in addition to your workout for that day?

    Haha, you're really on this logging cleaning thing, aren't ya? I guess it just seems a bit desperate to get some extra calories in there. I feel like if cleaning my house gets me sweating more and my heart rate up more than my workouts, then I'm doing something wrong in my workouts. I mean, I work on a large university campus, and do a LOT of walking, but I don't count that. You can obviously do whatever you want, but for me, just seems silly.

    How do you log "pissing people off in forums?" I easily burn a solid 1000 calories a day doing that.

    My husband has been working longer hours and left me with a whole bunch of demo and mason work to do in our backyard....So I have been lifting rocks (that I shouldn't be as I tempt the hernia gods) and shoveling and picking and wheelbarrowing... I'm logging it. I would also log any activity I do that I break a serious sweat doing or can feel lactic acid building up as I do it. I don't see why it would annoy people. Just because I used the word "garden" doen't mean I was wearing a floppy hat and digging tiny holes. Just because I used the word "cleaning" doesn't mean I wasn't moving all the heavy totes crap in the garage around. I am also going to log sex from now on; I'm going to call it piano playing just to annoy people who are assuming the words I use to describe a workout are to be taken generically litteral.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I never want to hear the words Starvation Mode ever again. Seriously. Go ask the kids in the Feed the Children commercials their opinion on starvation mode.

    Also, if you weigh 100 pounds more than me, I don't want your advice or opinion. Nothing personal. I wouldn't take my car to a mechanic who can't drive and I won't go to a male gyno.

    And has anyone else noticed how ABSOLUTELY BUTT HURT people get around here? It's like some people have replaced compulsive eating with compulsive whining, crying, and arguing with strangers on the internet.

    Then there are the people who ask with help about diet or exercise, but then proceed to tell you about all the food they don't like and won't eat, and give you 50 BS reasons why they just can't work out. Ever. At all. Drives me absolutely bat$hit insane...

    (I needed that rant I guess, thanks OP)

    Girl, you don't know what you're missin'!

    I thought it was a dumb@ss thing to say when someone posted that hearing the word "toning" was like nails on a chalkboard after someone asked for help. Everyone had to start somewhere. You can't tell me they never used the term "tone up" ever. Same with "starvation mode". I'm sure a lot of the people irritated by that used that term before they learned what it really meant themselves. Live and learn. Just like when you wiped your boogers on the couch until your mom told you it wasn't cool. Same thing, just not as gross. :wink:
  • Pangea250
    Pangea250 Posts: 965 Member
    "You just showed a 5 lb. weight gain this month? It must be muscle!"
  • Bug207
    Bug207 Posts: 58 Member
    Woooo this all got pretty nasty very quickly.
  • TexanThom
    TexanThom Posts: 778
    People that have to "quote" every time they type something. Some of them get real long.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    "It's TOM... " followed by ANYTHING.
  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    "You make a lot of money for your age, you should be thankful you even have a job!" - NO *kitten*... I am thankful but if I'm not happy, I'm not happy. Money isn't going to bring me happiness. I want to have a career... not a job. I want to wake up everyday & not dread going to work!!!!

    I am sick to death of hearing how I should be happy I have a job. Yes I'm glad I have a job but it's still OK for ME to HATE that job. I'm still doing it cause it pays the bills but hating going to work every day just effing sucks the life out of a person.
  • NNsMomma
    NNsMomma Posts: 18 Member
    I hate when I hear people say...."I've tried everything to lose weight." Bull! Trying "everything" for a day or two and not sticking with it doesn't count as trying! Anyone can be thin/lean otherwise, people in 3rd world countries would be heavy too! Ya eat too much and move too little! UGH!!!!!
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Share some of the opinions, cliches, and myths that make you roll your eyes.

    People posting in the "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" section something that clearly belongs in the Chit-Chat section.

    People posting about "dumb@ss" things people say when those are genuine questions for people new to fitness.

    This, because god forbid people who are new to this would ask a question without being flamed by those who were never out of shape or who have been doing this for 3 years. We HAVE to start SOMEWHERE.
  • beauty2323
    beauty2323 Posts: 70 Member
    "You make a lot of money for your age, you should be thankful you even have a job!" - NO *kitten*... I am thankful but if I'm not happy, I'm not happy. Money isn't going to bring me happiness. I want to have a career... not a job. I want to wake up everyday & not dread going to work!!!!

    I am sick to death of hearing how I should be happy I have a job. Yes I'm glad I have a job but it's still OK for ME to HATE that job. I'm still doing it cause it pays the bills but hating going to work every day just effing sucks the life out of a person.

    It is ok!! it's not like we are saying we are going to quit. We're just unhappy. We're going to do what we have to do but its ok to want better & try to get that!
  • ScubyUK
    ScubyUK Posts: 271 Member
    People who say " I don't know if this has been asked before, but what is the ,,,,,?"
    There's a search function people!!

    Apologies if anyone posted this one in pages 2 - 5, I couldn't be bothered to read the whole lot.
  • softballsharie
    softballsharie Posts: 176 Member
    When people tell me that I've lost too much and I'm beginning to look unhealthy. Umm... no. My diet/exercise/weight loss is closely monitored by two doctors and a physical trainer. I do believe if I began to become unhealthy, they would let me know. It's not my fault that you can't get used to the fact that I am in a normal BMI now. People that say these things don't understand that I have lost weight in part to feel better about myself. Telling me that I am beginning to look unhealthy, in fact has the ability to make me become unhealthy, so let me make my body the way that I want it to be! Jeeeeez haha
  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    -- Obese and severely overweight people telling me that I can eat whatever I want in moderation when I know that certain foods tend to make me pig out. The reason I've maintained my weight is by NOT exercising moderation.

    -- Obese and severely overweight people telling me it's all about willpower. "It's worked well for you," I want to respond.

    -- In a conversation about exercise that I am sure I did not start, an obese woman telling me that grooming her pet was exercise after I'd discussed running.

    -- The uneducated evocation of the term "starvation mode" ... I will say no more.

    In some ways, weight loss discussions remind me of political discussions in the U.S.: They're very dumb. The participants often lack basic information and they are insensitive to nuance and they oversimplify and generalize everything to the point where it's nonsense.

    If you tried grooming one of our dogs here it is exercise! She hates water and being groomed so its a straight out battle when it comes time to bathe and groom her.
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Anything involving the words "belly fat."

    And from various people in my life- "I was going to make/order _______ (insert one my favorite foods here) but I know you can't have that on your diet." after I have explained that I'm NOT on a diet, that there are no "forbidden" foods, and that I will OCCASIONALLY indulge in less-than-healthy foods if my calories allow. If you really want to be helpful, why do you have to mention what you were going to make/order in the first place?! If we're having salad, I don't need to know about the pepperoni pizza you had planned on that's sitting in your freezer!
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    How do you log "pissing people off in forums?" I easily burn a solid 1000 calories a day doing that.

    I don't know that you're "pissing people off", but you are not being motivating nor supportive to all the people who ask these questions. It reminds me of another thread you started where you made fun of progress pics. Then you claim to be a "motivator". It would seem to me that you'd want to be more supportive to those who don't know as much as you or who are in as great physical condition as you are.....and I'm saying that sincerely. You probably have a lot of great advice to give and COULD be a good motivator.

    I know for a fact that you are actually a good person in real life, or at least you try to be. The number of friends you have on here is likely a good indicator of same.

    Pursuant such, I've been delicate with you, because I know your heart is in the right place. Your hypothesis however, is not.

    You jumped to a very erroneous conclusion based entirely on another erroneous conclusion, propagated by someone else, regarding one of my forums.

    I never insulted "progress pictures," in any capacity, whatsoever.

    I did make light of grown men posing in front of bathroom mirrors and taking cellphone pictures of themselves like teenage girls seeking emotional validation from strangers, pursuant their own lack of self-esteem.

    ...Because it's ridiculous.

    There was no mention of "progress pictures."

    I was making fun of "men" who want to show off their "tummies" to "all tha' laaaadies."

    Further, I have never claimed to be "better" than anyone. Ever.
This discussion has been closed.