The Dumb@ss Things People Say...



  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member

    In some ways, weight loss discussions remind me of political discussions in the U.S.: They're very dumb. The participants often lack basic information and they are insensitive to nuance and they oversimplify and generalize everything to the point where it's nonsense.

    I agree, and that is an excellent comparison. In both cases people are bombarded with lies and sound bytes. It takes a LOT of initiative to sort through all the muck and find the truth (and I bet a lot of the time that isn't entirely accurate, sigh).
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    "Hi. I'm a female and I want to start to lift weights but I don't want to 'bulk up' and look like a body builder. What do you suggest I do?"


    "I have fat around my stomach that I really want to get rid of. What exercises can I do to target that specific spot?"


    "I can't do the elliptical/squats/run because my legs gain muscle really fast and they get SOOO bulky!"
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • reankanesmom
    reankanesmom Posts: 132 Member
    I think the only thing that really tends to bother me is when people decided to tell me I've lost enough I should stop when I am clearly still bigger then I need to be for my body frame and height. Or those who tell me oh you can eat that when I know for a fact that if I eat to many helpings of pasta or there is to many trips to some fast food restaurant I am going to see a gain. I want to look at them and ask them if they are fitness trainer..nope..well how about a nutritionist...well nope damn...medical doctor...nope...well keep the pie hole shut.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member

    - Think trolls aren't people, too

    People are SO insensitive and MEAN on these forums! That's why I try to stay away. Don't look at my post count.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    In some ways, weight loss discussions remind me of political discussions in the U.S.: They're very dumb. The participants often lack basic information and they are insensitive to nuance and they oversimplify and generalize everything to the point where it's nonsense.

    I agree, and that is an excellent comparison. In both cases people are bombarded with lies and sound bytes. It takes a LOT of initiative to sort through all the muck and find the truth (and I bet a lot of the time that isn't entirely accurate, sigh).

    Admittedly, it is time-consuming, confusing, and frustrating at times. I'm not a weight loss or policy wonk, but I try to keep up by reading articles in reputable publications. I just hope that the reporter didn't misinterpret the latest study. The comments to such articles often point out flaws in the analysis.
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    these things don't offend me when I hear them but totally makes me roll my eyes because the threads on these topics are so beat to death:

    Muscles on girls - I think it's hot, some don't, and then everyone argues
    Tattoos on girls/guys - again, I think it's hot, some don't, and then everyone argues
    too much skin in the profile pic - if you've got it, you worked your *kitten* off to get it so, yeah, go ahead and flaunt it - but then someone WILL get offended so just be ready for that

    there's probably more but that'll do for now.
  • gchutson
    gchutson Posts: 657
    "It's not calories in vs calories out and here's why..." They then proceed with a personal anecdote and talk about something effecting their weightloss which is very obviously a CALORIE OUT issue (low metabolism, age, plateau, hormones). :grumble: Then they are convinced science is wrong and try to persuade others as well.

    Or even if you grant that it's not just calories in/out, they don't understand that it's a proxy that's used because it's easy and reliable. They don't understand that to track food intake and hormonal patterns, etc., is beyond the means of an ordinary person.

    They also don't get that knowledgeable, fit people don't set much store by the BMI, either. They have better information. And if they are really healthy outliers (high muscle mass, exceptional bone density), those people would be able to explain that. The BMI is a cheap proxy that's used by insurance companies to estimate obesity in populations.

    "BMI" is the single worst health apologue, ever. Any medical professional that ever based any diagnosis of any nature solely on "BMI" should be prosecuted for malpractice.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member

    - Think trolls aren't people, too

    People are SO insensitive and MEAN on these forums! That's why I try to stay away. Don't look at my post count.

    I don't blame you, I never come here either. This is my first day.
  • nikinyx6
    nikinyx6 Posts: 772 Member
    "I want to tone up"

    I was someone who said I understand. Thank you to all the people who explained it to me without making me feel like an idiot

    Nikinyx6 please could you enlighten me?

    Tone up=not a real thing

    losing fat and building muscle are the only two things that will show muscle what you and I thought of as toning up...some people can be a little touchy if you use that term...
  • sarapumpkin
    I was told by a certified nutritionist that eating whole grains, lean meats, fruits vegtables and complete proteins was "ALL WRONG" after I lost 16 pounds. She wanted me to go on her diet. Oh yea, she also takes diabetic meds, and shes not diabetic. The person who agreed with her is abusing laxatives and thinks I should do the same. I'll stick to what I'm I'm down 21 pounds. Not bad for doing it "ALL WRONG"
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member

  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    When people say "don't eat so much fruit" or "limit your fruit intake" and then talk about eating noodles and bread.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    Friend - "How are you managing to lose so much weight?"
    Me - "Just diet and exercise :)"
    Friend - "HAHAHA, no, really." :noway:
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I never want to hear the words Starvation Mode ever again. Seriously. Go ask the kids in the Feed the Children commercials their opinion on starvation mode.

    Also, if you weigh 100 pounds more than me, I don't want your advice or opinion. Nothing personal. I wouldn't take my car to a mechanic who can't drive and I won't go to a male gyno.

    And has anyone else noticed how ABSOLUTELY BUTT HURT people get around here? It's like some people have replaced compulsive eating with compulsive whining, crying, and arguing with strangers on the internet.

    Then there are the people who ask with help about diet or exercise, but then proceed to tell you about all the food they don't like and won't eat, and give you 50 BS reasons why they just can't work out. Ever. At all. Drives me absolutely bat$hit insane...

    (I needed that rant I guess, thanks OP)
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I logged a 500 calorie deficit each day for a whole week and I'm UP a pound!? Am I in starvation mode?
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    "I want to tone up"

    I was someone who said I understand. Thank you to all the people who explained it to me without making me feel like an idiot
    could someone explain whats wrong with this statement? I am now moving onto working on "toning" .... what I mean by that is building muscle to give my arms legs and tummy a bit more definition (toning seems like a shorter way of saying it) .... surely that's what "toning up" is??
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    Share some of the opinions, cliches, and myths that make you roll your eyes.

    People posting in the "General Diet and Weight Loss Help" section something that clearly belongs in the Chit-Chat section.

    People posting about "dumb@ss" things people say when those are genuine questions for people new to fitness.
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    "I want to tone up"

    I was someone who said I understand. Thank you to all the people who explained it to me without making me feel like an idiot
    could someone explain whats wrong with this statement? I am now moving onto working on "toning" .... what I mean by that is building muscle to give my arms legs and tummy a bit more definition (toning seems like a shorter way of saying it) .... surely that's what "toning up" is??

    its essentially people trying to get resuslts with putting in the effort. AKA doing light weight/ body weights for high reps becuase they are afraid to grab anything heavy for fear of bulking up.
  • pinkfoxglove

    Power Brushing.

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