Changing my goal? Advice please!

SO started this life style change 21 months ago with the goal to get down to a healthy BMI (25 is healthy for my hight/weight) Now I have made it to 26.8 and would need to lose 11 more lbs to make it to the healthy BMI. All though I would still like to get that healthy BMI....I am really struggling to lose any more. Over the last 4 months gone up and down about 5lbs. (I think that's the norm for me) and have been struggling to keep myself at 1400 calories a day and get frustrated at myself when I am over.

Now my question is.....could/would I hurt myself by changing my goal to maintain my weight? I am happy with my body and don't want to ever gain any back..... So should I keep struggling to lose that last 11lbs or should I just work to maintain my hard fought losses? FYI it's not about the number on the scale for me...its about being healthy and happy.


  • NNsMomma
    NNsMomma Posts: 18 Member
    No, I don't think so. Your body will get used to a smaller size over time. Keep pushing through until you get in the middle of the healthy BMI scale. Make sure your calories are not empty calories - in other words -get the most nutrition out of every calorie you can. Limit fake foods like low calorie sweets, etc. that don't offer nutritious value. Or baked chips, etc.
    Just relax and keep eating healthy everyday. That is the key!
  • abellante_0205
    abellante_0205 Posts: 368 Member
    If you are feeling good about yourself, go for maintaining it! You may lose some more, but maybe not expecting to lose more will help you get there? Good Luck! I'm struggling to lose 17 more lbs right now.
  • AngelicaDulas
    I think you should listen to your body!! If you're having a hard time eating only 1400 eat a few more. What is your goal set to? 1 lb a week? change it to 1/2 lb and eat those calories and after a week or two see if things start moving. Your body is at the point where your metabolism has increased and it NEEDS more fuel for the same funtion. Also, if you're worried too much about the scale or the BMI on here (which is not really very accurate) then you're not necessarily worrying about your HEALTH! :) i think you should also try examining the shape of your body and what your goals associated with that are. i.e. do you want toner abs, or slimmer thighs? By using the exercises to build lean muscle you may not lose weight on the scale, but you'll lose the over lying fats and body fat % that is a cause for the BMI you have. Try looking at your life goals and what makes you feel most comfortable, not just the number on the scale.

    Best luck to you honey! You've come a long way, done a great job! And you deserve listening to what your body is trying to tell you.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    Yeah, what Angelica said. :)

    I think it could be beneficial for you to eat at maintenance for a week or two and then try to go into enough of a deficit for .5 lb. loss / week. Slow & steady wins the race!
  • LillysGranny
    Learning how to maintain is often harder than losing weight. Maintain for a while, try some new exercise routines/sports/activities and then decide in a few months if you really need to lose more. Yo-yoing is more unhealthy than maintaining a slightly heavier than optimal weight.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Take no notice of the BMI tables, they are wholly inaccurate! They dont measure muscle tone, bone fact, most athletes dont fall into the BMI figures.

    If you are happy with your body, then I say go to maintenance :bigsmile: Absolutely no point chasing a number that someone based on the 'averag'e person. You're not average, you are unique!

    good luck :flowerforyou:
  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    I would just maintain! You know what is best for you if you feel good at the weight you're at, then just stick to maintaining it.
  • Ninjitsu
    Ninjitsu Posts: 163
    Hun. Get up early and walk as fast as you can for an hour a day (before eating anything).

    Increase your calories by 200 per day.

    Watch the weight drop off and the tone come on.
