drfalktorres Member


  • I'd love to join too! I'm 44 - 3 kids (all teenagers and spending the summer with their father.) Could use some non-coworker support buddies!
  • I just jumped back in too-- feel free to add me!
  • You can add me as a friend for support! My sister and i both struggled with PCOS…she was on Metformin for years and struggled conceiving-- I was lucky and for the most part, the symptoms are not severe in my case. I can relate to MUCH of your experience (borderline hypertension, food as a source of comfort, etc.)…I haven't…
  • Learn to be okay that you're not as fast as you think you should be. Once you run...just to run...the lack of pressure makes it more enjoyable. I had to teach myself that I'm still a runner even if it is slow-- then over time, my paced increased...but is still nothing to brag about except that it's faster than sitting on…
  • Lol..worked for me! I had to jump to 1800 in a past weight loss journey before I saw results! Wishing you the best!
  • Throw the girls scout cookies and chocolate sauce OUT! [I lack any and all self control and can't say no to sweets]. I try to worry about my overall intake over the week and not limit it to one day. So a deficit one day might balance out when you have that work luncheon the next. Although-- I've been doing a handful of…
  • I can relate 100%. Right now...I try to exercise off all sweets that I have eaten..but that can be tough when it's been 600 calories plus! I can't seem to do the "moderation" thing either!
  • These? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r1bmkW46t8 "The Squeeze is on!"
  • Newbie here....Shooting for 50 miles in November. [/url]
  • Yes, it's doable. That's close to my goal too!
  • It's better to look at it over the week, as there will be some days when you may be over your goal and it would balance out. I too am often under my calorie goal, but there are also times I've over...! ;-)
  • Beautiful Pictures & Family! LOVE it-- and YAY you! Inspiring!
  • No beard? Lucky you! ;-) My sister and I are both sufferers of PCOS....she actually had to go on Metformin (sp?)...but I have been fortunate enough to avoid meds and have been blessed with three children. She struggled with getting pregnant, but was able to have children in the long run-- but still suffers significantly…
  • Eat for fuel, not food. Trust me, I'm the queen of sweets-- and it's a constant battle. But I ask myself..."Does my body need this?" "What is my body asking for if this is NOT what it needs?" And try my best to substitute. A couple of squares of dark chocolate, a fruit smoothie, and/or a dessert flavored yogurt. Is it the…
  • Your body definitely needs all of the proper vitamins and nutrients and without eating enough kcals, it's nearly impossible to make that happen. Even with a multi-vitamin, there are many things that your body needs to absorb through food. As for protein, there are many takes on this, but if you are going over per MFP,…
  • I'm a runner and I eat 1/2 cup oatmeal boiled in 1 cup water until thick, added with 1 cup sliced berries, 2 Tablespoons of nuts, and a 1/2 cup skim milk. Enough energy to get me through a two hour run! And then when I'm done, I immediately eat a banana for quick energy and nutrients. I really don't like oatmeal, but it…
  • I've never done a half or a full-- and I signed up for a full for September 22nd. I figure, the goal is to finish, not record-breaking time. I've ran several 5 and 10K's and had a great time...so why not give it a go? I'm following the Hal Higdon 18 week plan....and I've offically got 19 weeks-- I'm trusting I can do it--…
  • Try "meet ups"-- such as hikes, groups, etc...a much more casual environment that allows you to mingle and get to know others without the pressure of a date. www.meetup.com
  • Nothing like a bit of soft porn to liven up the evening!
  • It's grand fun-- and because it's an entertaining race, there's no worry about "training"...just do what you do and go have a great time! You can go as slow/fast, competitive/recreational as you want! Good luck!
  • I dunno, I think you might be on to something. If taste is part of the reason restraint is difficult, then eating for fuel may not be such a bad thing. I think looking at food as a fuel rather than a treat may be the way to go for some of us. I think I'd rather get my enjoyment from the company I share my meals with and…
  • Moderation and I aren't friends either. ;-) It takes a while, and you may suffer a few headaches, but about two weeks of a total ban will help stop the cravings..but once you derail, you have to wean yourself off again. I fight this battle constantly.
  • Here's how I combat this exact issue (just started doing this a week ago and it is working AWESOME!!!) I start counting my calories at 4 pm...(when I get off work)-- so if I eat 600 kcals from 4 pm until I go to bed, I know that I can only pack 600 kcals worth of food to work for me in the morning...and I am able to…
  • Stick with it! You'll see results...and push yourself as much as you can during the 20 minutes....I just keep telling myself "only a few more minutes"...and I give it my all...and 30 days isn't long to wait to see....especially when you've already conquered 7 of them! :-) Dont get discouraged!
  • I started running last spring AND the 30-day shred-- my legs never looked better. I would run 20-30 minutes (more like shuffle-- S-L-O-W)-- but I did it...and then come home and do the 30-day shred...totally made the difference!
  • You can do it-- it is hard though-- be prepared for a very long haul...but it will be SO worth it. When I reach for my desserts (my only REAL weakness)-- I think..."is this worth the lost time I'll have with my children?" My mother died when I was a senior in high school (probably could have been prevented had she been a…