Running Help...

I'm trying to get into better shape,( I have a BMI of 22, Im not over weight) I go to the gym 3-4 times a week. I strength train and do cardio. But it has been bugging me that I can't get myself to run. I will for a minute or two and then walk.. I get out of breath so easily running , but I can do the stair master and things like that fine. I feel ridiculous. I see 300+ pound women running! I feel like it shouldn't be this hard or me... Do y'all have any tips on how to start getting into running?


  • Madaly320
    Madaly320 Posts: 112 Member
    I want to know the same thing. I can't run for anything. It's almost like I can't figure out how to breathe properly. I want to run so bad!! It's not even that I'm tired, I just have trouble breathing. Only when I run. I can do all sorts of other things without problem.
  • jthramann
    jthramann Posts: 25 Member
    Glad someone else feels the same way.. I guess we need to "learn" how the breathe right? Its frustrating though!
  • drfalktorres
    drfalktorres Posts: 30 Member
    Learn to be okay that you're not as fast as you think you should be.

    Once you run...just to run...the lack of pressure makes it more enjoyable. I had to teach myself that I'm still a runner even if it is slow-- then over time, my paced increased...but is still nothing to brag about except that it's faster than sitting on the couch! :-)
  • uscooleys
    uscooleys Posts: 34 Member
    You might look at a program like Couch to 5K that will ease you into a running program slowly. You may find that helps you adapt your breathing as you go.

    Good luck!
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    Take a five minute walk, then just start out running one minute and walking two minutes, see if you can build this up to thirty minutes. When it gets too hard, shuffle run, run on the spot, or run half as fast. Notice if you seem to be breathing too fast and slow it down. PM me if you have questions or when you get to thirty minutes and want to know what to do next.
    Stretch calfs, quads, glutes, and hamstrings after your run.
    You can also download c25k or another learn to run app for your phone. Search "run" or "c25k" here at mfp for more advice. You can run!!:)
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    Most of the time, its that you're running much faster than you should.

    Find a slow pace and run slower than that. It will come around in time.

    Nothing wrong with walking then running, back and forth. Many programs utilize this for beginners.
  • Foulque
    Foulque Posts: 16 Member
    I was exactly like you before and Couch to 5K is what got me to run. It's a 9 week program to ease you into running. You start out with jogging and walking intervals and as the weeks go on the jogging intervals get longer and the walking intervals get shorter and less frequent. But as if by magic, it's like you're always able to cope with the new incremental challenges it is throwing at you. Finally, you find you are able to run 30 minutes without stopping. It is miraculous. I totally recommend it.

    With that program I had the foundation to then do a 6 week Bridge to 10K course. The idea that I could go from zero endurance to running 10K without stopping in the space of 15 weeks is still quite unbelievable to me. It is totally possible.
  • jthramann
    jthramann Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks! I just downloaded an app for it.. we'll see how it goes!
  • wildcatfoleygirl
    Have you told your Dr.about this...I have a friend who has exercise induced asthma..she takes something 30 minutes before she works out..that is the only time she has it!!
  • pmur
    pmur Posts: 223 Member
    This was me 10 weeks ago! Now I can run 3 miles non stop. I trained using the couch to 5 k program. I downloaded the app on my iPhone and followed the program end to end. I got all the information from the C25k group here on MFP.
    It is a 9 weeks program(3 days a week) where you start by running/walking(1 min/1.5 mins - 6 times). By the end of the 9 weeks I was running 35 mins. There are apps that you can download or you could follow the program here -
    I personally preferred the app because I didn't have to keep track of the time or set a timer for the same.
    Joining the couch to 5k group here was the best thing I did to supplement my training. Got loads of great information and motivation.

    Hope this helps.
  • bluearmy28
    bluearmy28 Posts: 39 Member
    Over the years I have seen and helped people with this same problem. I have discovered 2 things, either there's something medically wrong or its all mental. Usually its the mental part. If your not use to running then you will have to teach yourself and usually the biggest hurdle is convincing yourself you can run. Get past that mental block that it hurts, I can't breath, I am not a runner. Find a starting pace that you can maintain physical wise then focus on keeping moving. I love to run and I am a fairly decent runner. I am able to run fairly long distances without stopping at a good speed BUT within the first 2 minutes my brain is telling me not to run and I have to get my breathing under control. Almost every time I face that mental wall but I always climb it and I am able to have a good run. In fact one of the better runners I know will tell you the samething, she still to this day has that mental fight but the more you win it, you know its just a small obstacle.

    Like I said it could be medical/health related and you could go to the doctor to make sure that's not the case. If its not the case then you know you fighting it mentally. The only way you will win that mental fight is to face it head on and push yourself at a healthy pace. Running is very rewarding but it is work no matter what speed you run, for how long and how much experience you have at it. Good Luck to you and I hope you can get it figured out so you can enjoy running.
  • jthramann
    jthramann Posts: 25 Member
    I dont think I have any medical problems like that. Like I said I can do other types of cardio for extended periods of time and I am fine.. Its just running... But thanks for the concern! :)
  • bluearmy28
    bluearmy28 Posts: 39 Member
    Then just slowly work on it. It may just be a weakness. I have several of them in the gym and fitness world that I am not good at and struggle with but it challenges me to get better at those things. Good luck, keep us posted.
  • jthramann
    jthramann Posts: 25 Member
    Then just slowly work on it. It may just be a weakness. I have several of them in the gym and fitness world that I am not good at and struggle with but it challenges me to get better at those things. Good luck, keep us posted.

    Thank you! So supportive :)
  • MindMelter
    MindMelter Posts: 18 Member
    I understand what you are going through, as I have before as well! Hiring a running coach has completely helped me with this issue--and it is SO much more affordable than you would imagine. I would strongly suggest you research coaches in your area (I did a google search for my area and came up with several). Good luck!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Run slow, my guess is your trying to run too fast you should be able to hold a conversation while running. Don't worry if it's slow or even slower than walking speed will come in time
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Running on a treadmill in the gym is like torture. Running on pavement along the road is like torture. Running on dirt trails in the hills is like heaven! It's physically and mentally amazing - to me anyway. Maybe you just need a change of scenery...

    Also, don't run fast as a beginner. "Run" as slowly as you need to, even if it's barely a shuffle - you can build up your speed with time. A lot of people hate running, get injured, and/or burn out because they are trying to do too much too fast. Just get on the trail and chill. You could start by walk-running.

    Some people rave about C25K. I haven't used it but it's supposed to be a great starter program.