TheyCallMeShy Member


  • Yes I am trying to lose weight everyone actually I'm continuing to lose weight I know all the information about calorie deficit and blah blah blah which I have lost 1 stone and 4 pounds from all that information. All I want to do is to work my legs and tone them, the cardio that I'm doing is decreasing the size of my legs…
  • I'm doing cardio 6 times a week. I wanted to include 2 days of leg day because I want to tone my legs. If I do start to work on my legs then my cardio will be 4 times a week instead of 6.
  • Thank you for all the advice, I have now used your advice and information that I have found online to create a simple routine can you guys tell me what you think!! 12 reps of each exercise with 15 seconds rest in between 1. Squats without dumbells 2. Squats with dumbells 3. Lunges without dumbells 4. Lunges with dumbells…
  • That is the exact reason why I'm starting now. I have one more year of college which i am currently doing sport and exercise science. After that i'm going to uni to do a degree in sports therapy. I dont want to go to uni to do a sports degree and not be healthy...a bit contradicting i think lol :laugh:
  • Thank you to everybody for the advice and motivation. Being 18 and losing weight is harder than i thought due to having to fit it around college and everything. My family are supportive but MFP is great knowing that everybody is trying to achieve the same thing! I really do appreciate the help with my weight loss!
  • Well Done!!! Keep going!
  • Well I am 12stone and 3 pounds and my goal weight is to being 11stone and 10pounds before December. That's no my final goal but i create small goals for myself to achieve until i'm finally happy with the weight that I have lost
  • [/quote] Sounds like you're doing everything very well. Read through some of the "Success Stories" of folks here that have lost it and KEPT it off. Guaranteed, they've done it doing basically what you're doing--moderate calorie deficit, moderate exercise, and moderate intake of "treats" (no "off limits" foods). If you see…
  • Thank you very much keeping me motivated!!! :)
  • I'm eating 1720 calories a day i weigh every food except when it comes to dinner however i do portion control instead of weighing it. I don't eat back my calories and if i do its very very little. MFP says with the taebo exercise that i am doing i burn up to 400 to 550 calories depending on the day. And i'm not on a strict…
  • it says to lose 20 pounds in 30 days. i only want to lose 10 pounds in the 30 days to reach my final goal which is 11 stone and 9 pounds. I was just wondering with this workout regime will it work I just completed my first day AND IT WAS HARD AS HELL!
  • I followed the macros that fitness pal have given me 213 carbs but i barely hit not on purpose I usually consume around 180 to 190. My protein is 85g and my fats is 57 g
  • that is why I am sceptical, I mean now I have carbs but I try to consume healthy carbs for example instead of white rice i eat brown rice, and oatmeal and wholemeal bread, but I don't cut carbs for my dinner so I might have potatoes or white rice or pasta then. Do you think this is hindering my weight loss? Could I have…
  • I don't understand what you mean? thavoice
  • I have already lost 11 pounds already, on the 4th of april i was 13stone and 5 pounds, i am currently 12stone and 8 pounds, and my calorie intake is 1700 do you think I will still be hungry? On the 4th
  • sorry guys I meant 13 stone and 5 pounds and now I'm 12 stone and 11 pounds should of made that clear. I'm eating 1700 calories day, however when I exercise I burn over 400 calories so I might consume 1800 on my work out days. I do eat very clean however there are sometimes I may have a sweet snack for example a few…
    in HELP! Comment by TheyCallMeShy May 2014
  • A low carb diet is not the way to go. Carbohydrates is your primary source of energy if you have low carbs or no carbs, your energy levels will be low therefore it will make it extremely hard for you to work out. Even though this method is effective, it is not effective for the long run. This means by going a carb diet you…