For the last week, i have not worked out and my diet has been awful, as if I dont record what I eat which I havent for the past week I over eat and eat things I shouldn't. However I have only put on 1 pound. Tomorrow I am getting back on track but I have a question. June 30th will be my birthday and I am hoping to lose 6 pounds by then. I wanted to go on a low carb diet so cutting out 80% of the carbs I eat for lunch and dinner. But what I'm worried about is that I will have no energy to do my workouts which is 40 minutes high intensity cardio for 6 times a week. Is it a bad idea or should I be okay to do my workouts.


  • bekahlou75
    bekahlou75 Posts: 304 Member
    Your profile says you only have 8 pounds to lose until goal weight. You want to lose 6 of those pounds in 1 month. You can do it but I think you'll be hungry. And it'll probably just be water weight mostly. As soon as you eat your birthday cake and you'll gain it back.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    Hope you are ok.

    Is it one of those elevated ones like at the YMCA or just off the actual track in like a football stadium or whatever?
  • TheyCallMeShy
    TheyCallMeShy Posts: 28 Member
    I have already lost 11 pounds already, on the 4th of april i was 13stone and 5 pounds, i am currently 12stone and 8 pounds, and my calorie intake is 1700 do you think I will still be hungry? On the 4th
  • TheyCallMeShy
    TheyCallMeShy Posts: 28 Member
    I don't understand what you mean? thavoice
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Cutting out 80% of your carbs will make you feel less energetic. I realize your birthday is at the end of June, but is there really that much of a rush to get those last few pounds?

    Why not just get back on the serious track and not restrict your carbs? Do what you normally do for your workouts, eat the way that works for you without making you feel like you are sacrificing. Keep it healthy. You've gotten this far with doing what works for you, why change it now?

    But, if you are serious about it, you have to pay attention to your body during the time you are restricting your carbs. Don't just give yourself the excuse that it's only for one month. Really listen if you get to the point where you feel like you have no energy left to just get through your day. You could do yourself more harm than good if that gets to be the case.
  • Sobus76
    Sobus76 Posts: 242 Member
    my .02 just count your calories, dont do the fad low carb diets and you'll hit your goal. from my experience when i've cut out foods i love and have tried wonky diets, i've failed. not only did i fail i did exactly what you did, go bananas on bad food. i did the adkins diet before losing 72 lbs, i stopped and gained 84 back and was the heaviest in my life.
    6lbs in a month isnt unrealistic, just track what you eat. good luck
  • TheyCallMeShy
    TheyCallMeShy Posts: 28 Member
    that is why I am sceptical, I mean now I have carbs but I try to consume healthy carbs for example instead of white rice i eat brown rice, and oatmeal and wholemeal bread, but I don't cut carbs for my dinner so I might have potatoes or white rice or pasta then. Do you think this is hindering my weight loss? Could I have lost more
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I don't know what your macros are now but if I go below 40% of calories from carbs I get very cranky and have no energy.
  • TheyCallMeShy
    TheyCallMeShy Posts: 28 Member
    I followed the macros that fitness pal have given me 213 carbs but i barely hit not on purpose I usually consume around 180 to 190. My protein is 85g and my fats is 57 g
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Hope you are ok.

    Is it one of those elevated ones like at the YMCA or just off the actual track in like a football stadium or whatever?
