Veele_ Member


  • I'm like you 5'4.5" and my lowest was 130lbs. I've since (3 years ago) unfortunately put on 25lbs and can't seem to get my head around dieting again. While that's neither here nor there, at 130 I was skinny around my waist and chest, but still packed a bit of "punch" around my hips and bottom. This is my natural body shape…
  • A mixture of speed sessions with intervals and slower longer runs will both help build up your endurance. The fast intervals will make your normal runs feel more comfortable, whilst slowing down whilst building up your mileage will help build up your stamina/endurance. Don't increase your weekly mileage by more than 10%.…
  • You're getting sore because you're loading your muscles differently to your every day walking and moving. Running has a different impact therefore your legs will find it hard to begin with. Warm up well with a brisk walk, start out very slow, and stretch well. You may not be stretching properly either, if you can get…
  • I started with zero fitness, therefore I think both were hard. By building up gradually, my endurance and strength has improved greatly. Some have already mentioned but when starting out or when building up endurance it's important to go slow. Speed does come naturally as you progress but don't ask too much of your body…
  • Nothing out of the ordinary. Avoid too much fibre pre-race evening and morning, hydrate well day before. Breakfast is normally slow release carbs for me, porridge or wholegrain wheat cereal. If porridge is too fibrous, try something more refined, such as corn flakes, white toast, etc. I don't think carb loading is…
  • Slow down. If you're struggling, you've gone too fast. Key to endurance is slow long runs. Listen to your body. If the altitude is a major change then it is going to affect your running. I am a running group leader and am always advising my runners to slow down if something is feeling challenging. Soon enough you will…
  • How about swimming, yoga, pilates? What kind of restrictions/limitations do you have in terms of your health? Is it permanent or an injury that may or may not get better? Pilates is especially good if you're going through injury rehab and if you find a qualified instructor they will be able to guide you through exercises…
  • I personally am against exercise videos and gimmicky home equipment. I've yet to meet a person who has stuck to exercise like this for life. Find an exercise form you enjoy, be it walking, running, cycling, pilates, swimming etc. If it gets you out the house, all the better, you won't have chores and TV to distract you.…
  • I agree, you can eat pizza mcdonalds chocolate etc...but can you expect to not feel hungry if you spent your calories on a bar of chocolate instead of a proper meal? A balanced diet can include all those things if kept within reason. Oatmeal is probably one of the better choices you can have from Mcdonalds so well done. I…