just wanna cry :O(



  • happyhappyjoy72
    I don’t eat back all my work out calories. I did have two bad days last week, Friday and mother’s day. But other than them two I have been pretty good.. I do roughly 40 min of elliptical 4-5 days a week and might throw in cardio kickboxing on Fridays. I know I do need to up my water. That’s hard , I like to have a beer after work “my job stresses me out”.
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    Try something different. If what you're doing isn't working, then you need to try something else.
    I suspect that something in your diet is tripping you up. Are you tracking your food and intake water accurately? No cheating? Those cheats'll get ya. Even the "little" ones.
    I've discovered (while on the 17-Day Diet) that eating carbs late in the day -- even when my calories are completely on target -- cause a weight shift in the morning. In fact, I am probably carb-sensitive.
    By following the 17-Day Diet (with minimal cheating :) I was able to drop 10 pounds in the first 17 days. In the second 17 days, I'm hoping for 5 pounds, but the foods change and the weight loss isn't quite as fast.
  • ltlemermaid
    ltlemermaid Posts: 637 Member
    I looked through your food diary to see what you are doing. You need to log everything you eat. I noticed in the beginning of May you only logged in breakfast and nothing else. I'm hoping that is not all you had for the day and you simply didn't log foods. What helped me is to log everyday everythinig even if it was bad or an estimate. Keep your sodium down and eat lots of fruits and veggies. I started doing this and got out of plateau that I was stuck in for 3 weeks.

    If you are truely not eating anything past the breakfast than that is your problem and why you haven't lost anything even with exercise. You need to eat a minimum of 1200 calories -more depending on your starting weight and height. You should also eat back your exercise calories or most of them. your body needs food/nutrients to function properly, If you eat the way you should, every meal you will not be hungry. snacking on fruits and veggies even plain popcorn helps too.

    Feel free to friend me or just look through my diary (not always perfect but I'm human) to help you out.
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    I've been on here for 25 days....this time around....I actually started in January but wasn't doing what I needed to do...charting food....even when its a bad day....you gotta see what your putting in...even if its just a bite! I did that for a few weeks before I actually saw it...you know....I have to say for me I couldn't eat right and exercise all at once...so I focused on just eating right for a week or two and then added working out...and I don't do a 1 hour workout. I do like 20 min workouts ( there are some great ones on demand/cable) and I walk and ride my bike now...still only doing 20 mins of some workout ( I use the 10 lb slimdown...its NOT too hard) and then try to walk a mile or so...in the last 25 days I have built up to 4 miles...but I started small and workout on it. I have a loooooong way to go and I figure if I go full force I won't finish the race...so ease up....remember you didn't add it all at once. And YOU MUST eat the calories you earn from working out...You will see alot of people here that don't but you don't your metabolism to slow down which is what will happen...and you WILL go into starvation mode....I haven't been able to eat every single calorie but most of them...and have lost every week in these last 25 days...You can do this...

  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    Keep at it! It takes time. I did take a quick look at your diary. Try eating a little cleaner. Instead of the 100 calorie snack pack try some veggies with hummus or a piece of fruit. Those types of foods will help you to feel fuller longer. Some of my fav snacks are: carrots and hummus, apple with a tbsp of peanut butter, banana, a small salad with oil (very small amount) and red wine vinegar.

    Also, I notice you have a beer or 2 almost every day. I too love to have my daily drink (Usually mine is a glass of wine) and occasionally some beers. However, I can tell a huge difference since I started limiting myself to a few a week.

    Lastly, be sure to get enough water. Anytime I feel hungry I drink a glass of water. If I am still hungry after that then I have a snack. However, most of the time I find I am just thirsty. Not getting enough water can you make you feel hungry when in reality your body really just wants water.

    Good Luck!
  • lanenalatina
    lanenalatina Posts: 239 Member
    Don't quit, don't give up, I know exsactly what you going throw cry all you want b/c it helps when u take it all out, feel free to add me and we can help each other throw this. But don't quit you are in the right track Good luck with everything

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • happyhappyjoy72
    I just took a look at a couple days of your diary. First of all it looks like you are not eating enough. You have to eat your exercise calories. Especially if you are starving all the time. It also looks like you eat a fair bit of processed foods. Try and incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meat. Make your oatmeal at home instead of buying the stuff at McDonalds, you'll get more bang for your buck.

    Don't cry. Fight back.

    I kind of have no choice for my breakfast. I hit the gym in the morning before work and I work in an industrial park and you do not want to drink the water here and all I have for cooking tools is a microwave. I do bring my lunch on occasion or pick up a salad or something fresh from the store.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    It took a little more than a month before I saw results too. It usually does when I have been sedentary for too long. I glanced at your diary and my recommendation (for what it's worth) would be to eat less preprepared and prepackaged foods. A lean cuisine may be low cal but they are not very filling. You can get more volume and nutrition by preparing your own food, such as a big bowl of stir fried veggies and a whole grain (brown rice, quinoa, bulgar, etc.), or a whole grain wrap stuffed with greens and lean fish or chicken. Something like that. Eat as many veggies as possible because they are a low cal nutritious way to fill your tummy.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    mcdonalds for breakfast. really? sounds like you are going through detox. Mcdonalds is the problem

    hogwash. . you don't have to go without things you love to lose weight. Pizza, chocolate, mcdonald's, burger king, and I still have managed to lose 33 lbs.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Try to measure your self, this helps me the scale wont move!
  • BECav0602
    BECav0602 Posts: 200 Member
    I just took a look at a couple days of your diary. First of all it looks like you are not eating enough. You have to eat your exercise calories. Especially if you are starving all the time. It also looks like you eat a fair bit of processed foods. Try and incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meat. Make your oatmeal at home instead of buying the stuff at McDonalds, you'll get more bang for your buck.

    Don't cry. Fight back.

    I kind of have no choice for my breakfast. I hit the gym in the morning before work and I work in an industrial park and you do not want to drink the water here and all I have for cooking tools is a microwave. I do bring my lunch on occasion or pick up a salad or something fresh from the store.

    Can you bring water from home in a resusable water bottle or a gallon jug? That way you could bring a pack of oatmeal to work and heat it up there. Healthier and saves some cash. =) Also, I always make more than what I need for dinner. I work from home but it allows my boyfriend to take his lunch most days. I have one of the take along dinner plates and I fix the plate as I am putting away leftovers. This also saves us some money and allows him to eat healthier.
  • JesaGrace
    JesaGrace Posts: 799 Member
    Taking measurements would be a good thing to do too....b/c a lot of times, that's where people will see a difference before they see it on the scale and it will give you more motivation to continue....
  • denise980
    denise980 Posts: 296
    Are you measuring inches?
  • happyhappyjoy72
    I just took a look at a couple days of your diary. First of all it looks like you are not eating enough. You have to eat your exercise calories. Especially if you are starving all the time. It also looks like you eat a fair bit of processed foods. Try and incorporate more fresh fruits and vegetables and lean meat. Make your oatmeal at home instead of buying the stuff at McDonalds, you'll get more bang for your buck.

    Don't cry. Fight back.

    I kind of have no choice for my breakfast. I hit the gym in the morning before work and I work in an industrial park and you do not want to drink the water here and all I have for cooking tools is a microwave. I do bring my lunch on occasion or pick up a salad or something fresh from the store.

    Can you bring water from home in a resusable water bottle or a gallon jug? That way you could bring a pack of oatmeal to work and heat it up there. Healthier and saves some cash. =) Also, I always make more than what I need for dinner. I work from home but it allows my boyfriend to take his lunch most days. I have one of the take along dinner plates and I fix the plate as I am putting away leftovers. This also saves us some money and allows him to eat healthier.

    Good point:O) I can do that! It just never accrued to me. I just stop at Mc Donald’s out of habit for coffee and just started getting my breakfast while I was there. But I think I will just go back to getting my coffee instead.
  • Cking86
    Cking86 Posts: 39 Member
    Don't give up. Continue keeping track of your calories; even if you over eat. It takes a while for your body to acclimate to the new caloric restriction. Here's a tip that works for me. Chew gum. I find that it curbs my appetite and the actual act of 'mastication' plays a psychological trick on me, somehow *shrugs*... Also, ask yourself this question, "Are my weight loss goals too high?" What I mean is, are you looking to lose an unrealistic amt of weight so your caloric difference of what you would normally eat and 'MFPs' is so great that you feel like your starving. So you might want to re-evaluate. If that's the case take baby steps. When i first started on my path (before joining MFP) the 1st thing I did was eliminate juice from my diet. Not 100%. I only allow myself to have one 8oz cup of juice per day (P.S. measuring cups are my best friends) and water for the rest of the day. Then I started swapping white sugar for brown sugar, white bread for whole wheat. Another thing I do is buy my 'bird food' separate from the rest of my family's groceries. My family eats pretty healthy but if I am to achieve my weight loss goals there are certain meals that i make for my family (I'm West Indian) that I cannot eat. So, I take a bi-weekly pilgrimage to Trader Joe's & Whole Foods and buy items that I cannot get at my local market and no one is allowed to touch them. so while they're feasting on short ribs and macaroni pie (mac & cheese) I might have some, but not a lot, or eat 1-2 ribs and a package of stir-fry from 'the bird food' stash. Do I overeat? hell yeah! I still eat roti and Chinese food which come w/ no nutrition facts but guess what? I use that as little weekly or bi-weekly rewards for obeying MFP caloric intake...I say all of this to say DONT GIVE UP. Set realistic weight loss goals, stick to it and you will lose the weight. Good luck hun :bigsmile:
  • Veele_
    Veele_ Posts: 9 Member
    mcdonalds for breakfast. really? sounds like you are going through detox. Mcdonalds is the problem

    hogwash. . you don't have to go without things you love to lose weight. Pizza, chocolate, mcdonald's, burger king, and I still have managed to lose 33 lbs.

    I agree, you can eat pizza mcdonalds chocolate etc...but can you expect to not feel hungry if you spent your calories on a bar of chocolate instead of a proper meal? A balanced diet can include all those things if kept within reason.

    Oatmeal is probably one of the better choices you can have from Mcdonalds so well done. I do think however that you could save on calories if you could prepare this at home or at work. Swapping creamer for skimmed milk will also cut down on calories.

    Don't be scared of using your exercise calories. Eat enough and you won't feel hungry and deprived. I am currently going through a "hungry" period myself and it can be difficult to stick to any kind of healthy eating plan when you're feeling hungry. Protein is greast for staving off hunger, and slow release carbs are great for fending off low blow sugar which can lead to carb cravings. Fibre fills you up with instant effect and aids digestion. Water also aids digestion and is especially essential when upping fibre intake.

    None of us are angels, I certainly am not. We just need to listen to our own advice more often! Don't give up, just have a look at how you can improve. If making lunch and breakfast at home makes you have more nutritious and filling foods, maybe preparing a packed lunch the night before might help or getting up a bit earlier to do it first thing in the morning.

    Good luck!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Please dont quit . Keep on thinking of the cruise you are going on ! That would be a good enough motivation for me to know that even though right now you may not be seeing results it will come !
  • happyhappyjoy72
    Taking measurements would be a good thing to do too....b/c a lot of times, that's where people will see a difference before they see it on the scale and it will give you more motivation to continue....
    I took a measurement on my first day and have not rechecked. My clothes don’t feel any looser, I will check tomorrow.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    McDonalds calories lack nutritional content. If you want to lose weight without feeling crappy about it, you need to find foods where you get a lot of nutritional goodness per calorie. This means stuff like vegetables, fish, salad, and NOT McWhatever which is full of salt, carbs, fat and little else. You don't need to scrap yummy foods altogether, but you do need to figure out a way to get some plate-filling meals for 300 calories. I eat 1200 per day over 5 meals, which almost always includes 3 big, full up, filling plates of food. I make sure to eat half a plate of veg or salad with almost every meal. Including breakfast.

    For example...you had meat balls with pasta plus bread for 700 calories. My home-made equivalent is 350. Substitute non-meat meatballs, have half the pasta and make it wholewheat, scrap the bread (who really needs bread AND pasta in one meal?) for salad or put a load of extra veg in the pasta and you will have more food on your plate, feel just as full, get more nutrients and all for as little as half the calories.

    You seem very committed to cutting calories but I think you need to reconsider where you are cutting them from. McDonalds, beer, popcorn, fudge etc are fine, but only if you are also getting all your vitamins, minerals, and properly balanced meals. Look at the proportion of calories coming from "junk" vs home cooked food, and see if you can reallocate your empty calories in a more useful way. Technically a calorie is a calorie however you eat it, but if you want good health and to feel good while you do this, you've got to plan things out carefully. I still drink alcohol, eat chocolate and crisps etc, but that is a very small proportion of my daily calories, maybe 1/6 most days.
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    one thing I have been doing and seems to help.. I measure everything.. I thought I was doing good until I started measuring my food now I see how much I really was eating..

    I also think water helps it makes u feel full..

    I know what u mean about being busy I can relate.. we have several restaurants that we go to so I looked on line so when we go I know what is better for me to eat. cause when u are hungry and tired after a long hard day u are not thinking about what is good here to eat .. good luck to u.. and as someone said we are not angels.. something i work on everyday to make sure I eat better..