RUNNERS - Pre-Run Eating

EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
To all seasoned runners out there; I am curious as to what you eat the day prior to a run.

Be it a 5K, 10K, Marathon, or whatever....what do you do the day prior to the event to fuel yourself for the next day? How about the morning of the event?

Just curious to see what fueling strategies are out there.



  • codexavellum
    codexavellum Posts: 112
    I know alot of people do carb-loads before a race (pasta)
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    It depends for me.

    For a 5k distance I usually don't "purposely" eat before I run. I might drink some water but no other real planning.

    For a 10k distance I usually drink some water but don't eat anything either unless it's early in the morning. I will eat some 1/2 peanut butter 1/2 nutella toast or some almonds and dried fruit.

    13 miles or more I will definitely eat before. I usually eat some greek yogurt 30 min or more before or a PB&N sandwich. I also bring something to eat on the way. I love the strawberry GU chomps but I do use dried fruit too.

    Ah, I forgot to say that I tried the carb load the night before and it was a bad idea. I had to use the bathroom several times right before the race and my digestive tract was not too happy with me. I was told if I was going to get a large source of carbs to do it at least 2 nights before and eat a good but not 'heavy' meal the night before.
  • bryony_pie
    bryony_pie Posts: 40
    the night before a race, I will eat something I commonly eat for dinner that is well-balanced, like grilled chicken, brown rice, and a side salad. I make sure to eat enough carbs (without going crazy) and not eat anything that my digestive system isn't used to (coconut curry is probably a bad idea!). I also stay far away from beans and chickpeas, which caused some digestion trouble during the last ten miler i did!

    The morning of a race, I make sure to eat two hours before the start of the race (which is sometimes the second I wake up), and I always have half of a half white flour/half wheat flour bagel with real jelly (for the sugar) and a banana. I usually opt for half of a five-hour energy drink instead of my usual coffee.
  • bryony_pie
    bryony_pie Posts: 40
    Oh, and during all of my longer runs (10-13 miles) I will bring PowerBar Energy Blast chews or Gu Chomps. They really come in handy once your legs start to get wobbly!
  • Veele_
    Veele_ Posts: 9 Member
    Nothing out of the ordinary. Avoid too much fibre pre-race evening and morning, hydrate well day before. Breakfast is normally slow release carbs for me, porridge or wholegrain wheat cereal. If porridge is too fibrous, try something more refined, such as corn flakes, white toast, etc.

    I don't think carb loading is necessary for a race that takes less than 75mins. So for a 5 and 10k your glycogen levels won't deplete completely and you won't need to fuel during the run either.

    Don't try anything new on the night before race, you don't know what effect it will have on your digestion.

    Anyway, everyone is different, you need to practice a few times to get it right. If you're doing a longer race and need fuel during the run, don't fuel on bars, gels etc that you haven't tried and tested before.
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I eat as I normally would the day before, I try not to change anything up as I don't want my system shocked, it no different than when I run that for a training route.

    The day of, I do a protein shake for breakfast, coffee, and take a banana to the start of the race with me. I keep my diet fairly low carb, so need the bit of extra on race day.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I've run a few half-marathons and I don't do anything special the day before. Morning of the race I have a PBJ sandwich and coffee.

    For a short race like a 5K probably just a yogurt and a coffee.