

  • Thanks ladies! I'm excited to start my routine. :)
  • Who knew a thread about working out with my boyfriend would devolve into me getting told off for my living situation? :bigsmile:
  • lolololololol I like the assertion that I'm clingy - like I said, the boyfriend and I have opposite work schedules, so I see him about an hour or two a day, and we LIVE together. To everyone else, thanks for sharing your experiences. I've lifted heavy in the past under the supervision of a pro so I know I have decent form…
  • I've always found lifting heavy to be a great technique for losing weight! The more muscle you build, the more efficient your metabolism runs - see this article from the University of New Mexico: http://www.unm.edu/~lkravitz/Article%20folder/metabolismcontroversy.html Plus, it'll help your bones grow stronger and decreases…
  • What about the texture bothers you? My parents always steamed veggies in the microwave - it keeps them crisp and flavorful - and I grew up loving almost all veggies. So it was very confusing to me when I would go to friends' houses, eat at the cafeteria, etc. and find mushy green beans, limp broccoli, etc. If that's the…
  • Thanks for the replies! We do hike together now and then, which is nice, but I'm not sure if he's up for a gym workout together. I will say we've been together for about a year so flirting and getting distracted is not really a concern :laugh: Maybe I'll just ask him to give it a try and see how it goes - we're fairly…
  • 23 coming up on 24! Nice to see so many people my age around. :)
  • If you like sweet things, you might try my handy-dandy quick oatmeal recipe. 1/2 to 3/4 cup instant oats enough almond milk to cover the oats (you can do vanilla if you like!) frozen fruit (I like berries usually but peaches are also delish) drizzle of maple syrup (or your favorite sweetener) and toss it in the microwave…
  • In my first year in the professional world – I work in higher ed fundraising as a marketing/comms coordinator. It’s a good job in a very active city but I’ve found the sedentary office lifestyle kind of a shock. Used to walk to class every day, but now I drive to work – I could walk pretty easily but I have obligations…
  • Starting weight: 150 May goal: 145 Guess I should probably buy a scale...!
  • Thanks Kalie! Added. :glasses:
    in New to MFP! Comment by ktg503 May 2014
  • I'd say try everything you can, but be somewhat sensible about portion sizes. I always find when I'm traveling that I end up walking so much that any extra calories get about balanced out - I even lost about 7 pounds my first 6 weeks living in Spain despite stuffing my face with delicious food and wine just because I…
  • OH I almost forgot! I do a protein-packed healthy egg salad with greek yogurt too. Hard boiled eggs (you can just do whites if you want), greek yogurt, avocado, shredded greens (I usually do spinach but kale is good too!), a little hot sauce or paprika, and capers. Mash it all together and enjoy on toast!
  • I use it in healthy mac and cheese! Mixed with some white cheddar it really brings out the sharp taste. Gotta get the protein in!
  • Paprika chicken and avocado salad and a honey-lime vinaigrette! http://cookswithcocktails.com/chicken-and-avocado-salad-with-homemade-honey-lime-dressing/
  • You might try roasted with balsamic vinegar as well. I do brussel sprouts that way and it's heavenly, but you can also do carrots, asparagus, broccoli, etc. Just slosh some balsamic over and add a little EVOO and black pepper if you like some spice.
  • Bibimbap!!! So customizable, easy to pack in a TON of veggies all at once, lots of protein, quick to make, can be low-cal depending on what you put in it, and DELISH. Plus, I mean, just look at it...GORGEOUS! http://www.savorysimple.net/dolsot-bibimbap/