Gaining muscle losing fat through heavy weights!

Looking for some friends that are also trying to gain muscle and lose fat with heavy weightlifting. I recently decided that this is what i wanted to do now that I've lost a decent chunk of weight. I refuse to keep losing weight and becoming smaller but never toning up so I want some friends who are on the same/similar journey that are interested in sharing support and tips with!


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if you still have fat to loose, then continue eating at a defciet, lift your weights, enjoy looking more muscluar and don't worry so much about 'gaining muscle'.

    sorry for sounding a bit douchie
  • ktg503
    ktg503 Posts: 20
    I've always found lifting heavy to be a great technique for losing weight! The more muscle you build, the more efficient your metabolism runs - see this article from the University of New Mexico: folder/metabolismcontroversy.html

    Plus, it'll help your bones grow stronger and decreases your risk of osteoporosis, and it makes your body look good. You don't have to wait until you lose more fat. My final year of college, I took a 10 week Crossfit class and just doing it 2 times a week and not really changing my diet (which was good, but certainly not counting calories or anything) I lost 5 pounds AND 2.5 inches off my waist. Plus my butt grew another 2 inches from all the squats and deadlifts!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if you look more muscular, are stronger, and get all the other health benefits from resistance training, would it matter that much to you whether or not you were actually adding weight in the form of muscle?
  • i'm just starting out with this too!
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Looking for some friends that are also trying to gain muscle and lose fat with heavy weightlifting. I recently decided that this is what i wanted to do now that I've lost a decent chunk of weight. I refuse to keep losing weight and becoming smaller but never toning up so I want some friends who are on the same/similar journey that are interested in sharing support and tips with!

    FR sent, glad to help out. i've dropped about 30 lbs of fat and probably gained a few lbs of muscle too. I have a long way to go, but I'm not in a tremendous rush so long as I keep seeing progress.

    And no more talk about toning. We're talking about adding muscle from now on! :)
  • coffeen14
    coffeen14 Posts: 27 Member
    Thanks for the advice!

    I am pretty excited about starting this and am looking forward to keeping up to date with everyone!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Looking for some friends that are also trying to gain muscle and lose fat with heavy weightlifting. I recently decided that this is what i wanted to do now that I've lost a decent chunk of weight. I refuse to keep losing weight and becoming smaller but never toning up so I want some friends who are on the same/similar journey that are interested in sharing support and tips with!

    Similar goal here as I try to at least preserve my LBM, at best gain a little muscle mass. Maybe a few vanity pounds, my not many as far as losing is concerned at this point. Sending request.