Looking for other professional women on here!



  • samonmission
    samonmission Posts: 62 Member
    I am a software professional / team supervisor..

    I agree with you 110% about the temptations we are surrounded by at the work.

    I lost 12lbs last year but reduced my activities by end of the year and ended up gaining back 6lbs.. :(

    Trying to get back on track as well Feel free to add me in ~
  • geekishgirl
    geekishgirl Posts: 117 Member
    I went from working in retail as a grunt and being on my feet all day every day, constantly moving to working in an office. I gained 40 pounds in one year from all of the goodies that people bring in, the lunches out with the boss, and the candy that I ate out of complete bordem.

    I am working on eliminating these temptations from my brain as temptations and I try to remind myself how much better I feel without them. It's tough though. After saying no last week to cupcakes, cake, donuts, pizza, In N Out, and cupcakes again... I broke this week when there was another birthday cake.

    There are seriously only 35 people that work here and we aren't all here at the same time! Why is there so much junk?!?
  • ktg503
    ktg503 Posts: 20
    In my first year in the professional world – I work in higher ed fundraising as a marketing/comms coordinator. It’s a good job in a very active city but I’ve found the sedentary office lifestyle kind of a shock. Used to walk to class every day, but now I drive to work – I could walk pretty easily but I have obligations immediately after work that I need my car for. Packing lunches has been difficult as well. Hoping to share some tips and recipes for healthy bring-to-work lunches and snacks with all of you!
  • lucricia
    lucricia Posts: 6 Member
    I swear they bring the doughnuts on purpose, to make you feel bad about yourself. I told myself that I was just going to never ever have it. Put it in mind that it was plastic doughnuts and look at them like they are poisonous!
  • mmoonstars
    mmoonstars Posts: 103 Member
    Indeed it is tough especially with 6 cafes and 8 coffee bars on campus here!
  • Yagisama
    Yagisama Posts: 595 Member
    I missed out on my second X chromosome, but I just had to post to say this.

    My desk is next to a big room FULL of snacks. From muffins, potato chips, to danishes and donuts, 20 kinds of candy bars, beef jerky, pudding, etc. I have to walk past this area to get to my desk every day!

    I used to grab a banana nut muffin and a candy bar on a whim. The muffin was almost 600 calories by itself !! The candy bad 250 calories. That was almost 850 calories for a snack!

    Since then I have learned to become a foodie zen master. I walk past the snacks almost levitating and deep in meditation. It was hard at first but now I avoid it easily.

    And honestly, if I'm going to eat 650+ calories and end up having to do 1+ hour of exercise, it had better be for something better than an artificially flavored muffin. :p
  • RoseyDgirl
    RoseyDgirl Posts: 306 Member
    but this brings up the interesting topic of how to best avoid the constant snacks in the office - I know myself - if I'm bored - I eat.

    So, this week I brought in some reasonably priced blackberries (finally) they're coming in season again! and a bag of halos (mini oranges) - I have these in the afternoon. In the morning, I snack on salted cashews - I try to make an 8 oz bag last a week. I crave salt and sugar in even dosages - and I find by going this route - I don't need the chips or chocolate candy that's sitting around the office.

    I'm trying to choose the lesser evils and for this week - it helped.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am a legal office manager, feel free to add me.
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    I hear you......in finance here and the office is always full of goodies. I almost always pack my lunch plus a snack. Thinking about what you are going to eat that day seems to help with temptations. If I splurge I try to add some extra minutes on my walk. The food does not go away....you just have to learn to deal! Good Luck everyone.
  • Hello I am personal trainer who runs two succesfull bootcamps. I am excited to meet snd network with new people. Nice to meet everyone.
  • Attorney here! I moved to a new position last summer and I essentially work alone, so I dont have to worry about people bringing in snacks, etc., but my bigger problem is when I dont plan ahead, I end up getting takeout for lunch and/or dinner. I also travel at least once a month out of state, and then I am stuck eating out, living in a hotel room.

    Feel free to add me! I am always looking for new friends!
  • beccagetsskinny
    beccagetsskinny Posts: 13 Member
    analyst here. :)

    A haiku for the working professional:

    work can be stressful
    Eating healthy is wanted
    donuts are better

    accountability, please.
  • can another lawyer play? we actually have a biscuit tin in the kitchen and I know where the stores are kept. And that does not include the endless cakes from birthdays, engagements, holidays etc. And so every time I want a cup of tea or coffee, I have to stand and look at all the cakes and endure the resident size 6 (UK) spouting such gems as 'oh well the diet starts tomorrow...', 'oh no i really shouldn't, ive put on so much weight recently'.... She is also the person who brings in clothes that are too big for her and then suggests I try them on.....

    So I'm clearly in need of some nice people to chat with so feel free to add me too!
  • jaleen90210
    jaleen90210 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm not in an office, but have to travel a lot for work. I am always trying to make good choices, but it's so hard. Anybody have any favorite, healthy meals when eating out? Anybody else at the 1,200 calorie level?
  • siobhanbowry
    siobhanbowry Posts: 10 Member
    I work in HR and there are always cakes in the office. Using my Jawbone UP24 with MFP which I find really helpful. Feel free to add me :-)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • cinderoosky
    cinderoosky Posts: 7 Member
    I work in HR and there are always cakes in the office. Using my Jawbone UP24 with MFP which I find really helpful. Feel free to add me :-)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    I work as an account manager at an insurance broker.... LOTS of sitting. I recently got a fitbit and synced with with MFP. Totally helps! As much as everyone complains that we get Panera brought in for lunch too much, it's a LOT better than pizza or all the other crap people eat!

    Started 30 Day Shred with Jillian (again) last night... let's see how this goes! Add me :)
  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    E-Learning Instructional Designer. The company I'm at apparently has a freshman 15 due to all the food people bring in...I've been pretty good, though. Haven't gained any weight! But yeah, healthy lunches are tough...

    I've taken to packing multiple, smaller snacks. I eat when I'm bored, and I get bored if I'm sitting at a desk all day. So I'll spend my work day munching on carrots, cucumber, and for lunch it's typically leftovers from the night before or a sandwich.
  • tdubs413
    tdubs413 Posts: 13
    I'm pretty amazed at the response to this little message board post! I was just trying to find some folks out there who feel my pain... and I found a bunch of them! We can totally get it together and rise above the endless supply of birthday cakes and catered lunch meetings!

    Side note: a mini-cupcake magically appeared on my desk two days ago. How does that even happen?
  • cinderoosky
    cinderoosky Posts: 7 Member
    Side note: a mini-cupcake magically appeared on my desk two days ago. How does that even happen?

    Woah.... do we work at the same office!? We have donuts and random cakes that appear! haha :)
  • LJeffersSW
    LJeffersSW Posts: 26 Member
    Everyone feel free to add me! I am a social worker in a hospital setting. I am also a new mommy to an 8 month old! I love having supportive friends who have the same busy lifestyle as me! :)