Are you staying hydrated? About a year ago, I checked into the hospital with a resting heartrate of 160. Granted, I was checking in because my appendix had ruptured, but when they took my vitals they thought the machine was broken and had to re-check with fingers and a clock. My blood pressure was perfect, my body weight…
You "should" be exactly at your goal (or even a little above it: MFP assumes you'll fudge it up by a few hundred calories a day), but there's no harm in being under your goal as long as you're not starving yourself.
Your body can digest it, but there are still drawbacks to getting too much protein. There are studies showing that excess protein puts stress on the kidneys and indirectly weakens the bones (to absorb protein, your body needs calcium; if your body doesn't have enough calcium to absorb all the protein, it takes calcium from…
g = grams lb = pounds-mass I know the "lb" thing is confusing at first but it's short for "libra" as in "libra pondo" which is Latin for "a pound weight." The more you know.
Your daily protein should be 1g per lb of your target weight.
You really gotta ask yourself why you're getting rid of soda, especially if you like it. You could try Jones Soda. It's still a soda, but not syrupy like the big name sodas. Or, uh... you could just try cutting back on the soda but not quit it entirely? Whatever you do, don't switch to diet. It's actually worse for you.
Not right before you go to bed, no. On the bright side, every 1500 calories you burn in excess of what you take in is one pound of fat burned. On the not-so-bright side, you're gonna be hungry tomorrow. Either sleep through it if you're not hungry or eat and stay up a little later, your call.
Absolutely nothing is wrong with carbs. People just think it's bad because of some fad diet a few years back, the Atkins Diet. Carbs are good!
For purposes of weight loss and fat burning, I don't think it makes a difference (as long as you're getting enough protein not to burn your muscles too). More weight/less reps builds strength, less weight/more reps builds endurance. More weight/more reps when you start doing like 10+ reps builds size without any increase…
Chicken Nuggets. It really depends on what nutrients in meat you're going to be missing if you cut meat out of your diet, but the best single food to replace meat is going to be beans. Really can't go wrong with beans.
It makes no difference what time of day you eat, unless you're a mogwai. Eating more frequently has been known to keep the metabolism going, but eating right before bed has only been known to keep kids believing in Santa.
Pizza. (Also a good source of sodium, but you didn't ask for "best" source)
Hunger is the cost of weight loss, but to alleviate the hungry feeling you should trust in science and eat something. Science version: How hungry you are is based on the balance of two hormones, leptin and ghrelin. The more leptin you have the less hungry you feel. Leptin is produced when you eat something and get your…
Generally, it takes 1500 calories to gain or lose a pound. More muscle mass means you burn more calories than "average" at any given weight, so be sure you're getting enough calories to compensate for that. Might I suggest milkshakes and/or Costco pizza as easy ways to gain a lot of calories (and some necessary protein and…
Caffeine is a diuretic, which in itself would dehydrate you. However, the amount of water that caffeine pulls out of you is more than amply offset by the amount of water in your tea, coffee, or soda. You can drink all the tea/coffee/soda in the world and you wouldn't suffer dehydration because of it. So, short answer, it…